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AggSimulationTool v1.2

The AggSimulationTool has been implemented in Java to evaluate the following data-aggregation solutions: (i) Two-Tier Aggregation for Multi-target Applications (TTAMA); (ii) Data Aggregation for Multiple Groups (DAMiG) Minimum Spanning Tree (DAMiG-MST); (iii) DAMiG Shortest Path Tree (DAMiG-SPT); (iv) DAMiG selecting the parent with highest level of residual energy (DAMiG-MaxEnergy); and (v) Energy Efficient Spanning tRee (EESR).


  • Firstly, you have to verify that java is running correctly in your computer.
  • Simply, execute in terminal this command: java -jar agg.jar
  • In the GUI you can set your simulation.

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  • This is a Java project that can be imported to Eclipse or Netbeans. To do so, you must follow the default procedure to import a Java project in Eclipse or Netbeans.

Configuration Files

  • The AggSimulationToolv1.2 has some configuration files that contain the basic settings for the simulation.
  • These config. files should be stored in the directory named /settingFiles, which is located in the root dir. of the java project.
  • The directories inside /settingFiles follow the following name convention: numberOFnodes+'-nodes'. For instance, '/settingFiles/11-nodes' should store the file simulation settings for the simulation of a network having 10 nodes (10 regular nodes).
  • Each directory in '/settingFiles/' stores xml files following the name convention: numberOFgroups+'Groups.xml'. For instance, the file '1Groups.xml' stored in the path '/settingFiles/10-nodes/' should contain the setting for simulating a network compoused of 10 nodes and 1 group.
  • Example of xml file setting (/settingFile/10-nodes/1Group.xml):
<!-- Int  -->
<!--  Standard Unit  -->
<!--  Heterogeneous or Homogeneous  -->
<!-- Amount of energy. Joules -->
<!-- The initialEnergy value will vary + and - the initialEnergyVariation-->
<!-- Connected Random, Grid  -->
<!--  Distance between nodes -->
<!-- In this version all devices will be equipped with 1 same sensor -->
<!-- Temperature, Humidity, Gas, Water, Energy. -->
<!-- kbps -->
<!-- This program is not designed to have multiple Gateways. The Gateway is by default the device with index 0.  -->
<!-- Int. This version support only 1  -->
<!-- GW location: Corner (default) or center  -->
<!-- The number of DR that will be created -->
<!--  Subset selects randomly an set according to the size specified in the content -->
<!--  Next versions will implement ID, Data Type, Geographic, Energy Level and Random  -->
<!--  Group Formation algorithm. DFS (Deepth First Search) or square. Square is indicated for grid scenarios. -->
<!-- Interaction mode between the DRs. This version implements minimize, but max can be implemented -->
<!-- The DRs receives a random frequency every run or non-random -->
<!-- Control Data rate transmitted by inactive nodes. In kbps-->
<!-- Frequency of communication of inactive nodes (nodes that aren't member of any group). In seconds -->

<!--  If the sum of all subset devices is higher than the total number of devices, so there will be overlapping  -->
<!--  Char  -->
<!--  Seconds  -->
<!--  Seconds  -->
<!--  Max, Min, Avg, Count, Merger  -->
  • Besides the xml files, it is necessary to set some configurations in the file: /src/code/
  • Set the number of nodes in the network. This number should be the same used on the xml files:
		int netSize=101;//Default size. Netsizes: 32, 64, 128, 256
  • Set the path variable according to your system:
		path = "/Users/user/Documents/Dropbox/EclipseWorkspace/SimulationToolv1.2/";

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