Ejemplo n.º 1
  * draws and captures the aurora drawing to sketch object, and outputs
  * sketch as jitter texture object
 public void bang() {
   //		if(debug) post("begin_capture");
   texture.call("begin_capture"); // begin capturing
   //		if(debug) post("draw");
   draw(); // draw aurora to sketch
   //		if(debug) post("end_capture");
   texture.call("end_capture"); // end capturing
   //		if(debug) post("draw");
   texture.call("draw"); // to output texture?
   outlet(0, "jit_gl_texture", texture.getAttr("name")); // output texture
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // function that draws already calculated pattern
  public void drawPaisley(int _i, float _x, float _y, float _sx, float _sy, boolean calc) {

    if (calc) renderDrawPaisley(_i, _x, _y, _sx, _sy);
    else {
      float _mirror = mMirrorDistance * _sx;

      for (int e = 0; e < eNum; e++) {

        float _dir = 1; // mirror x values in opposite direction
        // mirror the bezier
        for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
          if (m == 0 || (m == 1 && _mirrored)) {
            if (m == 1) _dir *= -1;

            // --- - - - - - - - - --- - -draw BEZIER - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - ----
            sketch.call("glcolor", pColor()); // same color for all patterns

            sketch.call("glbegin", "tri_strip");

            for (int i = 0; i <= bSlices; i++) {
              // x + _mirror*_dir + bezierPoint[_t][0]*_sx*_dir + _offOutside[0]*_sx*_dir;
              // y + bezierPoint[_t][1]*_sy + _offOutside[1]*_sy
              float x1 = _x + _mirror * _dir + masterBezierOffset[e][i][0][0] * _sx * _dir;
              float y1 = _y + masterBezierOffset[e][i][0][1] * _sy;
              float z1 = 0;
              float x2 = _x + _mirror * _dir + masterBezierOffset[e][i][1][0] * _sx * _dir;
              float y2 = _y + masterBezierOffset[e][i][1][1] * _sy;
              float z2 = 0;

                  "glvertex", new Atom[] {Atom.newAtom(x1), Atom.newAtom(y1), Atom.newAtom(z1)});
                  "glvertex", new Atom[] {Atom.newAtom(x2), Atom.newAtom(y2), Atom.newAtom(z2)});

          // --- - - - - - - - - --- - - --end drawing -- - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - ---- -
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public void bang() {


    for (SeqNode n : nodes) {
      n.update(mousecoord, sweep.getRad());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void fsaa(int v) {
   sketchFsaa = (v == 1) ? 1 : 0;
   sketch.setAttr("fsaa", sketchFsaa);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void antialias(int v) {
   sketchAntialias = (v == 1) ? 1 : 0;
   sketch.setAttr("antialias", sketchAntialias);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void blendMode(int b1, int b2) {
   sketchBlendMode1 = b1;
   sketchBlendMode2 = b2;
   sketch.setAttr("blend_mode", new Atom[] {Atom.newAtom(b1), Atom.newAtom(b2)});
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void blendEnable(int v) {
   sketchBlendEnable = (v == 1) ? 1 : 0;
   sketch.setAttr("blend_enable", sketchBlendEnable);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void depthEnable(int v) {
   sketchDepthEnable = (v == 1) ? 1 : 0;
   sketch.setAttr("depth_enable", sketchDepthEnable);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void resize(int x, int y) {
   texture_width = x;
   texture_height = y;
   texture.setAttr("dim", new Atom[] {Atom.newAtom(texture_width), Atom.newAtom(texture_height)});
   if (debug) post("resized to " + x + " " + y);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  /* draw n-grade bezier with strokewidth that converges at endpoints */
  public void drawBezier(
      int _i, float x, float y, float[][] points, float w, float _sx, float _sy) {

    int slices = bSlices;
    // TODO calculate slices based on curve length ?
    float _add = 1.f / (float) (slices); // defines segments of curve

    /* calculate all bezier points and their offset vectors beforehand */

    float[][] bezierPoint = new float[slices + 1][3];
    float[][] offsetVector = new float[slices + 1][3];

    // calculate all points along the bezier curve
    for (int _t = 0; _t <= slices; _t++) {
      float t = _t * _add;
      bezierPoint[_t] = P(t, points);

    // calculate vector perpendicular to the line connecting the previous and next bezier point
    for (int _t = 0; _t <= slices; _t++) {
      if (_t == 0) offsetVector[_t] = perpendicularVector(bezierPoint[_t], bezierPoint[_t + 1]);
      else if (_t == slices)
        offsetVector[_t] = perpendicularVector(bezierPoint[_t - 1], bezierPoint[_t]);
      else offsetVector[_t] = perpendicularVector(bezierPoint[_t - 1], bezierPoint[_t + 1]);

