Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Get a Part (except a relationships part), and all its related parts. This can be called
   * directly from outside the library, in which case the Part will not be owned by a Package until
   * the calling code makes it so.
   * @param zf
   * @param source
   * @param unusedZipEntries
   * @param pkg
   * @param r
   * @param resolvedPartUri
   * @throws Docx4JException
   * @throws InvalidFormatException
  private void getPart(OpcPackage pkg, RelationshipsPart rp, Relationship r, ContentTypeManager ctm)
      throws Docx4JException, InvalidFormatException, URISyntaxException {

    Base source = null;
    String resolvedPartUri = null;

    if (r.getType().equals(Namespaces.HYPERLINK)) {
      // Could be Internal or External
      // Example of Internal is w:drawing/wp:inline/wp:docPr/a:hlinkClick
      log.info("Encountered (but not loading) hyperlink " + r.getTarget());
    } else if (r.getTargetMode() == null || !r.getTargetMode().equals("External")) {

      // Usual case

      source = rp.getSourceP();
      resolvedPartUri =
          URIHelper.resolvePartUri(rp.getSourceURI(), new URI(r.getTarget())).toString();

      // Now drop leading "/'
      resolvedPartUri = resolvedPartUri.substring(1);

      // Now normalise it .. ie abc/def/../ghi
      // becomes abc/ghi
      // Maybe this isn't necessary with a zip file,
      // - ZipFile class may be smart enough to do it.
      // But it is certainly necessary in the JCR case.
      //			resolvedPartUri = (new java.net.URI(resolvedPartUri)).normalize().toString();
      //			log.info("Normalised, it is " + resolvedPartUri );

    } else {
      // EXTERNAL
      if (loadExternalTargets && r.getType().equals(Namespaces.IMAGE)) {
        // It could instead be, for example, of type hyperlink,
        // and we don't want to try to fetch that
        log.info("Loading external resource " + r.getTarget() + " of type " + r.getType());
        BinaryPart bp = ExternalResourceUtils.getExternalResource(r.getTarget());
        pkg.getExternalResources().put(bp.getExternalTarget(), bp);
      } else {
            "Encountered (but not loading) external resource "
                + r.getTarget()
                + " of type "
                + r.getType());

    String relationshipType = r.getType();
    Part part;

    if (pkg.handled.get(resolvedPartUri) != null) {

      // The source Part (or Package) might have a convenience
      // method for this
      part = pkg.getParts().getParts().get(new PartName("/" + resolvedPartUri));
      if (source.setPartShortcut(part, relationshipType)) {
            "Convenience method established from "
                + source.getPartName()
                + " to "
                + part.getPartName());

    part = getRawPart(ctm, resolvedPartUri, r); // will throw exception if null

    // The source Part (or Package) might have a convenience
    // method for this
    if (source.setPartShortcut(part, relationshipType)) {
          "Convenience method established from "
              + source.getPartName()
              + " to "
              + part.getPartName());

    if (part instanceof BinaryPart || part instanceof DefaultXmlPart) {
      // The constructors of other parts should take care of this...
    rp.loadPart(part, r);
    pkg.handled.put(resolvedPartUri, resolvedPartUri);

    //		unusedZipEntries.put(resolvedPartUri, new Boolean(false));

    RelationshipsPart rrp = getRelationshipsPart(part);
    if (rrp != null) {
      // recurse via this parts relationships, if it has any
      addPartsFromRelationships(part, rrp, ctm);
      String relPart = PartName.getRelationshipsPartName(part.getPartName().getName().substring(1));
      //			unusedZipEntries.put(relPart, new Boolean(false));