public static IntNum getFrom(String textRepresentation) { if (textRepresentation.startsWith("0x") || textRepresentation.startsWith("0X")) { return IntNum.valueOf(textRepresentation.substring(2), 16); } else { return IntNum.valueOf(textRepresentation); } }
/* Create a view of a simple-array that is an affine index transform. */ public static Array shareArray(Array array, Array shape, Procedure proc) throws Throwable { GeneralArray result = allocateArray(shape); int rank = result.rank(); Object[] args = new Object[rank]; int[] dimensions = result.getDimensions(); int[] lowBounds = result.getLowBounds(); boolean empty = result.getSize() == 0; for (int i = rank; --i >= 0; ) args[i] = Integer.valueOf(result.getLowBound(i)); int arank = array.rank(); int[] offsets = new int[rank]; int offset0; if (empty) offset0 = 0; else { int[] work = new int[arank]; offset0 = effectiveIndex(array, proc, args, work); for (int i = rank; --i >= 0; ) { int size = dimensions[i]; int lo = lowBounds == null ? 0 : lowBounds[i]; if (size <= 1) offsets[i] = 0; else { Object low = args[i]; args[i] = IntNum.make(lo + 1); offsets[i] = (effectiveIndex(array, proc, args, work) - offset0); args[i] = low; } } } AVector base = array instanceof GeneralArray ? ((GeneralArray) array).getBase() : (AVector) array; result.setBase(base); result.setStrides(offsets, offset0); return result; }
public static Color asColor(Object paramObject) { if ((paramObject instanceof Color)) { return (Color) paramObject; } if ((paramObject instanceof Integer)) {} try { Integer localInteger = (Integer) paramObject; return new Color(localInteger.intValue()); } catch (ClassCastException localClassCastException) { throw new WrongType(localClassCastException, "java.lang.Integer.intValue()", 1, paramObject); } if ((paramObject instanceof IntNum)) { return new Color(IntNum.intValue(paramObject)); } return (Color) SlotGet.staticField.apply2(Lit0, paramObject.toString()); }
public static IntNum getFrom(long javaNumber) { return IntNum.make(javaNumber); }
public Object longToObjectUnsigned(long value) { return gnu.math.IntNum.valueOfUnsigned(value); }
public Object intToObjectUnsigned(int value) { return gnu.math.IntNum.valueOf((long) value & 0xFFFFFFFFL); }
public Object shortToObjectUnsigned(short value) { return gnu.math.IntNum.valueOf(value & 0xFFFF); }
public Object byteToObjectUnsigned(byte value) { return gnu.math.IntNum.valueOf(value & 0xFF); }
public class gui extends ModuleBody { public static final gui $instance; public static final ModuleMethod Button; public static final ModuleMethod Column; public static final Macro Image; public static final ModuleMethod Label; static final Class Lit0; static final SimpleSymbol Lit1; static final SimpleSymbol Lit10; static final SyntaxRules Lit11; static final SimpleSymbol Lit12; static final SimpleSymbol Lit13; static final SimpleSymbol Lit14; static final SimpleSymbol Lit15; static final SimpleSymbol Lit16; static final SimpleSymbol Lit17; static final SimpleSymbol Lit18; static final SimpleSymbol Lit19; static final SimpleSymbol Lit2; static final SimpleSymbol Lit20; static final SimpleSymbol Lit21; static final SyntaxRules Lit22; static final SimpleSymbol Lit23; static final SimpleSymbol Lit24; static final SimpleSymbol Lit25; static final SimpleSymbol Lit26; static final SimpleSymbol Lit27; static final SimpleSymbol Lit28; static final SimpleSymbol Lit29; static final SimpleSymbol Lit3; static final SimpleSymbol Lit30; static final SimpleSymbol Lit31; static final SimpleSymbol Lit32; static final SimpleSymbol Lit33; static final SimpleSymbol Lit34; static final SimpleSymbol Lit35; static final SimpleSymbol Lit36; static final SimpleSymbol Lit37; static final SimpleSymbol Lit38; static final SimpleSymbol Lit39; static final SimpleSymbol Lit4; static final SimpleSymbol Lit40; static final SimpleSymbol Lit41; static final IntNum Lit42 = IntNum.make(1); static final SimpleSymbol Lit5; static final SyntaxRules Lit6; static final SimpleSymbol Lit7; static final SimpleSymbol Lit8; static final SimpleSymbol Lit9; public static final ModuleMethod Row; public static final ModuleMethod Text; public static final ModuleMethod Window; public static final ModuleMethod as$Mncolor; public static final ModuleMethod button; public static final ModuleMethod image$Mnheight; public static final ModuleMethod image$Mnread; public static final ModuleMethod image$Mnwidth; static final Location loc$$St$DtgetHeight; static final Location loc$$St$DtgetWidth; public static final Macro process$Mnkeywords; public static final Macro run$Mnapplication; public static final ModuleMethod set$Mncontent; static { Lit41 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("value").readResolve(); Lit40 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("name").readResolve(); Lit39 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("invoke").readResolve(); Lit38 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("getName").readResolve(); Lit37 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("quote").readResolve(); Lit36 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("attr").readResolve(); Lit35 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<gnu.kawa.xml.KAttr>").readResolve(); Lit34 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("instance?").readResolve(); Lit33 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("+").readResolve(); Lit32 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("loop").readResolve(); Lit31 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<object>").readResolve(); Lit30 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("primitive-array-get").readResolve(); Lit29 