    // calculate offsetPoints before drawing.
    float _scw = w;
    float[][][] bezierOffset =
        new float[slices + 1][2][3]; // hold offset points on both sides of curve

    float _mirror = mMirrorDistance * _sx;
    float _dir = 1; // mirror x values in opposite direction

    // mirror the bezier
    for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
      if (m == 0 || (m == 1 && _mirrored)) {
        if (m == 1) _dir *= -1;

        for (int _t = 0; _t <= slices; _t++) {
          float t = _t * _add;
          _scw = restrict(halfCircle(t) * w, 0.01f, 100f);
          float[] _offOutside = scaleVector(offsetVector[_t], _scw);
          float[] _offInside = scaleVector(offsetVector[_t], -_scw);

          bezierOffset[_t][0][0] =
              x + _mirror * _dir + bezierPoint[_t][0] * _sx * _dir + _offOutside[0] * _sx * _dir;
          bezierOffset[_t][1][0] =
              x + _mirror * _dir + bezierPoint[_t][0] * _sx * _dir + _offInside[0] * _sx * _dir;
          bezierOffset[_t][0][1] = y + bezierPoint[_t][1] * _sy + _offOutside[1] * _sy;
          bezierOffset[_t][1][1] = y + bezierPoint[_t][1] * _sy + _offInside[1] * _sy;
          bezierOffset[_t][0][2] = -0.f;
          bezierOffset[_t][1][2] = -0.f;

        // --- - - - - - - - - --- - -draw BEZIER - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - ----

        //				sketch.call("glcolor", pColor(_i));		// patterns individual color
        sketch.call("glcolor", pColor()); // same color for all patterns

        sketch.call("glbegin", "tri_strip");

        for (int i = 0; i <= slices; i++) {
              new Atom[] {
          // if(i!=0 && i!=slices)  // don't draw the first and last point twice!
              new Atom[] {

      // --- - - - - - - - - --- - - --end drawing -- - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - ---- -
Ejemplo n.º 11
  /* draw aurora to jitter sketch object */
  public void draw() {

    if (animation) randomize(noiseFactor / 100.f, returnFactor / 100.f);

    if (bgFading) {
      float fadeStep = bgFadeCounter * 1.f / (float) bgFadeTime;
      if (debug) post("fadestep " + fadeStep + "  counter " + bgFadeCounter);
      bgColor[0] = bgColorFade1[0] + (bgColorFade2[0] - bgColorFade1[0]) * fadeStep;
      bgColor[1] = bgColorFade1[1] + (bgColorFade2[1] - bgColorFade1[1]) * fadeStep;
      bgColor[2] = bgColorFade1[2] + (bgColorFade2[2] - bgColorFade1[2]) * fadeStep;

      if (bgFadeCounter >= bgFadeTime) {
        // reached end of fade
        bgColor[0] = bgColorFade2[0];
        bgColor[1] = bgColorFade2[1];
        bgColor[2] = bgColorFade2[2];
        bgFading = false;

    //		if(debug) post("reset");

        new Atom[] {

    //		if(debug) post("line_smooth");
    if (lineSmooth) sketch.call("glenable", "line_smooth");
    else sketch.call("gldisable", "line_smooth");

    // create local variables, to avoid conflict when life-updating
    // variables while rendering

    float _size[] = new float[2]; // size from origin
    float _scale[] = new float[2];
    float _pos[] = new float[2]; // origin position
    float _grid[] = new float[2];

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // only need x and y values
      mSize[i] = (morphing) ? mSize[i] += (pSize[i] - mSize[i]) * slew : pSize[i];
      _size[i] = mSize[i];
      mScale[i] = (morphing) ? mScale[i] += (pScale[i] - mScale[i]) * slew : pScale[i];
      _scale[i] = mScale[i] * scaleMult;
      mPos[i] = (morphing) ? mPos[i] += (pPos[i] - mPos[i]) * slew : pPos[i];
      _pos[i] = mPos[i];
      mGrid[i] = (morphing) ? mGrid[i] += (pGrid[i] - mGrid[i]) * slew : pGrid[i];
      _grid[i] = mGrid[i];

    int _slices = bSlices;

    mMirrorDistance =
        (morphing) ? mMirrorDistance += (mirrorDistance - mMirrorDistance) * slew : mirrorDistance;

