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How to add hibernate spatial with postgis to JBoss AS 7

  1. create a directory "modules/org/postgresql/main" in you JBoss AS 7 directory.

  2. copy the postgres.jar file (containing a postgresql JDBC4 driver) and the postgis-jdbc-1.5.2.jar file (should be in the peaktogether-ear/target/peaktogether/lib directory) to the newly created directory

  3. create a new file /modules/org/postgresql/main/module.xml containing the following xml code:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="org.postgresql">
             <resource-root path="postgres.jar"/>
             <resource-root path="postgis-jdbc-1.5.2.jar"/>
             <module name="javax.api"/>
             <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
  4. Copy hibernate-spatial-4.0-M1.jar and jts-1.12.jar (again, in the lib directory) to "/modules/org/hibernate/main"

  5. Add the following xml fragments to resources tag in the file /modules/org/hibernate/main/module.xml:

<resource-root path="hibernate-spatial-4.0-M1.jar"/>
<resource-root path="jts-1.12.jar"/>
  1. Add the following xml fragment to the dependencies tag in the same file
<module name="org.postgresql"/>
  1. add the following xml fragments to the drivers tag int the standalone.xml:
<driver name="postgresql" module="org.postgresql">

NOTE: If done correctly, you should see a message similiar to "Deploying non-JDBC-compliant driver class org.postgresql.Driver (version 9.2)" when starting JBoss AS 7.

To create local datasource

NOTE: See the How to add hibernate spatial with postgis to JBoss AS 7 section of this readme on information regarding the deployment of the postgresql JDBC4 driver.

  1. Run "mvn package -Plocal-datasource"

This will create postgresql datasource to localhost database peaktogether with username and password peaktogether. There must be postgresql JDBC4 driver deployed.

To create local datasource for tests

  1. Run "mvn package -Plocal-test-datasource"

This will create postgresql datasource to locahost database peaktogetherTest with username and password peaktogether. There must be postgresql JDBC4 driver deployed as postgres.jar.

To test with Arquillian use profile "test".

  1. Ensure you have JBoss AS7 running (clean install is recommended)
  2. Run "mvn clean test -Ptest" and tests should get executed
  3. Results can be found in target/surefire-reports

How to install PostGis2 on Fedora 18

Take a look at a tutorial at, it should work up to tne the initdb command. You can init db by:

/usr/pgsql-${version}/bin/initdb -D ${working_directory}
/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data

Create a user peaktogether with superuser priviliges and create his DB peaktogether (and peaktogetherTest if you want to test). Then login to psql with that user and execute:



Sport social network (small university project demonstrating Hibernate Spatial)






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