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("quasiquote").readResolve(); Lit28 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("$lookup$").readResolve(); Lit27 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("arg").readResolve(); Lit26 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("num-args").readResolve(); Lit25 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("i").readResolve(); Lit24 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<int>").readResolve(); Lit23 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("::").readResolve(); Object localObject = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("run-application").readResolve(); Lit21 = (SimpleSymbol) localObject; SyntaxRule localSyntaxRule = new SyntaxRule( new SyntaxPattern("\f\030\f\007\b", new Object[0], 1), "\001", "\021\030\004\b\003", new Object[] { PairWithPosition.make( Lit28, Pair.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("gnu.kawa.models.Window").readResolve(), Pair.make( Pair.make( Lit29, Pair.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("open").readResolve(), LList.Empty)), LList.Empty)), "gui.scm", 749575) }, 0); Lit22 = new SyntaxRules(new Object[] {localObject}, new SyntaxRule[] {localSyntaxRule}, 1); Lit20 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Window").readResolve(); Lit19 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("set-content").readResolve(); Lit18 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Column").readResolve(); Lit17 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Row").readResolve(); Lit16 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Text").readResolve(); Lit15 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Label").readResolve(); Lit14 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("image-height").readResolve(); Lit13 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("image-width").readResolve(); Lit12 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("image-read").readResolve(); localObject = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("text-field").readResolve(); localSyntaxRule = new SyntaxRule( new SyntaxPattern("\f\030\003", new Object[0], 1), "\000", "\021\030\004\021\030\f\002", new Object[] { (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("make").readResolve(), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<gnu.kawa.models.DrawImage>").readResolve() }, 0); Lit11 = new SyntaxRules(new Object[] {localObject}, new SyntaxRule[] {localSyntaxRule}, 1); Lit10 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Image").readResolve(); Lit9 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Button").readResolve(); Lit8 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("button").readResolve(); Lit7 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("as-color").readResolve(); localObject = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("process-keywords").readResolve(); Lit5 = (SimpleSymbol) localObject; localSyntaxRule = new SyntaxRule( new SyntaxPattern("\f\030\f\007\f\017\f\027\f\037\b", new Object[0], 4), "\001\001\001\001", "\021\030\004\b\021\030\f\021\030\024\021\030\034\b\021\030$\t\013\030,\b\021\030\004\021\0304\021\030<\b\021\030D\021\030L\b\021\030\004a\b\021\030T\b\021\030\\\t\013\030d\b\021\030l©\021\030ty\t\023\t\003\021\030|\b\021\030\t\013\030\030\021\030i\021\030¤\021\030¬\b\t\023\t\003\030´\030¼\b\021\030Ä1\t\033\t\003\030Ì\030Ô", new Object[] { (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("let").readResolve(), Lit26, Lit23, Lit24, (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("field").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit37, PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("length").readResolve(), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 16426), "gui.scm", 16426), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 16425), Lit32, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make( Lit23, PairWithPosition.make( Lit24, PairWithPosition.make(IntNum.make(0), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 20509), "gui.scm", 20503), "gui.scm", 20500), "gui.scm", 20497), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 20496), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("if").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make(Lit26, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 24593), "gui.scm", 24591), "gui.scm", 24588), Lit27, PairWithPosition.make( Lit30, PairWithPosition.make(Lit31, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 28710), "gui.scm", 28689), PairWithPosition.make(Lit25, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 28725), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("cond").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( Lit34, PairWithPosition.make( Lit27, PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<gnu.expr.Keyword>").readResolve(), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 32797), "gui.scm", 32793), "gui.scm", 32782), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit28, Pair.