    // new drawing loop, create 16x9 grid and only draw if item is within frame
    float borderx = -_grid[0] * cols / 2.f;
    float bordery = _grid[1] * rows / 2.f;
    float wratio = 0.1f + (float) texture_width / (float) texture_height;
    float hratio = 0.1f + 1.f; // add 0.1f to avoid on/off flickr on edges
    float flip = 1.f;
    int count = 0; // to calculate how many patterns are actually displayed
    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        int id = r * cols + c;
        if (displayed[id]) {
          float _x = borderx + c * _grid[0];
          _x += (r % 2 == 0) ? _grid[0] / 2.f : 0; // each second is shifted to the right
          float _y = bordery - r * _grid[1];
          flip = (r % 2 == 0) ? 1f : -1f;
          _x *= _size[0];
          _y *= _size[1];
          if (_x >= -wratio && _x <= wratio && _y >= -hratio + cutOff * 2 && _y <= hratio) {
            if (displayMode == 1) {
              // twin
              flip *= flipTwin ? -1.f : 1.f;
                  (_pos[0] + _x),
                  (_pos[1] + _y - _grid[1] * _size[1]),
                  _scale[0] * _size[0],
                  _scale[1] * flip * _size[1],
                  activated[id] && precalc);
                  (_pos[0] + _x),
                  (_pos[1] + _y),
                  _scale[0] * _size[0],
                  _scale[1] * flip * -1 * _size[1],
                  activated[id] && precalc);
            } else {
                  (_pos[0] + _x),
                  (_pos[1] + _y),
                  _scale[0] * _size[0],
                  _scale[1] * flip * _size[1],
                  activated[id] && precalc);

    //		post("drawing "+count+" patterns");

    //		if(debug) post("drawimmediate");
    // call drawimmediate, to execute drawing of sketch object

    //		try {
    //		} catch(Exception e) {
    //			if(debug) post("drawimmediate error: "+e);
    //		}
    //		if(debug) post("after drawimmediate");

Ejemplo n.º 12
 // notifyDeleted is called by the Max application
 // when the user deletes your external from a Max patch
 // or closes a Max patch of which your Java extern
 // is a member.
 public void notifyDeleted() {
   // free max peers. otherwise these will persist for a while
   // until the garbage collector feels like cleaning up
Ejemplo n.º 13
  /* instantiate mxj with render context as argument */
  public FigurePaisley(String rc) {

    context = rc; // render context
    declareIO(2, 2); // declare 2 inlets, 1 outlet of DataTypes.ALL

    // assist message for inlets and outlets (mouse hover)
    setInletAssist(new String[] {"bang to compute and draw", "input settings"});
        new String[] {"outputs jit.gl.texture object", "connect to thispatcher for gui updating"});

    // instantiate Jitter sketch object
    sketch = new JitterObject("jit.gl.sketch");
    sketch.setAttr("drawto", context);
    sketch.setAttr("depth_enable", sketchDepthEnable);
    sketch.setAttr("blend_enable", sketchBlendEnable);
    sketch.setAttr("blend_mode", new Atom[] {Atom.newAtom(6), Atom.newAtom(7)});
    sketch.setAttr("antialias", sketchAntialias);
        new Atom[] {Atom.newAtom(0.), Atom.newAtom(1.), Atom.newAtom(0.), Atom.newAtom(1.)});
    sketch.setAttr("fsaa", sketchFsaa);
    sketch.send("automatic", 0); /*
									 * set to not-automatic, to be able to use
									 * begin_capture and drawimmediate for
									 * capturing jit.gl.sketch as texture

    // instantiate Jitter texture object
    texture = new JitterObject("jit.gl.texture");
    texture.setAttr("drawto", context);
    texture.setAttr("dim", new Atom[] {Atom.newAtom(texture_width), Atom.newAtom(texture_height)});

    masterPattern =
        new float[eNumMax][bNum][3]; // even though we only use xy, keep xyz for consistency
    patternNoise = new float[pNumMax][eNumMax][bNum][3];
    mPatternNoise = new float[pNumMax][eNumMax][bNum][3];
    masterWidth = new float[eNumMax];
    mMasterWidth = new float[eNumMax];
    widthNoise = new float[pNumMax][eNumMax];
    mWidthNoise = new float[pNumMax][eNumMax];
    ePoints = new int[eNumMax];
    eAnchor = new int[eNumMax];
    activated = new boolean[pNumMax];
    displayed = new boolean[pNumMax];
    patternColor = new float[pNumMax][3];

    for (int e = 0; e < eNumMax; e++) {
      masterWidth[e] = 0.05f;
      mMasterWidth[e] = 0.05f;
      ePoints[e] = bNum;
      eAnchor[e] = 0;
      for (int b = 0; b < bNum; b++) {}
    for (int p = 0; p < pNumMax; p++) {
      for (int e = 0; e < eNumMax; e++) {
        for (int b = 0; b < bNum; b++) {
          mPatternNoise[p][e][b] = new float[] {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
        mWidthNoise[p][e] = 0.f;
      activated[p] = false;
      displayed[p] = true;
      for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) patternColor[p][c] = 1.f;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) activate(theActive[i], 1);

    randomize(0.1f, 0.f);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void notifyDeleted() {