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Welcome to the OpenGamma Platform!
OpenGamma's flagship technology, the OpenGamma Platform, is a comprehensive solution for analytics capable of 
satisfying the full range of front-office and risk requirements. It supports pre-trade ad-hoc calculations, 
near-real-time streaming analytics, batch/overnight risk calculations, and complex historical scenarios and stress 
tests in the same system.

Built as a completely open architecture, the OpenGamma Platform is designed so that every component can be 
individually used, or individually replaced, based on customer requirements. We don't believe in forklift 
upgrades, and we built the OpenGamma Platform so that they're never necessary: individual projects can use 
OpenGamma components when they provide a clear advantage, and later migrate additional portions of their 
infrastructure if and when time and resources permit.

Visit the developer website at for more information, downloads, docs and more

How to use the build system
You need to make sure Apache Ant and Git are installed and working.

If you've pulled the source code from GitHub
If you're an OpenGamma customer paying for access to commerical components, you'll need to start by running:

  ant init

which will prompt you for a username and password.  Enter your login details here and you will be able to access 
the commercial component.  If you're looking at the pure open source release, you can skip the 'ant init' step.

  ant clone-or-pull

will do the initial clone of each project into the 'projects' directory.  When you run this subsequently, it does a
git pull on each project, although you will probably need to edit the build.xml file to tell the git task which 
branch you want of each project.

If you've just downloaded the source tarball or are using Git and have completed the above steps
To build and publish the results to your local repository (stored in ~/.ivy2), use:

  ant build

to run the unit tests (after a publish-all-local) use:

  ant tests

which will put the JUnitReportRunner output in tests/output/html.  To build and install the example engines run

  ant install

which will create a folder called OpenGamma/ in the root.  In there you'll find a scripts/ folder which contains          Create an example database using data from a local Bloomberg terminal                  Create an example database using fake data (if you don't have a terminal)                  Run the example engine with (start|stop|restart|status|reload|debug)
                                          sourcing market data from your Bloomberg Terminal                          Run the example engine with (start|stop|restart|status|reload|debug)
                                          sourcing market data from a simulated market data generator                  Updates historical time series to latest values                       Utility to load previously zipped group of CSV files into the database                       Utility to save an existing portfolio into a zip file containing CSVs            Creates template CSV files with headers for use with

Note you should only run the appropriate init script paired with the appropriate example script.  Running, e.g. before running will cause the system to not operate correctly.

So if you have a Bloomberg terminal, cd to the scripts directory and run: start

otherwise if you want to use simulated data, instead run: start

wait for the components to load and then point your browser at http://localhost:8080 to see the web user interface

ant -p will give you all the targets available and they're pretty self explanatory.

Importing the projects into Eclipse requires following a very specific set of instructions to work properly,
see the file ECLIPSE.txt

Ivy Repositories and settings files
If you wish to set up a shared ivy repository, this can be specified as the IVY_SHARED_DEFAULT_ROOT environment 
variable.  See the ivy settings files in common/.  By default the shared repository is configured to be the
repository/ directory in the root, which is where the dependencies go when you download a source tarball that 
includes the dependencies.  If they're not present, Ivy will continue up the resolver chain until it finds the 
artifacts from the OpenGamma public Ivy repos, or fails if you do not have connectivity.

Each project's build.xml includes the common.xml file in common/ which defines most targets.  Any tasks that need
further customization can be customized by simply overriding that task (for an example, see the javadocs task in 

common.xml also includes common/ and files.  All the database settings are in
the .properties files under config/ in the appropriate project (e.g. OG-Examples or OG-BloombergExample)

More information
For more information go to


The core OpenGamma Platform wrapper project







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