Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void execute(final GUI gui) {
      final DialogExport dialog = new DialogExport(gui);
      if (!dialog.ok()) return;

      final IOFile root = new IOFile(dialog.path());

      // check if existing files will be overwritten
      if (root.exists()) {
        IO file = null;
        boolean overwrite = false;
        final Data d = gui.context.data();
        final IntList il = d.resources.docs();
        final int is = il.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < is; i++) {
          file = root.merge(Token.string(d.text(il.get(i), true)));
          if (file.exists()) {
            if (overwrite) {
              // more than one file will be overwritten; check remaining tests
              file = null;
            overwrite = true;
        if (overwrite) {
          // show message for overwriting files or directories
          final String msg = file == null ? FILES_REPLACE_X : FILE_EXISTS_X;
          if (file == null) file = root;
          if (!BaseXDialog.confirm(gui, Util.info(msg, file))) return;
      DialogProgress.execute(gui, new Export(root.path()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Creates new node ids and recreates updatable index structures.
   * @param data data
   * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild
  public static void ids(final Data data) throws IOException {
    final MetaData md = data.meta;
    final int size = md.size;
    for (int pre = 0; pre < size; ++pre) data.id(pre, pre);
    md.lastid = size - 1;
    md.dirty = true;

    if (data.meta.updindex) {
      data.idmap = new IdPreMap(md.lastid);
      if (data.meta.textindex) optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, true, true, true, null);
      if (data.meta.attrindex) optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, true, true, true, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Lists resources of the specified database.
   * @return success flag
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  private boolean listDB() throws IOException {
    final String db = args[0];
    final String path = args[1] != null ? args[1] : "";
    if (!Databases.validName(db)) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, db);

    final Table table = new Table();
    table.description = RESOURCES;

    try {
      // add xml documents
      final Data data = Open.open(db, context);
      final Resources res = data.resources;
      final IntList il = res.docs(path);
      final int ds = il.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < ds; i++) {
        final int pre = il.get(i);
        final TokenList tl = new TokenList(3);
        final byte[] file = data.text(pre, true);
        tl.add(data.size(pre, Data.DOC));
      // add binary resources
      for (final byte[] file : res.binaries(path)) {
        final String f = string(file);
        final TokenList tl = new TokenList(3);
      Close.close(data, context);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      return error(Util.message(ex));
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void execute(final GUI gui) {
   // skip operation for root context
   final Context ctx = gui.context;
   if (ctx.root()) return;
   // check if all nodes are document nodes
   boolean doc = true;
   final Data data = ctx.data();
   for (final int pre : ctx.current().pres) doc &= data.kind(pre) == Data.DOC;
   if (doc) {
     // if yes, jump to database root
     gui.notify.context(ctx.current(), false, null);
   } else {
     // otherwise, jump to parent nodes
     gui.execute(new Cs(".."));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public boolean indexAccessible(final IndexInfo ii) {
    /* If the following conditions yield true, the index is accessed:
     * - all query terms are statically available
     * - no FTTimes option is specified
     * - explicitly set case, diacritics and stemming match options do not
     *   conflict with index options. */
    data = ii.ic.data;
    final MetaData md = data.meta;
    final FTOpt fto = ftt.opt;

    /* Index will be applied if no explicit match options have been set
     * that conflict with the index options. As a consequence, though, index-
     * based querying might yield other results than sequential scanning. */
    if (occ != null
        || fto.cs != null && md.casesens == (fto.cs == FTCase.INSENSITIVE)
        || fto.isSet(DC) && md.diacritics != fto.is(DC)
        || fto.isSet(ST) && md.stemming != fto.is(ST)
        || fto.ln != null && !fto.ln.equals(md.language)) return false;

    // adopt database options to tokenizer

    // estimate costs if text is not known at compile time
    if (tokens == null) {
      ii.costs = Math.max(2, data.meta.size / 30);
      return true;

    // summarize number of hits; break loop if no hits are expected
    final FTLexer ft = new FTLexer(fto);
    ii.costs = 0;
    for (byte[] t : tokens) {
      while (ft.hasNext()) {
        final byte[] tok = ft.nextToken();
        if (fto.sw != null && fto.sw.contains(tok)) continue;

        if (fto.is(WC)) {
          // don't use index if one of the terms starts with a wildcard
          t = ft.get();
          if (t[0] == '.') return false;
          // don't use index if certain characters or more than 1 dot are found
          int d = 0;
          for (final byte w : t) {
            if (w == '{' || w == '\\' || w == '.' && ++d > 1) return false;
        // favor full-text index requests over exact queries
        final int costs = data.costs(ft);
        if (costs != 0) ii.costs += Math.max(2, costs / 100);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * Inserts a data instance at the specified pre value. Note that the specified data instance must
   * differ from this instance.
   * @param ipre value at which to insert new data
   * @param ipar parent pre value of node
   * @param clip data clip
  public final void insert(final int ipre, final int ipar, final DataClip clip) {

