Ejemplo n.º 1
   * See if passing in a matrix or not providing one to getQ and getR functions has the same result
  public void checkGetNullVersusNot() {
    int width = 5;
    int height = 10;

    QRDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> alg = createQRDecomposition();

    SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(height, width);
    RandomMatrices.setRandom(A.getMatrix(), rand);


    // get the results from a provided matrix
    DenseMatrix64F Q_provided = RandomMatrices.createRandom(height, height, rand);
    DenseMatrix64F R_provided = RandomMatrices.createRandom(height, width, rand);

    assertTrue(R_provided == alg.getR(R_provided, false));
    assertTrue(Q_provided == alg.getQ(Q_provided, false));

    // get the results when no matrix is provided
    DenseMatrix64F Q_null = alg.getQ(null, false);
    DenseMatrix64F R_null = alg.getR(null, false);

    // see if they are the same
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isEquals(Q_provided, Q_null));
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isEquals(R_provided, R_null));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** See if the compact format for Q works */
  public void checkCompactFormat() {
    int height = 10;
    int width = 5;

    QRDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> alg = createQRDecomposition();

    SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(height, width);
    RandomMatrices.setRandom(A.getMatrix(), rand);


    SimpleMatrix Q = new SimpleMatrix(height, width);
    alg.getQ(Q.getMatrix(), true);

    // see if Q has the expected properties
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isOrthogonal(Q.getMatrix(), 1e-6));

    // try to extract it with the wrong dimensions
    Q = new SimpleMatrix(height, height);
    try {
      alg.getQ(Q.getMatrix(), true);
      fail("Didn't fail");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
  private void checkDecomposition(int height, int width, boolean compact) {
    QRDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> alg = createQRDecomposition();

    SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(height, width);
    RandomMatrices.setRandom(A.getMatrix(), rand);


    int minStride = Math.min(height, width);

    SimpleMatrix Q = new SimpleMatrix(height, compact ? minStride : height);
    alg.getQ(Q.getMatrix(), compact);
    SimpleMatrix R = new SimpleMatrix(compact ? minStride : height, width);
    alg.getR(R.getMatrix(), compact);

    // see if Q has the expected properties
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isOrthogonal(Q.getMatrix(), 1e-6));

    //        UtilEjml.print(alg.getQR());
    //        Q.print();
    //        R.print();

    // see if it has the expected properties
    DenseMatrix64F A_found = Q.mult(R).getMatrix();

    EjmlUnitTests.assertEquals(A.getMatrix(), A_found, 1e-6);
    assertTrue(Q.transpose().mult(A).isIdentical(R, 1e-6));