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== Introduction ==

Griffon is a Grails like application framework for developing desktop
applications in Groovy. Inspired by Grails, Griffon follows the Convention over
Configuration paradigm, paired with an intuitive MVC architecture and a command
line interface. Griffon also follows the spirit of the Swing Application
Framework (JSR 296), it defines a simple yet powerful application life cycle
and event publishing mechanism. Another interesting feature comes from the
Groovy language itself: automatic property support and property binding
(inspired by BeansBinding (JSR 295)), which makes creating observable beans and
binding to their properties a snap! As if property binding was not enough
Groovy's SwingBuilder also simplifies building multi-threaded applications, say 
goodbye to the ugly gray rectangle (the bane of Swing apps)!

Grails developers should feel right at home when trying out Griffon. Many of 
Grails' conventions and commands are shared with Griffon. Granted, Swing is not
the same as HTML/GSP but Builders simplify the task of creating the UI.

Seasoned Java developers will also be able to pick up the pace quickly, as the
framework relieves you of the burden of maintaining an application structure,
allowing you to concentrate on getting the code right.

== Directory Structure ==

The Griffon installation structure is defined as follows
+ INSTALL - install instructions
+ LICENSE - project license (ASL 2.0)
+ README - this file
+ bash - griffon command autocompletion script
+ bin - griffon launchers
+ conf - griffon command classloading configuration
+ dist - current griffon buildtime and runtime distribution
+ doc - miscellaneous documentation
+ guide - the Griffon Guide
 ++ api - framework javadocs
+ lib - buildtime dependencies
+ media - griffon images and icons
+ samples
 ++ FileViewer - simple file contents visualizer
 ++ FontPicker - displays available system fonts and preview
 ++ Greet - the 1st Griffon application ever: a Twitter client
 ++ SwingPad - visual editor for View scripts
 ++ Weatherwidget - showcases animations and network calls
+ scripts - minimal set of griffon commands
+ src - application and artifact templates


A Grails inspired desktop application development platform







No packages published


  • Groovy 50.3%
  • Java 48.2%
  • Shell 1.5%