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("gnu.expr.Keyword").readResolve(), Pair.make(Pair.make(Lit29, Pair.make(Lit38, LList.Empty)), LList.Empty)), "gui.scm", 40970), PairWithPosition.make(Lit27, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 40995), "gui.scm", 40969), PairWithPosition.make( Lit30, PairWithPosition.make(Lit31, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 45087), "gui.scm", 45066), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit33, PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make(Lit42, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 45107), "gui.scm", 45105), "gui.scm", 45102), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 45102), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit32, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit33, PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make( IntNum.make(2), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 49170), "gui.scm", 49168), "gui.scm", 49165), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 49165), "gui.scm", 49159), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 49159), PairWithPosition.make( Lit34, PairWithPosition.make( Lit27, PairWithPosition.make(Lit35, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 53270), "gui.scm", 53266), "gui.scm", 53255), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("let*").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit36, PairWithPosition.make( Lit23, PairWithPosition.make( Lit35, PairWithPosition.make(Lit27, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 57388), "gui.scm", 57367), "gui.scm", 57364), "gui.scm", 57358), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit40, PairWithPosition.make( Lit23, PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<java.lang.String>").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit39, PairWithPosition.make( Lit36, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit37, PairWithPosition.make( Lit38, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 61489), "gui.scm", 61489), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 61488), "gui.scm", 61483), "gui.scm", 61475), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 61475), "gui.scm", 61456), "gui.scm", 61453), "gui.scm", 61447), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit41, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit39, PairWithPosition.make( Lit36, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit37, PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("getObjectValue") .readResolve(), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 65564), "gui.scm", 65564), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 65563), "gui.scm", 65558), "gui.scm", 65550), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 65550), "gui.scm", 65543), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 65543), "gui.scm", 61447), "gui.scm", 57357), PairWithPosition.make( Lit40, PairWithPosition.make(Lit41, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 69666), "gui.scm", 69661), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit32, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit33, PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make(Lit42, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 73746), "gui.scm", 73744), "gui.scm", 73741), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 73741), "gui.scm", 73735), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 73735), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("else").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make(Lit27, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 81951), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit32, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit33, PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make(Lit42, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 86034), "gui.scm", 86032), "gui.scm", 86029), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 86029), "gui.scm", 86023), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 86023) }, 0); Lit6 = new SyntaxRules(new Object[] {localObject}, new SyntaxRule[] {localSyntaxRule}, 4); Lit4 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("*.getHeight").readResolve(); Lit3 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("*.getWidth").readResolve(); Lit2 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("cell-spacing").readResolve(); Lit1 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("text").readResolve(); Lit0 = Color.class; $instance = new gui(); loc$$St$DtgetWidth = ThreadLocation.getInstance(Lit3, null); loc$$St$DtgetHeight = ThreadLocation.getInstance(Lit4, null); process$Mnkeywords = Macro.make(Lit5, Lit6, $instance); localObject = $instance; as$Mncolor = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 1, Lit7, 4097); button = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 2, Lit8, 61440); Button = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 3, Lit9, 61440); Image = Macro.make(Lit10, Lit11, $instance); image$Mnread = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 4, Lit12, 4097); image$Mnwidth = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 5, Lit13, 4097); image$Mnheight = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 6, Lit14, 4097); Label = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 7, Lit15, 61440); Text = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 8, Lit16, 61440); Row = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 9, Lit17, 61440); Column = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 10, Lit18, 61440); set$Mncontent = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 11, Lit19, 8194); Window = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 12, Lit20, 61440); run$Mnapplication = Macro.make(Lit21, Lit22, $instance); $; } public gui() { ModuleInfo.register(this); } public static Button Button(Object... paramVarArgs) { Button localButton = new Button(); int j = paramVarArgs.length; int i = 0; Object localObject1; while (i < j) { localObject1 = paramVarArgs[i]; if ((localObject1 instanceof Keyword)) {} try { localObject2 = (Keyword) localObject1; buttonKeyword(localButton, ((Keyword) localObject2).getName(), paramVarArgs[(i + 1)]); i += 2; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { Object localObject2; throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "gnu.expr.Keyword.getName()", 1, localObject1); } if ((localObject1 instanceof KAttr)) {} try { localObject2 = (KAttr) localObject1; buttonKeyword( localButton, ((KAttr) localObject2).getName(), ((KAttr) localObject2).getObjectValue()); i += 1; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "attr", -2, localObject1); } buttonNonKeyword(localButton, localObject1); i += 1; } return localButton; } public static Column Column(Object... paramVarArgs) { Column localColumn = new Column(); int j = paramVarArgs.length; int i = 0; Object localObject1; while (i < j) { localObject1 = paramVarArgs[i]; if ((localObject1 instanceof Keyword)) {} try { localObject2 = (Keyword) localObject1; boxKeyword(localColumn, ((Keyword) localObject2).getName(), paramVarArgs[(i + 1)]); i += 2; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { Object localObject2; throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "gnu.expr.Keyword.getName()", 1, localObject1); } if ((localObject1 instanceof KAttr)) {} try { localObject2 = (KAttr) localObject1; boxKeyword( localColumn, ((KAttr) localObject2).getName(), ((KAttr) localObject2).getObjectValue()); i += 1; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "attr", -2, localObject1); } boxNonKeyword(localColumn, localObject1); i += 1; } return localColumn; } public static Label Label(Object... paramVarArgs) { Label localLabel = new Label(); int j = paramVarArgs.length; int i = 0; Object localObject1; while (i < j) { localObject1 = paramVarArgs[i]; if ((localObject1 instanceof Keyword)) {} try { localObject2 = (Keyword) localObject1; labelKeyword(localLabel, ((Keyword) localObject2).getName(), paramVarArgs[(i + 1)]); i += 2; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { Object localObject2; throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "gnu.expr.Keyword.getName()", 1, localObject1); } if ((localObject1 instanceof KAttr)) {} try { localObject2 = (KAttr) localObject1; labelKeyword( localLabel, ((KAttr) localObject2).getName(), ((KAttr) localObject2).getObjectValue()); i += 1; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "attr", -2, localObject1); } labelNonKeyword(localLabel, localObject1); i += 1; } return localLabel; } public static Row Row(Object... paramVarArgs) { Row localRow = new Row(); int j = paramVarArgs.length; int i = 0; Object localObject1; while (i < j) { localObject1 = paramVarArgs[i]; if ((localObject1 instanceof Keyword)) {} try { localObject2 = (Keyword) localObject1; boxKeyword(localRow, ((Keyword) localObject2).getName(), paramVarArgs[(i + 1)]); i += 2; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { Object localObject2; throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "gnu.expr.Keyword.getName()", 1, localObject1); } if ((localObject1 instanceof KAttr)) {} try { localObject2 = (KAttr) localObject1; boxKeyword( localRow, ((KAttr) localObject2).getName(), ((KAttr) localObject2).getObjectValue()); i += 1; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "attr", -2, localObject1); } boxNonKeyword(localRow, localObject1); i += 1; } return localRow; } public static Text Text(Object... paramVarArgs) { Text localText = new Text(); int j = paramVarArgs.length; int i = 0; Object localObject1; while (i < j) { localObject1 = paramVarArgs[i]; if ((localObject1 instanceof Keyword)) {} try { localObject2 = (Keyword) localObject1; textKeyword(localText, ((Keyword) localObject2).getName(), paramVarArgs[(i + 1)]); i += 2; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { Object localObject2; throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "gnu.expr.Keyword.getName()", 1, localObject1); } if ((localObject1 instanceof KAttr)) {} try { localObject2 = (KAttr) localObject1; textKeyword( localText, ((KAttr) localObject2).getName(), ((KAttr) localObject2).getObjectValue()); i += 1; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "attr", -2, localObject1); } textNonKeyword(localText, localObject1); i += 1; } return localText; } public static Window Window(Object... paramVarArgs) { Window localWindow = Display.getInstance().makeWindow(); int j = paramVarArgs.length; int i = 0; Object localObject1; while (i < j) { localObject1 = paramVarArgs[i]; if ((localObject1 instanceof Keyword)) {} try { localObject2 = (Keyword) localObject1; windowKeyword(localWindow, ((Keyword) localObject2).getName(), paramVarArgs[(i + 1)]); i += 2; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { Object localObject2; throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "gnu.expr.Keyword.getName()", 1, localObject1); } if ((localObject1 instanceof KAttr)) {} try { localObject2 = (KAttr) localObject1; windowKeyword( localWindow, ((KAttr) localObject2).getName(), ((KAttr) localObject2).getObjectValue()); i += 1; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "attr", -2, localObject1); } windowNonKeyword(localWindow, localObject1); i += 1; } return localWindow; } public static Color asColor(Object paramObject) { if ((paramObject instanceof Color)) { return (Color) paramObject; } if ((paramObject instanceof Integer)) {} try { Integer localInteger = (Integer) paramObject; return new Color(localInteger.intValue()); } catch (ClassCastException localClassCastException) { throw new WrongType(localClassCastException, "java.lang.Integer.intValue()", 1, paramObject); } if ((paramObject instanceof IntNum)) { return new Color(IntNum.intValue(paramObject)); } return (Color) SlotGet.staticField.apply2(Lit0, paramObject.toString()); } static Model asModel(Object paramObject) { return