Ejemplo n.º 1
 public WDBObject getParentObject(String superClassName, ParserAdapter scda) throws Exception {
   ClassDef myClass = this.getClassDef(scda);
   // See if its parent of this class
   if (myClass.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
     // See if its one of my immediate superclasses.
     if (parents.containsKey(superClassName)) {
       return scda.getObject(superClassName, ((Integer) parents.get(superClassName)));
     // Not immediate superclass of me. Check my parents.
     Enumeration e = parents.keys();
     while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
       String parentClass = (String) e.nextElement();
       Integer parentUid = (Integer) parents.get(parentClass);
       WDBObject parent = scda.getObject(parentClass, parentUid);
       WDBObject grandparent = parent.getParentObject(superClassName, scda);
       if (grandparent != null) {
         return grandparent;
     // Not any superClass of mine!
     return null;
   } else {
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void removeEvaObjects(
     String evaName, String targetClass, SimpleNode expression, ParserAdapter scda)
     throws Exception {
   ClassDef targetClassDef = scda.getClass(targetClass);
   WDBObject[] matchingObjs = targetClassDef.search(expression, scda);
   removeEvaObjects(evaName, targetClass, matchingObjs, scda);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public void PrintAttribute(PrintNode row, AttributePath attributePath, ParserAdapter scda)
      throws Exception {
    ClassDef myClass = this.getClassDef(scda);
    if (attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() <= 0) {
      if (attributePath.attribute.equals("*")) {
        for (int j = 0; j < myClass.attributes.size(); j++) {
          Attribute currentAttribute = (Attribute) myClass.getAttribute(j);
          if (currentAttribute.getClass() == DVA.class) {
            Object dvaValue = dvaValues.get(currentAttribute.name);
            PrintCell cell = new PrintCell();
            cell.setOutput(String.format("%s", dvaValue));
        if (myClass.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
          for (int i = 0; i < ((SubclassDef) myClass).numberOfSuperClasses(); i++) {
            String parentClass = (String) ((SubclassDef) myClass).getSuperClass(i);
            Integer parentUid = (Integer) this.parents.get(parentClass);
            WDBObject parent = scda.getObject(parentClass, parentUid);
            parent.PrintAttribute(row, attributePath, scda);
      } else {
        Attribute currentAttribute = (Attribute) myClass.getAttribute(attributePath.attribute);
        Object dvaValue = getDvaValue(attributePath.attribute, scda);
        PrintCell cell = new PrintCell();
        cell.setOutput(String.format("%s", dvaValue));
    } else {
      String evaName = attributePath.getIndirection(attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() - 1);
      WDBObject[] objects = this.getEvaObjects(evaName, scda);
      ArrayList<PrintNode> branch = row.getBranch(evaName);

      if (objects != null && objects.length > 0) {
        if (branch == null) {
          branch = row.newBranch(evaName, objects.length);
        attributePath.removeIndirection(attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
          objects[i].PrintAttribute(branch.get(i), attributePath, scda);
      } else {
        if (branch == null) {
          branch = row.newBranch(evaName, 1);
          myClass.padAttribute(branch.get(0), attributePath, scda);

Ejemplo n.º 4
  public void setDvaValue(String dvaName, Object value, ParserAdapter scda) throws Exception {
    // See if its immediate in this class
    ClassDef myClass = this.getClassDef(scda);
    Attribute myAttribute = myClass.getAttribute(dvaName);
    if (myAttribute != null && myAttribute.getClass() == DVA.class) {
      if (value instanceof String) {
        this.dvaValues.put(dvaName, value);
      } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
        this.dvaValues.put(dvaName, value);
      } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
        this.dvaValues.put(dvaName, value);
      } else {
        throw new ClassCastException(
            "Type verification failed: Attribute \""
                + dvaName
                + "\" type: "
                + ((DVA) myAttribute).type.toString()
                + ", Value type: "
                + value.getClass().toString());
    // Not immediate, go check parents if I'm an object of a subclass
    else if (myClass.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
      Enumeration e = parents.keys();
      while (true) {
        if (parents.keySet().isEmpty()) {
        try {
          String parentClass = (String) e.nextElement();
          Integer parentUid = (Integer) parents.get(parentClass);
          WDBObject parent = scda.getObject(parentClass, parentUid);
          parent.setDvaValue(dvaName, value, scda);
          // If we reached here, we set our value. Get out of here
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
          // Can't find DVA going up that parent's heirarchy. Continue on to another parent
          if (!e.hasMoreElements()) {
            // No more parents to try. We are here if we exausted our parent's list and
            // still can't find the DVA. Throw exception
            throw nsfe;
    // value can't be found and I'm not a subclass. It doesn't exist in this heirarchy
    else {
      throw new NoSuchFieldException("Attribute \"" + dvaName + "\" is not a valid DVA");