    // update value and document indexes
    if (meta.updindex) indexBegin();
    resources.insert(ipre, clip);

    final int dsize = clip.size();
    final int buf = Math.min(dsize, IO.BLOCKSIZE >> IO.NODEPOWER);
    // resize buffer to cache more entries

    // find all namespaces in scope to avoid duplicate declarations
    final TokenMap nsScope = nspaces.scope(ipar, this);

    // loop through all entries
    final IntList preStack = new IntList();
    final NSNode nsRoot = nspaces.current();
    final HashSet<NSNode> newNodes = new HashSet<NSNode>();
    final IntList flagPres = new IntList();

    // indicates if database only contains a dummy node
    final Data data = clip.data;
    int c = 0;
    for (int dpre = clip.start; dpre < clip.end; ++dpre, ++c) {
      if (c != 0 && c % buf == 0) insert(ipre + c - buf);

      final int pre = ipre + c;
      final int dkind = data.kind(dpre);
      final int dpar = data.parent(dpre, dkind);
      // ipar < 0 if document nodes on top level are added
      final int dis = dpar >= 0 ? dpre - dpar : ipar >= 0 ? pre - ipar : 0;
      final int par = dis == 0 ? -1 : pre - dis;

      if (c == 0) nspaces.root(par, this);

      while (!preStack.isEmpty() && preStack.peek() > par) nspaces.close(preStack.pop());

      switch (dkind) {
        case DOC:
          // add document
          final int s = data.size(dpre, dkind);
          doc(pre, s, data.text(dpre, true));
        case ELEM:
          // add element
          boolean ne = false;
          if (data.nsFlag(dpre)) {
            final Atts at = data.ns(dpre);
            for (int a = 0; a < at.size(); ++a) {
              // see if prefix has been declared/ is part of current ns scope
              final byte[] old = nsScope.get(at.name(a));
              if (old == null || !eq(old, at.value(a))) {
                // we have to keep track of all new NSNodes that are added
                // to the Namespace structure, as their pre values must not
                // be updated. I.e. if an NSNode N with pre value 3 existed
                // prior to inserting and two new nodes are inserted at
                // location pre == 3 we have to make sure N and only N gets
                // updated.
                newNodes.add(nspaces.add(at.name(a), at.value(a), pre));
                ne = true;
          byte[] nm = data.name(dpre, dkind);
              tagindex.index(nm, null, false),
              data.attSize(dpre, dkind),
              data.size(dpre, dkind),
              nspaces.uri(nm, true),
        case TEXT:
        case COMM:
        case PI:
          // add text
          text(pre, dis, data.text(dpre, true), dkind);
        case ATTR:
          // add attribute
          nm = data.name(dpre, dkind);
          // check if prefix already in nsScope or not
          final byte[] attPref = prefix(nm);
          // check if prefix of attribute has already been declared, otherwise
          // add declaration to parent node
          if (data.nsFlag(dpre) && nsScope.get(attPref) == null) {
                preStack.isEmpty() ? -1 : preStack.peek(),
                data.nspaces.uri(data.uri(dpre, dkind)),
            // save pre value to set ns flag later for this node. can't be done
            // here as direct table access would interfere with the buffer
              atnindex.index(nm, null, false),
              data.text(dpre, false),
              nspaces.uri(nm, false),
    // finalize and update namespace structure
    while (!preStack.isEmpty()) nspaces.close(preStack.pop());

    if (bp != 0) insert(ipre + c - 1 - (c - 1) % buf);
    // reset buffer to old size

    // set ns flags
    for (int f = 0; f < flagPres.size(); f++) {
      final int fl = flagPres.get(f);
      table.write2(fl, 1, name(fl) | 1 << 15);

    // increase size of ancestors
    int p = ipar;
    while (p >= 0) {
      final int k = kind(p);
      size(p, k, size(p, k) + dsize);
      p = parent(p, k);

    if (meta.updindex) {
      // add the entries to the ID -> PRE mapping:
      idmap.insert(ipre, id(ipre), dsize);

    if (!cache) updateDist(ipre + dsize, dsize);