Display.getInstance().coerceToModel(paramObject); } static Object boxKeyword(Box paramBox, String paramString, Object paramObject) { if (paramString == Lit2) { paramBox.setCellSpacing(paramObject); return Values.empty; } return misc.error$V( Format.formatToString(0, new Object[] {"unknown box attribute ~s", paramString}), new Object[0]); } static void boxNonKeyword(Box paramBox, Object paramObject) { paramBox.add(asModel(paramObject)); } public static Button button(Object... paramVarArgs) { Button localButton = new Button(); int j = paramVarArgs.length; int i = 0; Object localObject1; while (i < j) { localObject1 = paramVarArgs[i]; if ((localObject1 instanceof Keyword)) {} try { localObject2 = (Keyword) localObject1; buttonKeyword(localButton, ((Keyword) localObject2).getName(), paramVarArgs[(i + 1)]); i += 2; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { Object localObject2; throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "gnu.expr.Keyword.getName()", 1, localObject1); } if ((localObject1 instanceof KAttr)) {} try { localObject2 = (KAttr) localObject1; buttonKeyword( localButton, ((KAttr) localObject2).getName(), ((KAttr) localObject2).getObjectValue()); i += 1; } catch (ClassCastException paramVarArgs) { throw new WrongType(paramVarArgs, "attr", -2, localObject1); } buttonNonKeyword(localButton, localObject1); i += 1; } return localButton; } static Object buttonKeyword(Button paramButton, String paramString, Object paramObject) { boolean bool = true; if (paramString == "foreground") { paramButton.setForeground(asColor(paramObject)); return Values.empty; } if (paramString == "background") { paramButton.setBackground(asColor(paramObject)); return Values.empty; } if (paramString == "action") { paramButton.setAction(paramObject); return Values.empty; } if (paramString == "text") { if (paramObject == null) {} for (paramString = null; ; paramString = paramObject.toString()) { paramButton.setText(paramString); return Values.empty; } } if (paramString == "disabled") {} try { paramString = Boolean.FALSE; if (paramObject != paramString) {} for (; ; ) { paramButton.setDisabled(bool); return Values.empty; bool = false; } return misc.error$V( Format.formatToString(0, new Object[] {"unknown button attribute ~s", paramString}), new Object[0]); } catch (ClassCastException paramButton) { throw new WrongType( paramButton, "gnu.kawa.models.Button.setDisabled(boolean)", 2, paramObject); } } static Boolean buttonNonKeyword(Button paramButton, Object paramObject) { return Boolean.TRUE; } public static int imageHeight(BufferedImage paramBufferedImage) { ApplyToArgs localApplyToArgs = Scheme.applyToArgs; Object localObject = loc$$St$DtgetHeight; try { localObject = ((Location) localObject).get(); return ((Number) localApplyToArgs.apply2(localObject, paramBufferedImage)).intValue(); } catch (UnboundLocationException paramBufferedImage) { paramBufferedImage.setLine("gui.scm", 77, 3); throw paramBufferedImage; } } public static BufferedImage imageRead(Path paramPath) { return; } public static int imageWidth(BufferedImage paramBufferedImage) { ApplyToArgs localApplyToArgs = Scheme.applyToArgs; Object localObject = loc$$St$DtgetWidth; try { localObject = ((Location) localObject).get(); return ((Number) localApplyToArgs.apply2(localObject, paramBufferedImage)).intValue(); } catch (UnboundLocationException paramBufferedImage) { paramBufferedImage.setLine("gui.scm", 74, 3); throw paramBufferedImage; } } static Object labelKeyword(Label paramLabel, String paramString, Object paramObject) { if (paramString == Lit1) { if (paramObject == null) {} for (paramString = null; ; paramString = paramObject.toString()) { paramLabel.setText(paramString); return Values.empty; } } return misc.error$V( Format.formatToString(0, new Object[] {"unknown label attribute ~s", paramString}), new Object[0]); } static void labelNonKeyword(Label paramLabel, Object paramObject) { if (paramObject == null) {} for (paramObject = null; ; paramObject = paramObject.toString()) { paramLabel.setText((String) paramObject); return; } } public static void setContent(Window paramWindow, Object paramObject) { paramWindow.setContent(paramObject); } static Object textKeyword(Text paramText, String paramString, Object paramObject) { if (paramString == Lit1) { if (paramObject == null) {} for (paramString = null; ; paramString = paramObject.toString()) { paramText.setText(paramString); return Values.empty; } } return misc.error$V( Format.formatToString(0, new Object[] {"unknown text attribute ~s", paramString}), new Object[0]); } static void textNonKeyword(Text paramText, Object paramObject) { if (paramObject == null) {} for (paramObject = null; ; paramObject = paramObject.toString()) { paramText.setText((String) paramObject); return; } } static Object windowKeyword(Window paramWindow, String paramString, Object paramObject) { if (paramString == "title") { if (paramObject == null) {} for (paramString = null; ; paramString = paramObject.toString()) { paramWindow.setTitle(paramString); return Values.empty; } } if (paramString == "content") { paramWindow.setContent(paramObject); return Values.empty; } if (paramString == "menubar") { paramWindow.setMenuBar(paramObject); return Values.empty; } return misc.error$V( Format.formatToString(0, new Object[] {"unknown window attribute ~s", paramString}), new Object[0]); } static void windowNonKeyword(Window paramWindow, Object paramObject) { paramWindow.setContent(paramObject); } public Object apply1(ModuleMethod paramModuleMethod, Object paramObject) { switch (paramModuleMethod.selector) { case 2: case 3: default: return super.apply1(paramModuleMethod, paramObject); case 1: return asColor(paramObject); } try { paramModuleMethod = Path.valueOf(paramObject); return imageRead(paramModuleMethod); } catch (ClassCastException paramModuleMethod) { try { paramModuleMethod = (BufferedImage) paramObject; return Integer.valueOf(imageWidth(paramModuleMethod)); } catch (ClassCastException paramModuleMethod) { throw new WrongType(paramModuleMethod, "image-width", 1, paramObject); } try { paramModuleMethod = (BufferedImage) paramObject; return Integer.valueOf(imageHeight(paramModuleMethod)); } catch (ClassCastException paramModuleMethod) { throw new WrongType(paramModuleMethod, "image-height", 1, paramObject); } paramModuleMethod = paramModuleMethod; throw new WrongType(paramModuleMethod, "image-read", 1, paramObject); } } public Object apply2(ModuleMethod paramModuleMethod, Object paramObject1, Object paramObject2) { if (paramModuleMethod.selector == 11) {} try { paramModuleMethod = (Window) paramObject1; setContent(paramModuleMethod, paramObject2); return Values.empty; } catch (ClassCastException paramModuleMethod) { throw new WrongType(paramModuleMethod, "set-content", 1, paramObject1); } return super.apply2(paramModuleMethod, paramObject1, paramObject2); } public Object applyN(ModuleMethod paramModuleMethod, Object[] paramArrayOfObject) { switch (paramModuleMethod.selector) { case 4: case 5: case 6: case 11: default: return super.applyN(paramModuleMethod, paramArrayOfObject); case 2: return button(paramArrayOfObject); case 3: return Button(paramArrayOfObject); case 7: return Label(paramArrayOfObject); case 8: return Text(paramArrayOfObject); case 9: return Row(paramArrayOfObject); case 10: return Column(paramArrayOfObject); } return Window(paramArrayOfObject); } public int match1( ModuleMethod paramModuleMethod, Object paramObject, CallContext paramCallContext) { int i = -786431; switch (paramModuleMethod.selector) { case 2: case 3: default: i = super.match1(paramModuleMethod, paramObject, paramCallContext); case 6: case 5: case 4: do { do { do { return i; } while (!(paramObject instanceof BufferedImage)); paramCallContext.value1 = paramObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 1; return 0; } while (!(paramObject instanceof BufferedImage)); paramCallContext.value1 = paramObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 1; return 0; } while (Path.coerceToPathOrNull(paramObject) == null); paramCallContext.value1 = paramObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 1; return 0; } paramCallContext.value1 = paramObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 1; return 0; } public int match2( ModuleMethod paramModuleMethod, Object paramObject1, Object paramObject2, CallContext paramCallContext) { if (paramModuleMethod.selector == 11) { if (!(paramObject1 instanceof Window)) { return -786431; } paramCallContext.value1 = paramObject1; paramCallContext.value2 = paramObject2; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 2; return 0; } return super.match2(paramModuleMethod, paramObject1, paramObject2, paramCallContext); } public int matchN( ModuleMethod paramModuleMethod, Object[] paramArrayOfObject, CallContext paramCallContext) { switch (paramModuleMethod.selector) { case 4: case 5: case 6: case 11: default: return super.matchN(paramModuleMethod, paramArrayOfObject, paramCallContext); case 12: paramCallContext.values = paramArrayOfObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 5; return 0; case 10: paramCallContext.values = paramArrayOfObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 5; return 0; case 9: paramCallContext.values = paramArrayOfObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 5; return 0; case 8: paramCallContext.values = paramArrayOfObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 5; return 0; case 7: paramCallContext.values = paramArrayOfObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 5; return 0; case 3: paramCallContext.values = paramArrayOfObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 5; return 0; } paramCallContext.values = paramArrayOfObject; paramCallContext.proc = paramModuleMethod; paramCallContext.pc = 5; return 0; } public final void run(CallContext paramCallContext) { paramCallContext = paramCallContext.consumer; } }
public Object defaultResult() { return; }
public Object shortToObject(short value) { return gnu.math.IntNum.valueOf(value); }
public Object byteToObject(byte value) { return gnu.math.IntNum.valueOf(value); }
public static gnu.math.Numeric asNumber(Object arg) { if (arg instanceof Char) return gnu.math.IntNum.make(((Char) arg).intValue()); return (gnu.math.Numeric) arg; }
/** Get a CommonLisp character object. */ public static Object getCharacter(int c) { if (charIsInt) return gnu.math.IntNum.make(c); else return Char.make((char) c); }
public Object intToObject(int value) { return gnu.math.IntNum.valueOf(value); }
private Number() { this.value = IntNum.make(0); kind = true; }
public Object longToObject(long value) { return gnu.math.IntNum.valueOf(value); }
static { Lit0 = IntNum.make(79); $instance = new pp(); pretty$Mnprint = new ModuleMethod($instance, 2, Lit1, 8193); $; }
