Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Make Document for coref (for method coref(Document doc, StringBuilder[] outputs)). Mention
   * detection and document preprocessing is done here.
   * @throws Exception
  public Document makeDocument(InputDoc input) throws Exception {
    if (input == null) return null;
    Annotation anno = input.annotation;

    // add missing annotation
    if (needMissingAnnotations) {

    if (Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("hcoref.useMarkedDiscourse", "false"))) {
      anno.set(CoreAnnotations.UseMarkedDiscourseAnnotation.class, true);

    // remove nested NP with same headword except newswire document for chinese

    if (input.conllDoc != null && CorefProperties.getLanguage(props) == Locale.CHINESE) {
      CorefProperties.setRemoveNested(props, !input.conllDoc.documentID.contains("nw"));

    // mention detection: MD gives following information about mentions: mention start/end index,
    // span, headword
    // rest information will be set in preprocess step
    List<List<Mention>> mentions = md.findMentions(anno, dict, props);
    Document doc = new Document(input, mentions);

    // find headword for gold mentions
    if (input.goldMentions != null) findGoldMentionHeads(doc);

    // document preprocessing: initialization (assign ID), mention processing (gender, number, type,
    // etc), speaker extraction, etc
    Preprocessor.preprocess(doc, dict, singletonPredictor, headFinder);

    return doc;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public CorefDocMaker(Properties props, Dictionaries dictionaries)
     throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
   this.props = props;
   this.dict = dictionaries;
   reader = getDocumentReader(props);
   headFinder = getHeadFinder(props);
   md = getMentionFinder(props, dictionaries, headFinder);
   //    corenlp = new StanfordCoreNLP(props, false);
   corenlp = loadStanfordProcessor(props);
   treeLemmatizer = new TreeLemmatizer();
   singletonPredictor =
           ? getSingletonPredictorFromSerializedFile(
           : null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static HeadFinder getHeadFinder(Properties props) {
   Locale lang = CorefProperties.getLanguage(props);
   if (lang == Locale.ENGLISH) return new SemanticHeadFinder();
   else if (lang == Locale.CHINESE) return new ChineseSemanticHeadFinder();
   else {
     throw new RuntimeException("Invalid language setting: cannot load HeadFinder");
Ejemplo n.º 4
  /** Load Stanford Processor: skip unnecessary annotator */
  protected StanfordCoreNLP loadStanfordProcessor(Properties props) {

    Properties pipelineProps = new Properties(props);
    StringBuilder annoSb = new StringBuilder("");
    if (!CorefProperties.useGoldPOS(props)) {
      annoSb.append("pos, lemma");
    } else {
    if (CorefProperties.USE_TRUECASE) {
      annoSb.append(", truecase");
    if (!CorefProperties.useGoldNE(props) || CorefProperties.getLanguage(props) == Locale.CHINESE) {
      annoSb.append(", ner");
    if (!CorefProperties.useGoldParse(props)) {
      if (CorefProperties.useConstituencyTree(props)) annoSb.append(", parse");
      else annoSb.append(", depparse");
    String annoStr = annoSb.toString();
    Redwood.log("MentionExtractor ignores specified annotators, using annotators=" + annoStr);
    pipelineProps.put("annotators", annoStr);
    return new StanfordCoreNLP(pipelineProps, false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  private static DocReader getDocumentReader(Properties props) {
    switch (CorefProperties.getInputType(props)) {
      case CONLL:
        String corpusPath = CorefProperties.getPathInput(props);
        CoNLLDocumentReader.Options options = new CoNLLDocumentReader.Options();
        options.annotateTokenCoref = false;
        if (CorefProperties.useCoNLLAuto(props)) options.setFilter(".*_auto_conll$");
        options.lang = CorefProperties.getLanguage(props);
        return new CoNLLDocumentReader(corpusPath, options);

      case ACE:
        // TODO
        return null;

      case MUC:
        // TODO
        return null;

      case RAW:
      default: // default is raw text
        // TODO
        return null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private static CorefMentionFinder getMentionFinder(
      Properties props, Dictionaries dictionaries, HeadFinder headFinder)
      throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {

    switch (CorefProperties.getMDType(props)) {
      case RULE:
        return new RuleBasedCorefMentionFinder(headFinder, props);

      case HYBRID:
        return new HybridCorefMentionFinder(headFinder, props);

      case DEPENDENCY:
      default: // default is dependency
        return new DependencyCorefMentionFinder(props);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  private void addMissingAnnotation(Annotation anno) {
    boolean useConstituency = CorefProperties.useConstituencyTree(props);
    final boolean LEMMATIZE = true;

    List<CoreMap> sentences = anno.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class);
    for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
      boolean hasTree = sentence.containsKey(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class);
      Tree tree = sentence.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class);

      if (!useConstituency) { // TODO: temp for dev: make sure we don't use constituency tree
      if (LEMMATIZE && hasTree && useConstituency)
        treeLemmatizer.transformTree(tree); // TODO don't need?