Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Solves for x in Ax = b, where x is this vector (nx1), A is mxn, b is mx1, and A =
   * U*W*transpose(V); U,W,V must be precomputed and can be found by taking the singular value
   * decomposition (SVD) of A using the method SVD found in the GMatrix class.
   * @param U The U matrix produced by the GMatrix method SVD
   * @param W The W matrix produced by the GMatrix method SVD
   * @param V The V matrix produced by the GMatrix method SVD
   * @param b The b vector in the linear equation Ax = b
  public final void SVDBackSolve(GMatrix U, GMatrix W, GMatrix V, GVector b) {
    if (!(U.nRow == b.getSize() && U.nRow == U.nCol && U.nRow == W.nRow)) {
      throw new MismatchedSizeException(VecMathI18N.getString("GVector15"));

    if (!(W.nCol == values.length && W.nCol == V.nCol && W.nCol == V.nRow)) {
      throw new MismatchedSizeException(VecMathI18N.getString("GVector23"));

    GMatrix tmp = new GMatrix(U.nRow, W.nCol);
    tmp.mul(U, V);
    tmp.mulTransposeRight(U, W);
    mul(tmp, b);