static { Lit41 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("value").readResolve(); Lit40 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("name").readResolve(); Lit39 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("invoke").readResolve(); Lit38 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("getName").readResolve(); Lit37 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("quote").readResolve(); Lit36 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("attr").readResolve(); Lit35 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<gnu.kawa.xml.KAttr>").readResolve(); Lit34 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("instance?").readResolve(); Lit33 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("+").readResolve(); Lit32 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("loop").readResolve(); Lit31 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<object>").readResolve(); Lit30 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("primitive-array-get").readResolve(); Lit29 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("quasiquote").readResolve(); Lit28 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("$lookup$").readResolve(); Lit27 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("arg").readResolve(); Lit26 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("num-args").readResolve(); Lit25 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("i").readResolve(); Lit24 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<int>").readResolve(); Lit23 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("::").readResolve(); Object localObject = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("run-application").readResolve(); Lit21 = (SimpleSymbol) localObject; SyntaxRule localSyntaxRule = new SyntaxRule( new SyntaxPattern("\f\030\f\007\b", new Object[0], 1), "\001", "\021\030\004\b\003", new Object[] { PairWithPosition.make( Lit28, Pair.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("gnu.kawa.models.Window").readResolve(), Pair.make( Pair.make( Lit29, Pair.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("open").readResolve(), LList.Empty)), LList.Empty)), "gui.scm", 749575) }, 0); Lit22 = new SyntaxRules(new Object[] {localObject}, new SyntaxRule[] {localSyntaxRule}, 1); Lit20 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Window").readResolve(); Lit19 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("set-content").readResolve(); Lit18 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Column").readResolve(); Lit17 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Row").readResolve(); Lit16 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Text").readResolve(); Lit15 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Label").readResolve(); Lit14 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("image-height").readResolve(); Lit13 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("image-width").readResolve(); Lit12 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("image-read").readResolve(); localObject = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("text-field").readResolve(); localSyntaxRule = new SyntaxRule( new SyntaxPattern("\f\030\003", new Object[0], 1), "\000", "\021\030\004\021\030\f\002", new Object[] { (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("make").readResolve(), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<gnu.kawa.models.DrawImage>").readResolve() }, 0); Lit11 = new SyntaxRules(new Object[] {localObject}, new SyntaxRule[] {localSyntaxRule}, 1); Lit10 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Image").readResolve(); Lit9 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("Button").readResolve(); Lit8 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("button").readResolve(); Lit7 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("as-color").readResolve(); localObject = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("process-keywords").readResolve(); Lit5 = (SimpleSymbol) localObject; localSyntaxRule = new SyntaxRule( new SyntaxPattern("\f\030\f\007\f\017\f\027\f\037\b", new Object[0], 4), "\001\001\001\001", "\021\030\004\b\021\030\f\021\030\024\021\030\034\b\021\030$\t\013\030,\b\021\030\004\021\0304\021\030<\b\021\030D\021\030L\b\021\030\004a\b\021\030T\b\021\030\\\t\013\030d\b\021\030l©\021\030ty\t\023\t\003\021\030|\b\021\030\t\013\030\030\021\030i\021\030¤\021\030¬\b\t\023\t\003\030´\030¼\b\021\030Ä1\t\033\t\003\030Ì\030Ô", new Object[] { (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("let").readResolve(), Lit26, Lit23, Lit24, (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("field").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit37, PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("length").readResolve(), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 16426), "gui.scm", 16426), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 16425), Lit32, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make( Lit23, PairWithPosition.make( Lit24, PairWithPosition.make(IntNum.make(0), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 20509), "gui.scm", 20503), "gui.scm", 20500), "gui.scm", 20497), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 20496), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("if").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make(Lit26, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 24593), "gui.scm", 24591), "gui.scm", 24588), Lit27, PairWithPosition.make( Lit30, PairWithPosition.make(Lit31, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 28710), "gui.scm", 28689), PairWithPosition.make(Lit25, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 28725), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("cond").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( Lit34, PairWithPosition.make( Lit27, PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<gnu.expr.Keyword>").readResolve(), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 32797), "gui.scm", 32793), "gui.scm", 32782), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit28, Pair.