private void _buildGuestGroupBreadcrumb(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, StringBundler sb)
      throws Exception {
    Group group = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(themeDisplay.getCompanyId(), GroupConstants.GUEST);

    if (group.getPublicLayoutsPageCount() > 0) {
      LayoutSet layoutSet = LayoutSetLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutSet(group.getGroupId(), false);

      String layoutSetFriendlyURL = PortalUtil.getLayoutSetFriendlyURL(layoutSet, themeDisplay);

      sb.append("<li><span><a href=\"");
   * Creates a notification to a Group coordinator signaling that a user wants to join their group
   * <p>- Requires a groupId request parameter for the GET
   * @param req The HTTP Request
   * @param res The HTTP Response
  public void inviteAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
    // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user
    if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return;

    Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId"));

    try {

      // Get the session user
      HttpSession session = req.getSession();
      Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession");
      User user = userSession.getUser();

      // Get the coordinator for the group
      GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager();
      Group group = groupMan.get(groupId);
      User coordinator = groupMan.getCoordinator(groupId);

      // Send a notification to the coordinator for them to permit access to the group
      NotificationManager notificationMan = new NotificationManager();
      Notification notification =
          new Notification(
              user.getFullName() + " wants to join your group " + group.getGroupName(),
              "/home/notifications?addUserId=" + user.getId() + "&groupId=" + group.getId());

      redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard");
   * Displays a given Research Group page for a HTTP Get, or creates a new Group for a HTTP Post
   * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a groupId request parameter for a GET -
   * Requires a groupName, description, createdByUserId request parameters for a POST
   * @param req The HTTP Request
   * @param res The HTTP Response
  public void researchgroupAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
    // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user
    if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return;

    Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    viewData.put("title", "Research Group");

    if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) {
      // Load group data into Map
      GroupManager gm = new GroupManager();
      int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId"));
      Group group = gm.get(groupId);

      if (group != null) {
        // Load Group into map
        viewData.put("group", group);

        // Load group members into Map
        List<String> groupMembers = gm.getGroupMembers(groupId);
        viewData.put("groupMembers", groupMembers);

        // Load meetings into map
        MeetingManager meetMan = new MeetingManager();
        List<Meeting> groupMeetings = meetMan.getGroupMeetings(groupId);
        viewData.put("groupMeetings", groupMeetings);

        // Load Document Data into Map
        DocumentManager docMan = new DocumentManager();
        List<Document> groupDocuments = docMan.getGroupDocuments(groupId);
        viewData.put("groupDocuments", groupDocuments);

        // Load discussion threads
        DiscussionManager dm = new DiscussionManager();
        viewData.put("groupDiscussions", dm.getThreads(groupId));

        // Check if the user is a member
        boolean isMember = false;
        HttpSession session = req.getSession();
        Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession");
        User user = userSession.getUser();

        for (Group g : gm.getAllGroups(user.getId())) {
          if (g.getId() == group.getId()) {
            isMember = true;

        viewData.put("notMember", !isMember);

        // View group page.
        view(req, res, "/views/group/ResearchGroup.jsp", viewData);

      } else {
        httpNotFound(req, res);

    } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) {
      // Create Group

      // Get data from parameters
      String groupName = req.getParameter("groupName");
      String description = req.getParameter("description");
      int adminId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("createdByUserId"));

      // Create the Group
      GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager();
      Group group = new Group();
      // Create the mapping
      int groupId = groupMan.getIdFor(group);
      groupMan.createMapping(groupId, adminId);


      // Update the User Session to show new group
      HttpSession session = req.getSession();
      Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession");
      User admin = userSession.getUser();

      // Show the Group Page
      viewData.put("groupName", group.getGroupName());
      List<String> groupMembers = groupMan.getGroupMembers(groupId);
      viewData.put("groupMembers", groupMembers);

      view(req, res, "/views/group/ResearchGroup.jsp", viewData);
  private void _buildParentGroupsBreadcrumb(
      LayoutSet layoutSet, PortletURL portletURL, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay, StringBundler sb)
      throws Exception {
    Group group = layoutSet.getGroup();

    if (group.isOrganization()) {
      Organization organization =

      Organization parentOrganization = organization.getParentOrganization();

      if (parentOrganization != null) {
        Group parentGroup = parentOrganization.getGroup();

        LayoutSet parentLayoutSet =
                parentGroup.getGroupId(), layoutSet.isPrivateLayout());

        _buildParentGroupsBreadcrumb(parentLayoutSet, portletURL, themeDisplay, sb);
    } else if (group.isUser()) {
      User groupUser = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(group.getClassPK());

      List<Organization> organizations =
          OrganizationLocalServiceUtil.getUserOrganizations(groupUser.getUserId(), true);

      if (!organizations.isEmpty()) {
        Organization organization = organizations.get(0);

        Group parentGroup = organization.getGroup();

        LayoutSet parentLayoutSet =
                parentGroup.getGroupId(), layoutSet.isPrivateLayout());

        _buildParentGroupsBreadcrumb(parentLayoutSet, portletURL, themeDisplay, sb);

    int layoutsPageCount = 0;

    if (layoutSet.isPrivateLayout()) {
      layoutsPageCount = group.getPrivateLayoutsPageCount();
    } else {
      layoutsPageCount = group.getPublicLayoutsPageCount();

    if ((layoutsPageCount > 0) && !group.getName().equals(GroupConstants.GUEST)) {
      String layoutSetFriendlyURL = PortalUtil.getLayoutSetFriendlyURL(layoutSet, themeDisplay);

      sb.append("<li><span><a href=\"");