Ejemplo n.º 1
  private void insertIntoCalendar() {
    // Capture event title and event date and time from user input
    ArrayList eventInfo = uniquelyIdentifyEvent();
    String eventTitle = (String) eventInfo.get(0);
    LocalDateTime eventDateTime = (LocalDateTime) eventInfo.get(1);

    // Capture event notes from user input
    String eventNotes = "";
    while (!eventNotes.matches("[\\w\\p{Punct} ]+")) {
          "      Enter event notes (can contain letters, digits, punctuation, and spaces): ");
      eventNotes = scanner.nextLine();
      if (!eventNotes.matches("[\\w\\p{Punct} ]+")) {
        System.out.println("        Incorrect format for event notes. Try again.");

    // Capture the event recurring type from user input
    String repeatType = "";
    while (!repeatType.matches("\\bnone|daily|weekly|monthly|yearly\\b")) {
          "      Enter how often the event is recurring: (one of [none, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly] ): ");
      repeatType = scanner.nextLine();

    // Schedule new event on calendar from obtained user input
    try { // Try to schedule an event with the user-set parameters
      if (repeatType.matches("none$")) {
        calendar.addEvent(eventTitle, eventDateTime, eventNotes);
      } else { // schedule a recurring event
        calendar.addEvent(eventTitle, eventDateTime, eventNotes, repeatType);
    } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
          "        Error while creating event. Event date must be within one year of today's date.");