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("gnu.expr.Keyword").readResolve(), Pair.make(Pair.make(Lit29, Pair.make(Lit38, LList.Empty)), LList.Empty)), "gui.scm", 40970), PairWithPosition.make(Lit27, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 40995), "gui.scm", 40969), PairWithPosition.make( Lit30, PairWithPosition.make(Lit31, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 45087), "gui.scm", 45066), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit33, PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make(Lit42, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 45107), "gui.scm", 45105), "gui.scm", 45102), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 45102), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit32, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit33, PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make( IntNum.make(2), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 49170), "gui.scm", 49168), "gui.scm", 49165), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 49165), "gui.scm", 49159), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 49159), PairWithPosition.make( Lit34, PairWithPosition.make( Lit27, PairWithPosition.make(Lit35, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 53270), "gui.scm", 53266), "gui.scm", 53255), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("let*").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit36, PairWithPosition.make( Lit23, PairWithPosition.make( Lit35, PairWithPosition.make(Lit27, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 57388), "gui.scm", 57367), "gui.scm", 57364), "gui.scm", 57358), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit40, PairWithPosition.make( Lit23, PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("<java.lang.String>").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit39, PairWithPosition.make( Lit36, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit37, PairWithPosition.make( Lit38, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 61489), "gui.scm", 61489), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 61488), "gui.scm", 61483), "gui.scm", 61475), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 61475), "gui.scm", 61456), "gui.scm", 61453), "gui.scm", 61447), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit41, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit39, PairWithPosition.make( Lit36, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit37, PairWithPosition.make( (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("getObjectValue") .readResolve(), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 65564), "gui.scm", 65564), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 65563), "gui.scm", 65558), "gui.scm", 65550), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 65550), "gui.scm", 65543), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 65543), "gui.scm", 61447), "gui.scm", 57357), PairWithPosition.make( Lit40, PairWithPosition.make(Lit41, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 69666), "gui.scm", 69661), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit32, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit33, PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make(Lit42, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 73746), "gui.scm", 73744), "gui.scm", 73741), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 73741), "gui.scm", 73735), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 73735), (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("else").readResolve(), PairWithPosition.make(Lit27, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 81951), PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit32, PairWithPosition.make( PairWithPosition.make( Lit33, PairWithPosition.make( Lit25, PairWithPosition.make(Lit42, LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 86034), "gui.scm", 86032), "gui.scm", 86029), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 86029), "gui.scm", 86023), LList.Empty, "gui.scm", 86023) }, 0); Lit6 = new SyntaxRules(new Object[] {localObject}, new SyntaxRule[] {localSyntaxRule}, 4); Lit4 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("*.getHeight").readResolve(); Lit3 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("*.getWidth").readResolve(); Lit2 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("cell-spacing").readResolve(); Lit1 = (SimpleSymbol) new SimpleSymbol("text").readResolve(); Lit0 = Color.class; $instance = new gui(); loc$$St$DtgetWidth = ThreadLocation.getInstance(Lit3, null); loc$$St$DtgetHeight = ThreadLocation.getInstance(Lit4, null); process$Mnkeywords = Macro.make(Lit5, Lit6, $instance); localObject = $instance; as$Mncolor = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 1, Lit7, 4097); button = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 2, Lit8, 61440); Button = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 3, Lit9, 61440); Image = Macro.make(Lit10, Lit11, $instance); image$Mnread = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 4, Lit12, 4097); image$Mnwidth = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 5, Lit13, 4097); image$Mnheight = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 6, Lit14, 4097); Label = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 7, Lit15, 61440); Text = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 8, Lit16, 61440); Row = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 9, Lit17, 61440); Column = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 10, Lit18, 61440); set$Mncontent = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 11, Lit19, 8194); Window = new ModuleMethod((ModuleBody) localObject, 12, Lit20, 61440); run$Mnapplication = Macro.make(Lit21, Lit22, $instance); $; }