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public boolean isSubclassOf(String superClassName, Adapter scda) throws Exception {
   // See if its one of my immediate superclasses.
   if (superClasses.contains(superClassName)) {
     return true;
   // Not immediate superclass of me. Check my parents.
   ClassDef superClass;
   for (int i = 0; i < superClasses.size(); i++) {
     superClass = scda.getClass(((String) superClasses.get(i)));
     if (superClass.isSubclassOf(superClassName, scda)) {
       return true;
   // Not any superClass of mine!
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  public void printAttributeName(PrintNode row, AttributePath attributePath, Adapter scda)
      throws Exception {
    for (int j = 0; j < attributes.size(); j++) {
      Attribute currentAttribute = (Attribute) attributes.get(j);
      int attributeLength = currentAttribute.name.length() + 2;

      if (currentAttribute.getClass() == DVA.class && attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() <= 0) {
        // If the attribute we want is found or we just want everything, output
        if (attributePath.attribute.equals("*")) {
          PrintCell cell = new PrintCell();
          cell.setOutput(String.format("%s", currentAttribute.name));
        } else if (attributePath.attribute.equals(currentAttribute.name)) {
          PrintCell cell = new PrintCell();
          cell.setOutput(String.format("%s", currentAttribute.name));
      if (currentAttribute.getClass() == EVA.class && attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() > 0) {
        String evaName = attributePath.getIndirection(attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() - 1);
        if (evaName.equals(currentAttribute.name)) {
          ClassDef targetClass = scda.getClass(((EVA) currentAttribute).baseClassName);
          attributePath.removeIndirection(attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() - 1);
          targetClass.printAttributeName(row, attributePath, scda);

    // Got here if we didn't get what we need in this class
    int i = 0;
    while (i < superClasses.size()) {
      try {
        ClassDef superClass = scda.getClass(((String) superClasses.get(i)));
        superClass.printAttributeName(row, attributePath, scda);
      } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
        if (i < superClasses.size()) {
        } else {
          throw nsfe;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  public void padAttribute(PrintNode row, AttributePath attributePath, Adapter scda)
      throws Exception {
    for (int j = 0; j < attributes.size(); j++) {
      Attribute currentAttribute = (Attribute) attributes.get(j);
      int attributeLength = currentAttribute.name.length();

      if (currentAttribute.getClass() == DVA.class && attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() <= 0) {
        // If the attribute we want is found or we just want everything, output
        if (attributePath.attribute.equals("*")) {
          PrintCell cell = new PrintCell();
        } else if (attributePath.attribute.equals(currentAttribute.name)) {
          PrintCell cell = new PrintCell();
      if (currentAttribute.getClass() == EVA.class && attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() > 0) {
        String evaName = attributePath.getIndirection(attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() - 1);
        if (evaName.equals(currentAttribute.name)) {
          ClassDef targetClass = scda.getClass(((EVA) currentAttribute).baseClassName);
          attributePath.removeIndirection(attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() - 1);
          targetClass.padAttribute(row, attributePath, scda);

    if (!(attributePath.attribute.equals("*") && attributePath.levelsOfIndirection() <= 0)) {
      // If we got here and we weren't trying to output all the attributes, we didn't find the
      // requested attribute.

      if (this.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
        for (int i = 0; i < ((SubclassDef) this).numberOfSuperClasses(); i++) {
          ClassDef parentClass = scda.getClass(((SubclassDef) this).getSuperClass(i));
          parentClass.padAttribute(row, attributePath, scda);
      } else {
        throw new NoSuchFieldException(
            "Attribute \"" + attributePath.attribute + "\" is not a valid DVA");
Ejemplo n.º 8
  public WDBObject newInstance(WDBObject baseParent, Adapter scda) throws Exception {
    Integer newUid = new Integer(Math.abs((new UID()).hashCode()));
    WDBObject newObject =
        new WDBObject(
            new Hashtable<String, Integer>(),
            new Hashtable<String, Integer>(),
            new Hashtable<String, Object>(),
            new Hashtable<String, Object>(),

    for (int i = 0; i < this.superClasses.size(); i++) {
      ClassDef superClass = scda.getClass((String) this.superClasses.get(i));
      WDBObject parent;
      if (baseParent == null || !superClass.name.equals(baseParent.getClassName())) {
        if (superClass.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
          // If this super class is another subclass, then create a new instance of one of those
          // with this object as the child and the parent we want to attach to
          parent = superClass.newInstance(baseParent, scda);
        } else {
          // If this super class is a base class, then create a new isntance but don't pass the
          // parent we want to attach since its a base class
          parent = superClass.newInstance(null, scda);
      } else {
        // The base parent is my immediate parent
        parent = baseParent;