    // propagate PRE value shifts to namespaces
    if (ipar != -1) nspaces.insert(ipre, dsize, newNodes);
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Replaces parts of the database with the specified data instance.
   * @param rpre pre value to be replaced
   * @param clip data clip
  public final void replace(final int rpre, final DataClip clip) {

    final int dsize = clip.size();
    final Data data = clip.data;

    final int rkind = kind(rpre);
    final int rsize = size(rpre, rkind);
    final int rpar = parent(rpre, rkind);
    final int diff = dsize - rsize;
    resources.replace(rpre, rsize, clip);

    if (meta.updindex) {
      // update index
      indexDelete(rpre, rsize);

    for (int dpre = clip.start; dpre < clip.end; ++dpre) {
      final int dkind = data.kind(dpre);
      final int dpar = data.parent(dpre, dkind);
      final int pre = rpre + dpre - clip.start;
      final int dis = dpar >= 0 ? dpre - dpar : pre - rpar;

      switch (dkind) {
        case DOC:
          // add document
          doc(pre, data.size(dpre, dkind), data.text(dpre, true));
        case ELEM:
          // add element
          byte[] nm = data.name(dpre, dkind);
              tagindex.index(nm, null, false),
              data.attSize(dpre, dkind),
              data.size(dpre, dkind),
              nspaces.uri(nm, true),
        case TEXT:
        case COMM:
        case PI:
          // add text
          text(pre, dis, data.text(dpre, true), dkind);
        case ATTR:
          // add attribute
          nm = data.name(dpre, dkind);
              atnindex.index(nm, null, false),
              data.text(dpre, false),
              nspaces.uri(nm, false),

    if (meta.updindex) {
      // update ID -> PRE map:
      idmap.delete(rpre, id(rpre), -rsize);
      idmap.insert(rpre, meta.lastid - dsize + 1, dsize);

    // update table:
    table.replace(rpre, buffer(), rsize);

    // no distance/size update if the two subtrees are of equal size
    if (diff == 0) return;

    // increase/decrease size of ancestors, adjust distances of siblings
    int p = rpar;
    while (p >= 0) {
      final int k = kind(p);
      size(p, k, size(p, k) + diff);
      p = parent(p, k);

    if (!cache) updateDist(rpre + dsize, diff);

    // adjust attribute size of parent if attributes inserted. attribute size
    // of parent cannot be reduced via a replace expression.
    int dpre = clip.start;
    if (data.kind(dpre) == ATTR) {
      int d = 0;
      while (dpre < clip.end && data.kind(dpre++) == ATTR) d++;
      if (d > 1) attSize(rpar, kind(rpar), d + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
   * Optimizes the structures of a database.
   * @param data data
   * @param enforceText enforce creation or deletion of text index
   * @param enforceAttr enforce creation or deletion of attribute index
   * @param enforceToken enforce creation or deletion of token index
   * @param enforceFt enforce creation or deletion of full-text index
   * @param cmd calling command instance (may be {@code null})
   * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild
  public static void optimize(
      final Data data,
      final boolean enforceText,
      final boolean enforceAttr,
      final boolean enforceToken,
      final boolean enforceFt,
      final Optimize cmd)
      throws IOException {

    // initialize structural indexes
    final MetaData md = data.meta;
    if (!md.uptodate) {
      md.dirty = true;

      final IntList pars = new IntList(), elms = new IntList();
      int n = 0;

      for (int pre = 0; pre < md.size; ++pre) {
        final byte kind = (byte) data.kind(pre);
        final int par = data.parent(pre, kind);
        while (!pars.isEmpty() && pars.peek() > par) {

        final int level = pars.size();
        if (kind == Data.DOC) {
          data.paths.put(0, Data.DOC, level);
        } else if (kind == Data.ELEM) {
          final int id = data.nameId(pre);
          data.elemNames.index(data.elemNames.key(id), null, true);
          data.paths.put(id, Data.ELEM, level);
        } else if (kind == Data.ATTR) {
          final int id = data.nameId(pre);
          final byte[] val = data.text(pre, false);
          data.attrNames.index(data.attrNames.key(id), val, true);
          data.paths.put(id, Data.ATTR, level, val, md);
        } else {
          final byte[] val = data.text(pre, true);
          if (kind == Data.TEXT && level > 1) data.elemNames.index(elms.peek(), val);
          data.paths.put(0, kind, level, val, md);
        if (cmd != null) cmd.pre = pre;
      md.ndocs = n;
      md.uptodate = true;

    // rebuild value indexes
    optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, md.createtext, md.textindex, enforceText, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, md.createattr, md.attrindex, enforceAttr, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.TOKEN, data, md.createtoken, md.tokenindex, enforceToken, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.FULLTEXT, data, md.createft, md.ftindex, enforceFt, cmd);