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HKBU COMP4007 ATM-SS-Project Group 5

Hi, we are group 5 in the course COMP4007 2015 in Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy

This is project that built in the latest version of eclipse (Version: Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)).

How to run the project

Server part

  1. Set up a server that support PHP and put everything in php/ to your server.

  2. Set up mysql database server and run the script in sql_dump/ to build a test database with the necessary tables and records. E.g., mysql -u <username> -p <db_name> < group05_dmp.sql

  3. Change the value of prefix in atmss.bams.BAMSCommunicator and php/settings.php to match with your server.

Local part

Import the project into eclipse compile and run.

Logs the system record

The system will record 3 log files during the run time.

1. atmss_log(local) --> in the form of xml records all the operations that the user interact with hardware emulators.

2. SessionLog(local) --> records the user behaviors after the user successfully log into the system.

3. Server log(server) --> records all the requests from ATM machiens, can be viewd by log.html with the password of group05 log in password


  1. The ATM-SS_Demo_V1.0.jar we provide is a runnable java program and it will connect to our server.

    Database infomation(22/11/2015):

     MariaDB [group05]> show tables;
     | Tables_in_group05 |
     | accounts          |
     | cards             |
     MariaDB [group05]> select * from accounts;
     | account_no  | card_no      | balance    |
     | 15494572221 | 981370846450 |     150000 |
     | 15498562384 | 981358459216 |      46044 |
     | 23651154897 | 981370846450 |      80000 |
     | 61945738628 | 981358459216 | 4992454.81 |
     | 79548621118 | 981370846450 |       8000 |
     | 95846285951 | 981398412504 |    6534520 |
     MariaDB [group05]> select * from cards;
     | card_no      | pin    |
     | 981358459216 | 222222 |
     | 981370846450 | 458496 |
     | 981398412504 | 804946 |

    The pin may be changed if someone tests changing password fucntion. Card Reader provides the first 2 cards if you want to play with the 3rd one, you need to type in manaualy.

  2. For more details of the project please refer to Java documnet in doc/


HKBU COMP4007 ATM-SS Project






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Contributors 4

