Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void processElement(
     ArchDescription archDescription, Object o, InfiniteProgressPanel progressPanel) {
   if (o instanceof JAXBElement) o = ((JAXBElement) o).getValue();
   EADInfo eadInfo = new EADInfo();
   for (Object eadElem : getChildren(o)) {
     Action a = eadInfo.getActionFromClass(eadElem);
     if (a != null) {
       a.processElement(archDescription, eadElem, progressPanel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void processElement(
      ArchDescription archDescription, Object o, InfiniteProgressPanel progressPanel) {
    if (o instanceof JAXBElement) o = ((JAXBElement) o).getValue();
    String findingAidStatus = "";
    findingAidStatus = ((Eadheader) o).getFindaidstatus();
    EADHelper.setProperty(archDescription, "findingAidStatus", findingAidStatus, Resources.class);

    EADInfo eadInfo = new EADInfo();
    for (Object eadElem : getChildren(o)) {
      Action a = eadInfo.getActionFromClass(eadElem);
      if (progressPanel != null && progressPanel.isProcessCancelled()) {
      } else if (a != null) {
        a.processElement(archDescription, eadElem, progressPanel);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public void processElement(
      ArchDescription archDescription, Object did, InfiniteProgressPanel progressPanel) {
    if (did instanceof JAXBElement) did = ((JAXBElement) did).getValue();
    ArrayList didChildren = (ArrayList) getChildren(did);
    Iterator it = null;
    Object eadElem = null;
    Action action = null;
    EADInfo eadInfo = new EADInfo();

    it = didChildren.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      eadElem = it.next();
      action = eadInfo.getActionFromClass(eadElem);
      if (null != action) {
        action.processElement(archDescription, eadElem, progressPanel);

    // This is code that processes the <container> elements
    // It is a bit complicated because of the mapping from EAD to AT data model

    // get list of containers
    ArrayList containers = (ArrayList) EADHelper.getClassesFromList(didChildren, Container.class);

    ArchDescriptionAnalogInstances instance;

    // The instance map will store a <name, value> pair which is the id of the
    // <container> element and a corresponding ArchDescriptionAnalogInstances object
    HashMap instanceMap = new HashMap();

    // iterate through the container elements
    if (containers != null && containers.size() > 0) {

      if (archDescription instanceof Resources) {
        instance = new ArchDescriptionAnalogInstances(archDescription);

      for (int e = 0; e < containers.size(); e++) {
        // status 0 indicates a parent container element
        // status 1 indicates a child container element
        // status 2 means there is no id/parent attribute present in the container element
        int status = 0;

        Container container = (Container) containers.get(e);
        instance = new ArchDescriptionAnalogInstances();

        if (container.getId() != null && container.getId().length() > 0) {
          if (instanceMap.get(container.getId()) == null)
            instanceMap.put(container.getId(), instance);
          else instance = (ArchDescriptionAnalogInstances) instanceMap.get(container.getId());
          if (container.getLabel() != null) instance.setInstanceType(container.getLabel());
          status = 0;
        } else if (container.getParent() != null && container.getParent().size() > 0) {
          Container pContainer = (Container) container.getParent().get(0);
          if (instanceMap.get(pContainer.getId()) == null)
            instanceMap.put(pContainer.getId(), instance);
          else instance = (ArchDescriptionAnalogInstances) instanceMap.get(pContainer.getId());
          status = 1;
        } else {
          if (instanceMap.get("no_id") == null) instanceMap.put("no_id", instance);
          else instance = (ArchDescriptionAnalogInstances) instanceMap.get("no_id");
          status = 2;
          String type = container.getLabel();
          if (type != null && type.length() > 0) instance.setInstanceType(type);
        // parse container element and populate the instance object
        parseContainers(instance, status, container);

      // iterate through and save all the ArchDescrptionAnalogInstances object
      Iterator it2 = instanceMap.values().iterator();

      while (it2.hasNext()) {
        instance = (ArchDescriptionAnalogInstances) it2.next();
        if (archDescription instanceof ResourcesComponents) {
          instance.setResourcesComponents((ResourcesComponents) archDescription);
          ((ResourcesCommon) archDescription).addInstance(instance);
        } else if (archDescription instanceof Resources) {
          instance.setResource((Resources) archDescription);
          ((ResourcesCommon) archDescription).addInstance(instance);