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I developed this application using Spring Boot Build application by mvn clean install running application mvn spring-boot:run

  1. I used backtracking algorithm to solve sudoku


  1. Post http://localhost:8080/sudoko/rest/api for creating new board {"sudokoBoardAsString":"7...4.53...5..8.1... ...5."} "sudokoBoardAsString" is required filed value must be contains 1 to 9 or DOT value length must be 81 character

Response : status created 201

{ "id": 1 "sudokoBoardAsString": "9..2....8..8...7.2...48..3.3..7.4..9..2.1.....8....4..8..1....4....4..7..9.8.3..5" "isValidBoard": true }

2: Validating success moves Post http://localhost:8080/sudoko/rest/api/successiveMoves parameters

{ "row":8, "column":6, "cellValue":"1", "id":1 }

row required data type int valid range 0 to 8 column required data type int valid range 0 to 8 cellValue required data type int valid range 1 to 9 id required data type int id of sudokoboard created before


{ "id": 1 "row": 8 "column": 6 "isValidMove": true
"cellValue": 1 "isSudokoFinished": false }

3: In order to Solve the Board GET http://localhost:8080/sudoko/rest/api/solve/{id} Ex:- id =1 id data type int

Response: status ok 200 {

"solutionExists": true "sudokoBoadSolutionString": "913257648468391752527486931356724189742918563189635427875162394231549876694873215" }

sudokoBoadSolutionString is solution for board id 1

4.Acces Web interface through http://localhost:8080/

  1. Enter the sudoko board values you want to solve
  2. Click on create Sudoko board
  3. if your given sudoko board values valid it will create board(message will display on top) Note:- once board created you can't edit the values (Highlighted by yellow )
  4. Now start playing the Game
  5. if you enable hint option it validate the moves once loss the focus
  6. if it is success move cell turn in to green colour other wise red colour
  7. once sudoko finished it shows message sudoko is finished
  8. you find the solution by click solve button


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