      WDBObject childObject = parent.getChildObject(this.name, scda);

      if (childObject != null) {
        // Parent alreadly extended to this class, just return the child instance
        return childObject;



    return newObject;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  public Object getDvaValue(String dvaName, ParserAdapter scda) throws Exception {
    Object value = null;

    // See if its immediate in this class
    ClassDef myClass = this.getClassDef(scda);
    Attribute myAttribute = myClass.getAttribute(dvaName);
    if (myAttribute != null && myAttribute.getClass() == DVA.class) {
      value = this.dvaValues.get(dvaName);
    // Not immediate, go check parents if I'm an object of a subclass
    else if (myClass.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
      Enumeration e = parents.keys();
      while (true) {
        try {
          String parentClass = (String) e.nextElement();
          Integer parentUid = (Integer) parents.get(parentClass);
          WDBObject parent = scda.getObject(parentClass, parentUid);

          value = parent.getDvaValue(dvaName, scda);
          // If we reached here, we got our value. Get out of here
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
          // Can't find DVA going up that parent's heirarchy. Continue on to another parent
          if (!e.hasMoreElements()) {
            // No more parents to try. We are here if we exausted our parent's list and
            // still can't find the DVA. Throw exception
            throw nsfe;
    // value can't be found and I'm not a subclass. It doesn't exist in this heirarchy
    else {
      throw new NoSuchFieldException("Attribute \"" + dvaName + "\" is not a valid DVA");

    return value;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public WDBObject getBaseObject(ParserAdapter scda) throws Exception {
   ClassDef myClass = this.getClassDef(scda);
   // See if its parent of this class
   if (myClass.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
     // Check my parents.
     Enumeration e = parents.keys();
     while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
       String parentClass = (String) e.nextElement();
       Integer parentUid = (Integer) parents.get(parentClass);
       WDBObject parent = scda.getObject(parentClass, parentUid);
       WDBObject grandparent = parent.getBaseObject(scda);
       if (grandparent != null) {
         return grandparent;
     // Not any superClass of mine!
     return null;
   } else if (myClass.getClass() == ClassDef.class) {
     return this;
   } else {
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  private void addEvaInverse(EVA ownerEva, ClassDef ownerEvaClass, WDBObject ownerEvaObject, ParserAdapter scda) throws Exception
      //Try to see if other class's inverse EVA is declared on my side
      ClassDef myClass = this.getClassDef(scda);
      Attribute myAttribute = myClass.getAttribute(ownerEva.inverseEVA);
      if(myAttribute != null && myAttribute.getClass() == EVA.class)
          //Oh it is, good. Use the declared settings
          if(((EVA)myAttribute).cardinality == EVA.MULTIVALUED)
              ArrayList targetObjectList = ((ArrayList)this.evaObjects.get(myAttribute.name));
              if(targetObjectList == null)
                  targetObjectList = new ArrayList();
              this.evaObjects.put(myAttribute.name, targetObjectList);
          else if(((EVA)myAttribute).cardinality == EVA.SINGLEVALUED)
              //For singlevalued EVAs, just put the UID as the value;
              this.evaObjects.put(myAttribute.name, ownerEvaObject.getUid());
              throw new NoSuchFieldException("Attribute \"" + myAttribute.name + "\" uses a invalid cardinality");
          throw new Exception("Implication of target class inverse EVAs is not implemented");

          //The inverse EVA is not defined in this class or there is no inverse EVA specified
          //We have to infer the cardinality of our inverse based on the cardinality EVA from the owner's class
          if(ownerEva.cardinality == EVA.SINGLEVALUED)
              //Imply MV UNIQUE
              if(myAttribute != null)
                  ArrayList targetObjectList = ((ArrayList)this.evaObjects.get(myAttribute.name));
                  if(targetObjectList == null)
                      targetObjectList = new ArrayList();


  public WDBObject[] getEvaObjects(String evaName, ParserAdapter scda) throws Exception {
    ClassDef myClass = this.getClassDef(scda);
    Attribute myAttribute = myClass.getAttribute(evaName);

