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** IST 411 Spring 2011 Final Project                 **
** Help Desk Ticket Management System (HDTMS)        **
**    Bruce Kennedy                                  **
**    Eric So                                        **

** Compiling The Program **

In order to run the HDTMS java program, you must first compile the classes.  
The primary classes are and  Compile them by using 
the following code from the command line from the root directory of the 
program files:

<bat note = "These commands are contained in the compile.bat file">

set bin="./bin"
set src="./src"
javac -d %bin% -classpath %src% src/*.java

** Setting Up Database   **

To setup the database, use the following directions:
Step 1:  Define the database in the local windows machine’s ODBC connection 
         manager by clicking the Add.... button located on the System DSN tab.  
         In the Create New Data Source window, scroll down until you find the 
         Microsoft Access Driver (make sure you use the driver that include
         .accdb file type) and then click Finish.

         ALERT:  If the drivers do not display, and you have verified that 
         Microsoft Access has been installed on the PC, then you must verify 
         that you are using the correct ODBC Data Source Manager.

         The "32-bit" version of the ODBC Data Source Manager is located 
         here on Windows 7:  %windir%\sysWOW64\odbcad32.exe .  You will need 
         to launch this version so that the proper drivers are referenced.
Step 2:  Press the Select... button and navigate your operating system until 
         you have found the Access Database that is associated with the HDTMS.  
         Make sure you type in a logical name for the database reference.  
         This string value will be used when you launch the HDTMS Server program. 
           --See section below on Executing the Server, we used 
           --ist411sp11_finalproject as our ODBC datasource name.
         Press OK.

Step 3:  Once you see the name of the datasource in the ODBC Manager then press OK.

Step 4:  Make sure that you use this datasource name as a command-line argument for
         the Server program.

ALERT:  If you still get database connection errors when running the Server program, 
check to make sure that you have compiled with the correct 32-bit Java SDK.  
This can be checked by looking at the PATH variable in the computer’s Environment 
Variables.  It should reference a 32-bit version of the Java SDK.  
Something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\lib ; making sure that 
the JDK is installed in the Program Files (x86) directory.  

In any case, the ODBC driver used and the version of the Java SDK used to compile 
must both be 32-bit or both need to be 64-bit!

** Executing The Server  **

The Server is launched from the command line using the following code (where 
ist411sp11_finalproject represents the ODBC datasource name that 
is setup on the computer where the Server is running).  

Because the rmiregistery is executed from the root directory, the 
CLASSPATH must be changed to reflect where the Server class is located.

<bat note = "These commands are included in a .bat file called launch_server.bat">

set bin=./bin
start rmiregistry

java -classpath %bin% Server ist411sp11_finalproject

Another option would be to change the directory to the bin directory, launch rmiregistry
and then change the directory back before running the java command:


set bin=./bin
cd %bin%
start rmiregistry
cd ..
java -classpath %bin% Server ist411sp11_finalproject

** Compiling The Client  **

The IP address of the computer where the Server program is running must be 
the command-line argument for the Client program.  The Client is launched 
from the command line using the following code (where represents 
the IP address of the Server program, you can also use localhost if the 
server and the client are running on the same computer):

<bat note = "These commands are included in a .bat file called launch_client_bdk5089.bat">

set bin=./bin
java -classpath %bin% Client bdk5089


Help Desk Ticket Management System for Final Project, IST411, PennState University






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