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Minecraft X-Ray is a program whose primary purpose is to aid in finding
valuable ores and resources inside a Minecraft world. By default, when you
select a resource type to highlight, X-Ray will cause any blocks of that
type to visibly glow within the range of loaded chunks. The glowing can
sometimes be a bit much, so you can also toggle the glowing on/off, which
will still leave all instances of the selected resource visible on the

Additionally, X-Ray is somewhat useful for taking a look at natural
underground caves, to find out how extensive they are, or even to help
find your way out if you're lost.

The original author of Minecraft X-Ray was plusminus, who was kind enough
to provide the sourcecode for that excellent application.

Minecraft X-Ray is released under the Modified BSD License.
See COPYING.txt for more information, and Changelog.txt for a complete
list of changes since X-Ray 2.7.

See TODO.txt for a list of known bugs and things that I'd like to
implement, and BUILDING.txt if you wanted some info on building the project

The official website for Minecraft X-Ray is currently:
The official forum link is currently:
Once again, many thanks to plusminus for writing X-Ray in the first place,
and providing the sourcecode so that it could be extended and maintained.


There isn't an installer for this currently.  Perhaps one day...

Windows users should be able to run the program by just doubleclicking on
minecraft_xray.exe or minecraft_xray.bat.

Linux and OSX users should be able to doubleclick on either
or minecraft_xray_osx.command (the files are actually identical).


When X-Ray starts up for the first time, it will write out a properties file
which you can edit if you want to change the keybindings or which resources
are available for highlighting.  This will be installed essentially right
alongside the ".minecraft" directory that Minecraft itself uses.

File locations:

    Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft_xray\
    OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/.minecraft_xray/
    Linux: ~/.minecraft_xray/ 

This is just a text file, and the format should be fairly obvious.  For the
keyboard mappings, you should use the key names found at the LWJGL site:

But without the "KEY_" prefix.

You can also set which resources you want to be highlightable in the app.
For specifying resource highlights, you should use the following names:

    BED                     HUGE_RED_MUSHROOM        RED_MUSHROOM
    BEDROCK                 ICE                      RED_ROSE
    BOOKSHELF               IRON_BARS                SAND
    BRICK                   IRON_BLOCK               SANDSTONE
    BRICK_STAIRS            IRON_DOOR                SAPLING
    BROWN_MUSHROOM          IRON_ORE                 SIGNPOST
    CACTUS                  JUKEBOX                  SNOW
    CAKE                    LADDER                   SNOW_BLOCK
    CHEST                   LAPIS_LAZULI_BLOCK       SOUL_SAND
    CLAY                    LAPIS_LAZULI_ORE         SPONGE
    COAL_ORE                LAVA                     STATIONARY_LAVA
    COBBLESTONE             LEAVES                   STATIONARY_WATER
    COBBLESTONE_STAIRS      LEVER                    STONE
    CROPS                   MELON                    STONE_BRICK
    DEAD_SHRUB              MELON_STEM               STONE_BRICK_STAIRS
    DIRT                    NETHERRACK               SUGARCANE
    DISPENSER               NOTE_BLOCK               TALL_GRASS
    DOUBLE_SLAB             OBSIDIAN                 TNT
    FARMLAND                PISTON_BODY              TORCH
    FENCE                   PISTON_HEAD              TRAPDOOR
    FIRE                    PLANK                    WALL_SIGN
    FURNACE                 PORTAL                   WATER
    GLASS                   POWERED_RAIL             WEB
    GLASS_PANE              PUMPKIN                  WOOD
    GRASS                   REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF       WORKBENCH
    GRAVEL                  REDSTONE_TORCH_ON        YELLOW_FLOWER

Perhaps someday there'll be an actual GUI for specifying all this.


Note that currently the mouse buttons cannot be specified in the properties
file, so those functions are hardcoded.  All keyboard commands can be
overridden, though.  The default keybindings are as follows:

        Movement:       WASD
        Fly Upward:     SPACE
        Fly Downward:   LEFT CONTROL
        Move Faster:    Left Shift / Left Mouse Button (hold)
        Move Slower:    Right Shift / Right Mouse Button (hold)

        Warp to Spawnpoint:         HOME
        Warp to Player Position:    END
        Cycle Up through Presets:   INS
        Cycle Down through Presets: DEL
        Jump to Arbitrary Position: J
        Jump to next dimension:     N
        Jump to previous dimension: P
        Lock to Vertical Axis:      L

        Highlight Ores:              F1 - F10
        Toggle Highlight Glow:       H
        Set Highlight distance:      1 - 7
        Toggle Fullbright:           F
        Toggle Bedrock:              B
        Toggle Water:                T
        Increase Lighting Range:     +
        Decrease Lighting Range:     -
        Set visibility range:        NUMPAD1 - NUMPAD6 (remember numlock)
        Toggle "explored" areas:     E
        Toggle accurate grass sides: G

        Toggle Fullscreen:      BACKSPACE
        Toggle Level Info:      ` (grave accent)
        Toggle Rendering Info:  R (on by default)
        Reload Map from Disk:   =
        Show large map:         TAB
        Release Mouse:          ESC
        Quit:                   CTRL-Q


As of version 3.3.0, X-Ray includes a mechanism to allow the user to
define custom block types.  X-Ray will read any block definition file
found inside the "blockdefs" directory inside .minecraft_xray.  This
is located at:

    Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft_xray\blockdefs\
    OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/.minecraft_xray/blockdefs/
    Linux: ~/.minecraft_xray/blockdefs/

Each file must have a ".yaml" extension, and X-Ray won't read any file
named "minecraft.yaml".  It would be best practice to name the file
after the mod you're intending to support, such as "aether.yaml".  The
file format is in YAML 1.1.  There should be some very detailed docs
contained inside the global "minecraft.yaml" file (you can find this
in X-Ray's own "blockdefs" directory, where you unpacked it).  Examples
(and a copy of the global minecraft.yaml file) can be found here:

As mentioned above, X-Ray will automatically attempt to load any YAML
file it finds in the blockdefs directory, and it will display which ones
it was able to load on the opening dialog.  If your file doesn't show up
in the list, there's probably an error in it - you should be able to
find that error in the file minecraft_xray_output_log.txt in the root
X-Ray directory, unless you launched X-Ray from the EXE version.  To
get the error report on Windows, launch X-Ray using the .BAT instead.
Linux and OSX users will see the errors on the console X-Ray was launched
from, as well.


There are three main "sliders" available to control how things are
rendered: Visibility range, Highlighting range, and Lighting.

Visibility range specifies how many chunks away from the camera the
app will render at any one time.  The minimum is 3, the maximum is 8.

Highlighting range specifies how many chunks away from the camera the
app will highlight/glow the selected resources that you're looking for.
Often (with more common resources) you'll want to keep this value very
low.  Otherwise it becomes quite difficult to tell where you're actually
going.  For less common resources (like pumpkins or clay), you'll want
to have it set as high as possible, though.  Note that this will never
be able to highlight ores outside the set visibility range.  This
option does nothing if you've toggled ore highlighting off (which is
useful to do sometimes, because even without the glow, X-Ray will
render all instances of the resources you've selected).

Lighting just determines the OpenGL "fog" value.  This is useful to have
a better sense of scale while moving around.  You can toggle into
"fullbright" mode with F, which will disable the fog entirely.

In addition to the sliders, there are a few toggles which let you set
whether to always draw water and bedrock.  Water is on by default, and
bedrock is off by default (though it will of course show up if necessary,
regardless of this setting).

The "explored" area toggle, basically just tints any blocks around torches with
a green color.  This makes it very easy to see where you've explored in
underground caves (and is fairly useless above ground).  It does this in a
7x7x7 cube centered around the torches, so the highlighting can easily "bleed
over" into adjacent tunnels where you might not have actually explored, but
it's usually very easy to tell when that's happened.

The toggle for grass sides will let you toggle the accurate grass sides
on or off.  Until version 3.2.0, Minecraft X-Ray drew grass as a solid block
of green, which I found occasionally handy while hollowing out mountains
and the like, to know where I could still dig out and where I was right up
against the edge.  X-Ray will now default to the more-accurate rendering,
but you can toggle back and forth with the "G" key.

The rendering information popup can be toggled with "R" and is on by
default.  This will let you know what these various settings are set to.


For singleplayer worlds, there will be two camera presets: the spawnpoint,
and the location of the player.  In this case, INS/DEL isn't really any
different than using HOME/END to jump directly to those presets.  If you
use X-Ray to load a multiplayer world, though, there will also be a camera
preset for each multiplayer user discovered in the world folder, which you
can then cycle through using INS/DEL.  If you've imported a multiplayer
map into singleplayer, the app should create presets for the singleplayer
character AND any multiplayer users still found in the "players" directory.

If your world contains a Nether subdirectory, you can warp back and forth
between them with the "N" key.  The app will attempt to automatically
translate your position based on where you'd go if you had just used a
portal, though this should only be considered a rough estimate.  Note that
especially when in the Nether, it's possible to warp back to the Overworld
at a location where there isn't actually any map data.  Eventually I'll
try to check for this and make sure that you don't warp outside of the
map, but for now just use the camera presets to get back into known
territory if that happens to you.

By default, if you move forward, X-Ray will move directly towards the point
you're looking at, including up/down.  If you want to "lock" the camera to
the vertical axis, you can do so with "L," at which time moving forward/back
will only move the camera horizontally.  You can still move the camera up
and down manually, of course.


In general, X-Ray will attempt to use the same texture pack that Minecraft is
using, but there may be some circumstances where you want X-Ray to use a
particular texture.

X-Ray will look in three locations for the texture information to load, in this

  1) Inside the following directory, as an override:

        Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft_xray\textures\
        OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/.minecraft_xray/textures/
        Linux: ~/.minecraft_xray/textures/

  2) From the texture pack that Minecraft itself is set to use

  3) Finally, from the builtin texture that Minecraft itself uses. This might
     be a custom texture pack if you've patched the Minecraft JAR file directly
     with a texture pack, with xau's mcpatcher or the like.

The override texture directory mirrors the internal structure of the
texturepacks, but should not be a zipfile. Right now there's really only two
files that X-Ray will end up reading from this directory: terrain.png and
misc/water.png. So, rather than packing those inside a zipfile, just put them
inside the "textures" directory and restart X-Ray, if you wanted to manually
override a texture.

Note that this *will* work for files specified in custom block definition
files (as described above).  For instance, if you're using Aethermod and want
to override the "Icestone.png" file, you'd put your own Icestone.png file into