Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void postStartGame() {
   // // store the dice server
   final GameData data = m_gameSelectorModel.getGameData();
   data.getProperties().set(DICE_ROLLER, m_diceServerEditor.getBean());
   // store the Turn Summary Poster
   final IForumPoster poster = (IForumPoster) m_forumPosterEditor.getBean();
   if (poster != null) {
     IForumPoster summaryPoster = poster;
     // clone the poster, the remove sensitive info, and put the clone into the game data
     // this was the sensitive info is not stored in the save game, but the user cache still has
     // the password
     summaryPoster = summaryPoster.doClone();
     data.getProperties().set(PBEMMessagePoster.FORUM_POSTER_PROP_NAME, summaryPoster);
   // store the email poster
   IEmailSender sender = (IEmailSender) m_emailSenderEditor.getBean();
   if (sender != null) {
     // create a clone, delete the sensitive information in the clone, and use it in the game
     // the locally cached version still has the password so the user doesn't have to enter it
     // every time
     sender = sender.doClone();
     data.getProperties().set(PBEMMessagePoster.EMAIL_SENDER_PROP_NAME, sender);
   // store the web site poster
   IWebPoster webPoster = (IWebPoster) m_webPosterEditor.getBean();
   if (webPoster != null) {
     webPoster = webPoster.doClone();
     data.getProperties().set(PBEMMessagePoster.WEB_POSTER_PROP_NAME, webPoster);
   // store whether we are a pbem game or not, whether we are capable of posting a game save
   if (poster != null || sender != null || webPoster != null) {
     data.getProperties().set(PBEMMessagePoster.PBEM_GAME_PROP_NAME, true);