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Glowroot Logo Glowroot    Build Status

Quick start

  1. Download and unzip the latest snapshot
  2. Add -javaagent:path/to/glowroot.jar to your application's JVM arguments
  3. Start your application
  4. Connect to http://localhost:4000

Questions, bugs, feature requests

Post 'em all to the GitHub issue tracker.


How to build it

Glowroot uses Bower and Grunt to build its web assets (dependency management, Javascript concat/minify, LESS compile/minify, AngularJS template concat/minify, asset revving and more).

To install Bower and Grunt, first install Node.js, then install Bower and Grunt from the command line:

npm install -g bower grunt-cli

From now on, building is easy:

mvn clean install

Binary and source distributions are built under package/target.

How to hack on it

Run org.glowroot.testing.ui.UiTestingMain under a debugger inside your favorite IDE. It starts Glowroot and generates a variety of sample traces to give the UI something to display and to help with manual testing. Connect your browser to http://localhost:4001.

If you are working on the UI, you either need to run 'grunt' to re-build the web assets after each change, or (better) run:

grunt serve

and connect your browser to http://localhost:9000. Note: 'grunt' and 'grunt serve' should be run from the core subdirectory.

'grunt serve' serves up the Glowroot web assets to the browser without the concat/minify/rev step, which makes testing/debugging much easier. It reverse proxies non- static resource requests to http://localhost:4001 to be handled by Glowroot. It also watches for changes to the files and performs live-reload of the assets inside the browser.

How to test it

All automated tests are run during the maven build:

mvn test

They can also be found in the following locations and run as standard JUnit tests inside your favorite IDE:

Code quality

SonarQube is used to check Java coding conventions, code coverage, duplicate code, package cycles and much more. It is run as part of every Travis CI build (see the job with TARGET=sonarqube) and the analysis is reported to

Checker Framework is used to completely eradicate null pointer exceptions. It is run as part of every Travis CI build (see the job with TARGET=checker) and any violation fails the overall Travis CI build.

JSHint is used for basic Javascript coding conventions. It is fast, so it runs on every maven build (both local and Travis CI builds) and any violation fails the build.


Glowroot source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See Third Party Software for license detail of third party software included in the binary distribution.


Performance traces for Java applications







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