  * @see ASTVisitor#visit(Block)
 public boolean visit(Block node) {
   this.fBuffer.append("{"); // $NON-NLS-1$
   for (Iterator it = node.statements().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     Statement s = (Statement) it.next();
   this.fBuffer.append("}"); // $NON-NLS-1$
   return false;
  private void convertBody(
      Statement body,
      final IBinding indexBinding,
      final IBinding arrayBinding,
      final String parameterName,
      final ASTRewrite rewrite,
      final TextEditGroup editGroup,
      final LinkedProposalPositionGroup pg) {
    final AST ast = body.getAST();

        new GenericVisitor() {
          public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) {
            IBinding binding = getBinding(node.getArray());
            if (arrayBinding.equals(binding)) {
              IBinding index = getBinding(node.getIndex());
              if (indexBinding.equals(index)) {

            return super.visit(node);

          private void replaceAccess(ASTNode node) {
            if (fElementDeclaration != null
                && node.getLocationInParent() == VariableDeclarationFragment.INITIALIZER_PROPERTY) {
              VariableDeclarationFragment fragment = (VariableDeclarationFragment) node.getParent();
              IBinding targetBinding = fragment.getName().resolveBinding();
              if (targetBinding != null) {
                VariableDeclarationStatement statement =
                    (VariableDeclarationStatement) fragment.getParent();

                if (statement.fragments().size() == 1) {
                  rewrite.remove(statement, editGroup);
                } else {
                  ListRewrite listRewrite =
                          statement, VariableDeclarationStatement.FRAGMENTS_PROPERTY);
                  listRewrite.remove(fragment, editGroup);

              } else {
                SimpleName name = ast.newSimpleName(parameterName);
                rewrite.replace(node, name, editGroup);
                pg.addPosition(rewrite.track(name), true);
            } else {
              SimpleName name = ast.newSimpleName(parameterName);
              rewrite.replace(node, name, editGroup);
              pg.addPosition(rewrite.track(name), true);
  * @see ASTVisitor#visit(SwitchStatement)
 public boolean visit(SwitchStatement node) {
   this.fBuffer.append("switch ("); // $NON-NLS-1$
   this.fBuffer.append(") "); // $NON-NLS-1$
   this.fBuffer.append("{"); // $NON-NLS-1$
   for (Iterator it = node.statements().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     Statement s = (Statement) it.next();
   this.fBuffer.append("}"); // $NON-NLS-1$
   return false;
   * returns false iff
   * <ul>
   * <li><code>indexBinding</code> is used for anything else then accessing
   * an element of <code>arrayBinding</code></li>
   * <li><code>arrayBinding</code> is assigned</li>
   * <li>an element of <code>arrayBinding</code> is assigned</li>
   * <li><code>lengthBinding</code> is referenced</li>
   * </ul>
   * within <code>body</code>
  private boolean validateBody(ForStatement statement) {
    Statement body = statement.getBody();
    try {
          new GenericVisitor() {
            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            protected boolean visitNode(ASTNode node) {
              if (node instanceof Name) {
                Name name = (Name) node;
                IBinding nameBinding = name.resolveBinding();
                if (nameBinding == null) throw new InvalidBodyError();

                if (nameBinding.equals(fIndexBinding)) {
                  if (node.getLocationInParent() != ArrayAccess.INDEX_PROPERTY)
                    throw new InvalidBodyError();

                  ArrayAccess arrayAccess = (ArrayAccess) node.getParent();
                  Expression array = arrayAccess.getArray();
                  if (array instanceof QualifiedName) {
                    if (!(fArrayAccess instanceof QualifiedName)) throw new InvalidBodyError();

                    IBinding varBinding1 = ((QualifiedName) array).getQualifier().resolveBinding();
                    if (varBinding1 == null) throw new InvalidBodyError();

                    IBinding varBinding2 =
                        ((QualifiedName) fArrayAccess).getQualifier().resolveBinding();
                    if (!varBinding1.equals(varBinding2)) throw new InvalidBodyError();
                  } else if (array instanceof FieldAccess) {
                    Expression arrayExpression = ((FieldAccess) array).getExpression();
                    if (arrayExpression instanceof ThisExpression) {
                      if (fArrayAccess instanceof FieldAccess) {
                        Expression arrayAccessExpression =
                            ((FieldAccess) fArrayAccess).getExpression();
                        if (!(arrayAccessExpression instanceof ThisExpression))
                          throw new InvalidBodyError();
                      } else if (fArrayAccess instanceof QualifiedName) {
                        throw new InvalidBodyError();
                    } else {
                      if (!(fArrayAccess instanceof FieldAccess)) throw new InvalidBodyError();

                      Expression arrayAccessExpression =
                          ((FieldAccess) fArrayAccess).getExpression();
                      if (!arrayExpression.subtreeMatch(
                          new JdtASTMatcher(), arrayAccessExpression)) {
                        throw new InvalidBodyError();
                  } else {
                    if (fArrayAccess instanceof QualifiedName) {
                      throw new InvalidBodyError();
                    if (fArrayAccess instanceof FieldAccess) {
                      Expression arrayAccessExpression =
                          ((FieldAccess) fArrayAccess).getExpression();
                      if (!(arrayAccessExpression instanceof ThisExpression))
                        throw new InvalidBodyError();

                  IBinding binding = getBinding(array);
                  if (binding == null) throw new InvalidBodyError();

                  if (!fArrayBinding.equals(binding)) throw new InvalidBodyError();

                } else if (nameBinding.equals(fArrayBinding)) {
                  if (isAssigned(node)) throw new InvalidBodyError();
                } else if (nameBinding.equals(fLengthBinding)) {
                  throw new InvalidBodyError();
                } else if (fElementDeclaration != null
                    && nameBinding.equals(fElementDeclaration.getName().resolveBinding())) {
                  if (isAssigned(node)) fElementDeclaration = null;

              return true;

            private boolean isAssigned(ASTNode current) {
              while (current != null && !(current instanceof Statement)) {
                if (current.getLocationInParent() == Assignment.LEFT_HAND_SIDE_PROPERTY)
                  return true;

                if (current instanceof PrefixExpression) return true;

                if (current instanceof PostfixExpression) return true;

                current = current.getParent();

              return false;

            public boolean visit(ArrayAccess node) {
              if (fElementDeclaration != null) return super.visit(node);

              IBinding binding = getBinding(node.getArray());
              if (fArrayBinding.equals(binding)) {
                IBinding index = getBinding(node.getIndex());
                if (fIndexBinding.equals(index)) {
                  if (node.getLocationInParent()
                      == VariableDeclarationFragment.INITIALIZER_PROPERTY) {
                    fElementDeclaration = (VariableDeclarationFragment) node.getParent();
              return super.visit(node);
    } catch (InvalidBodyError e) {
      return false;

    return true;