    WDBObject[] evaObjects = new WDBObject[0];
    if (myAttribute != null && myAttribute.getClass() == EVA.class) {
      if (((EVA) myAttribute).cardinality.equals(EVA.MULTIVALUED)) {
        ArrayList<Object> targetObjectList = ((ArrayList) this.evaObjects.get(evaName));
        ArrayList<WDBObject> targetObjects = new ArrayList<WDBObject>();
        if (targetObjectList != null) {
          for (int i = 0; i < targetObjectList.size(); i++) {
            String[] targetKey = ((String) targetObjectList.get(i)).split(":");
            String targetClass = targetKey[0];
            Integer targetUid = Integer.valueOf(targetKey[1]);
            WDBObject targetObject = scda.getObject(targetClass, targetUid);
          evaObjects = ((WDBObject[]) targetObjects.toArray(evaObjects));
      } else if (((EVA) myAttribute).cardinality.equals(EVA.SINGLEVALUED)) {
        if (this.evaObjects.get(evaName) != null) {
          String[] targetKey = ((String) this.evaObjects.get(evaName)).split(":");
          String targetClass = targetKey[0];
          Integer targetUid = Integer.valueOf(targetKey[1]);
          WDBObject targetObject = scda.getObject(targetClass, targetUid);
          if (targetObject != null) {
            WDBObject[] targetObjs = {((WDBObject) targetObject)};
            evaObjects = targetObjs;
      } else {
        throw new NoSuchFieldException("Attribute \"" + evaName + "\" uses a invalid cardinality");

    } else if (myClass.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
      Enumeration e = parents.keys();
      while (true) {
        try {
          String parentClass = (String) e.nextElement();
          Integer parentUid = (Integer) parents.get(parentClass);
          WDBObject parent = scda.getObject(parentClass, parentUid);

          return parent.getEvaObjects(evaName, scda);
          // If we reached here, we get our value. Get out of here
          // break;
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
          // Can't find DVA going up that parent's heirarchy. Continue on to another parent
          if (!e.hasMoreElements()) {
            // No more parents to try. We are here if we exausted our parent's list and
            // still can't find the DVA. Throw exception
            throw nsfe;
    // value can't be found and I'm not a subclass. It doesn't exist in this heirarchy
    else {
      throw new NoSuchFieldException("Attribute \"" + evaName + "\" is not a valid EVA");

    return evaObjects;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  public void removeEvaObjects(
      String evaName, String targetClass, WDBObject[] targetObjects, ParserAdapter scda)
      throws Exception {
    // Don't do anything if the target objects to remove is null
    if (targetObjects != null) {
      ClassDef myClass = this.getClassDef(scda);
      Attribute myAttribute = myClass.getAttribute(evaName);
      if (myAttribute != null && myAttribute.getClass() == EVA.class) {
        ClassDef targetClassDef = scda.getClass(targetClass);
        if (targetClassDef.name.equals(((EVA) myAttribute).baseClassName)
            || targetClassDef.isSubclassOf((((EVA) myAttribute).baseClassName), scda)) {
          ClassDef baseClassDef = scda.getClass(((EVA) myAttribute).baseClassName);
          WDBObject baseObject;
          for (int i = 0; i < targetObjects.length; i++) {
            // See if we can remove it from our end first
            if (this.removeEvaObject((EVA) myAttribute, targetObjects[i], scda)) {
              // Get the object that belongs to the base class of the EVA
              if ((((EVA) myAttribute).baseClassName).equals(targetClassDef.name)) {
                baseObject = targetObjects[i];
              } else {
                baseObject =
                    targetObjects[i].getParentObject((((EVA) myAttribute).baseClassName), scda);
              // Get the inverse EVA, if there is one
              Attribute inverseAttribute =
                  baseClassDef.getAttribute(((EVA) myAttribute).inverseEVA);
              // Put myself as a reference in the target's EVA
              if (inverseAttribute != null && inverseAttribute.getClass() == EVA.class) {
                baseObject.removeEvaObject((EVA) inverseAttribute, this, scda);
              } else {
                throw new Exception("Implication of target class inverse EVAs is not implemented");
              // Update the object
      // Not immediate, go check parents if I'm an object of a subclass
      else if (myClass.getClass() == SubclassDef.class) {
        Enumeration e = parents.keys();
        while (true) {
          try {
            String parentClass = (String) e.nextElement();
            Integer parentUid = (Integer) parents.get(parentClass);
            WDBObject parent = scda.getObject(parentClass, parentUid);

