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Calq Android Client

The full quick start and reference docs can be found at:


For Android Studio simply add Calq as a gradle dependency in build.gradle

dependencies {
	/* ... */ 
    compile 'io.calq:library:1.1.+'

Detailed instructions for Android Studio and alternative instructions for Eclipse are available in the Quick Start Guide.

Your app must have the INTERNET permission. This is needed so the Calq client can send analytics data back to our servers.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

You also need to add your Calq write key to the manifest within your application node. You can find your key inside the Calq reporting interface. Remember to replace the text 'YOUR_WRITE_KEY_HERE' with your real key.

<application ...>

    <!-- ... normally <activity ...> and other config here ... -->

        android:value="YOUR_WRITE_KEY_HERE" />

Getting a client instance

The easiest way to get an instance of the client is to use the static CalqClient.getOrCreateClient method. This will create a client and load any existing user information or properties that have been previously set. If this is the first time the client has been used then new data is generated.

// Get an instance using previous data if possible
CalqClient calq = CalqClient.getOrCreateClient(context);

Tracking actions

Calq performs analytics based on actions that user's take. You can track an action using CalqClient.track. Specify the action and any associated data you wish to record.

// Track a new action called "Product Review" with a custom rating
CalqClient calq = CalqClient.getOrCreateClient(context);

Map<String, Object> extras = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
extras.put("Rating", 9.0);

calq.track("Product Review", extras);

The dictionary parameter allows you to send additional custom data about the action. This extra data can be used to make advanced queries within Calq.


The full quick start can be found at:

The reference can be found at:


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.