            parent.removeEvaObjects(evaName, targetClass, targetObjects, scda);
            // If we reached here, we set our value. Get out of here
          } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
            // Can't find DVA going up that parent's heirarchy. Continue on to another parent
            if (!e.hasMoreElements()) {
              // No more parents to try. We are here if we exausted our parent's list and
              // still can't find the DVA. Throw exception
              throw nsfe;
      // value can't be found and I'm not a subclass. It doesn't exist in this heirarchy
      else {
        throw new NoSuchFieldException("Attribute \"" + evaName + "\" is not a valid EVA");

Ejemplo n.º 13
  void handleClassAnnotation(ClassDef classDef) {
    Set<? extends Annotation> aSet = classDef.getAnnotations();
    if (aSet == null || aSet.isEmpty()) return;

    List<Tag> tags = handleAnnotation(aSet, classDef.getType());
    if (tags == null) return;

    InnerClassAttribute ica = null;
    for (Tag t : tags)
      if (t != null) {
        if (t instanceof InnerClassTag) {
          if (ica == null) {
            // Do we already have an InnerClassAttribute?
            ica = (InnerClassAttribute) clazz.getTag("InnerClassAttribute");
            // If not, create one
            if (ica == null) {
              ica = new InnerClassAttribute();
          ica.add((InnerClassTag) t);
        } else if (t instanceof VisibilityAnnotationTag) {
          // If a dalvik/annotation/AnnotationDefault tag is present
          // in a class, its AnnotationElements must be propagated
          // to methods through the creation of new AnnotationDefaultTag.
          VisibilityAnnotationTag vt = (VisibilityAnnotationTag) t;
          for (AnnotationTag a : vt.getAnnotations()) {
            if (a.getType().equals("Ldalvik/annotation/AnnotationDefault;")) {
              for (AnnotationElem ae : a.getElems()) {
                if (ae instanceof AnnotationAnnotationElem) {
                  AnnotationAnnotationElem aae = (AnnotationAnnotationElem) ae;
                  AnnotationTag at = aae.getValue();
                  // extract default elements
                  Map<String, AnnotationElem> defaults = new HashMap<String, AnnotationElem>();
                  for (AnnotationElem aelem : at.getElems()) {
                    defaults.put(aelem.getName(), aelem);
                  // create default tags containing default elements
                  // and add tags on methods
                  for (SootMethod sm : clazz.getMethods()) {
                    String methodName = sm.getName();
                    if (defaults.containsKey(methodName)) {
                      AnnotationElem e = defaults.get(methodName);

                      // Okay, the name is the same, but is it actually the same type?
                      Type annotationType = getSootType(e);
                      boolean isCorrectType = false;
                      if (annotationType == null) {
                        // we do not know the type of the annotation, so we guess it's the correct
                        // type.
                        isCorrectType = true;
                      } else {
                        if (annotationType.equals(sm.getReturnType())) {
                          isCorrectType = true;
                        } else if (annotationType.equals(ARRAY_TYPE)) {
                          if (sm.getReturnType() instanceof ArrayType) isCorrectType = true;

                      if (isCorrectType && sm.getParameterCount() == 0) {
                        AnnotationDefaultTag d = new AnnotationDefaultTag(e);

                        // In case there is more than one matching method, we only use the first one
                  for (Entry<String, AnnotationElem> leftOverEntry : defaults.entrySet()) {
                    // We were not able to find a matching method for the tag, because the return
                    // signature
                    // does not match
                    SootMethod found = clazz.getMethodByNameUnsafe(leftOverEntry.getKey());
                    AnnotationElem element = leftOverEntry.getValue();
                    if (found != null) {
                      AnnotationDefaultTag d = new AnnotationDefaultTag(element);
          if (!(vt.getVisibility() == AnnotationConstants.RUNTIME_INVISIBLE)) clazz.addTag(vt);
        } else {
        Debug.printDbg("add class annotation: ", t, " type: ", t.getClass());
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public ClassDef getBaseClass(Adapter scda) throws Exception {
   // Assume all of our superclasses go back to the same base class alreadly
   ClassDef superClass;
   superClass = scda.getClass(((String) superClasses.get(0)));
   return superClass.getBaseClass(scda);