//    public StructuralSummaryIndex(String indexName,int numOfKeys)
 //    {
 //        //this.qNameList=qNamelist;
 //        //this.nodeList=nodeList;
 //        this.indexName=indexName;
 //        this.numOfKeys=numOfKeys;
 //        logicFileMgr = LogicalFileManager.Instance;
 //        bufMngr = BufferManager.getInstance();
 //        XBufferChannel=new XBufferChannel();//vasl bshe b buf mgr:getfreepage()
 //        XBufferChannel.clear();
 //    }
 public StructuralSummaryIndex(int indexPage, String indexName) throws IOException, DBException {
   // usage: openning of existing SSIndex object.
   this.indexName = indexName;
   this.indexPage = indexPage; // always the same
   this.workingPage = indexPage; // may change
   logicFileMgr = LogicalFileManager.Instance;
   bufMngr = BufferManager.getInstance();
   xBufferChannel = new XBufferChannel(); // new ham lazem nis //vasl bshe b buf mgr:getfreepage()
   // xBufferChannel.clear(); //LaZEM NIs
   xBufferChannel = bufMngr.getPage(indexPage); // may change
   xBufferChannel.position(Settings.freeOffsetPos); // 5
   freeOffset = xBufferChannel.getInt(); // init
   numOfKeys = xBufferChannel.getInt(); // init
   unTakenNodes = numOfKeys;
 public StructuralSummaryIndex(String indexName) throws IOException, DBException {
   // usage: creation of nonExisting index
   this.indexName = indexName;
   this.numOfKeys = 0;
   nodeList = new ArrayList();
   logicFileMgr = LogicalFileManager.Instance;
   bufMngr = BufferManager.getInstance();
   xBufferChannel = bufMngr.getFreePage();
   this.indexPage = createSSIndexPage();
   this.workingPage = this.indexPage;
   // XBufferChannel=bufMngr.getPage(indexPage);//vasl bshe b buf mgr:getfreepage()
   // XBufferChannel.clear();
   int keysAdded = 0;
   freeOffset = Settings.dataStartPos; // initialize
  public BTreeInternalNode(InternalBuffer xBuf, String indexName) {

    logicFileMgr = LogicalFileManager.Instance;
    this.indexName = indexName;
    bufMngr = BufferManager.getInstance();
    InternalBuffer = xBuf;
    InternalBuffer.position(Settings.freeOffsetPos); // 5
    testPos = InternalBuffer.position();
    freeOffset = InternalBuffer.getInt();
    // byteBuf=xBuf.getByteBuffer();
    testPos = InternalBuffer.position();

    isLeaf = InternalBuffer.get();
    // InternalBuffer.position(Settings.numOfKeysPos);
    numOfKeys = InternalBuffer.getInt();
/** @author MohsenCs */
public class PostgreDB {
  private String docName; // haman db name
  private BTreeIndex bTreeIndex;
  private ElementIndex elemIndex;
  private StructuralSummaryIndex structSumIndex;
  private PostgreDBManager dbdocMgr;
  private BufferManager bufMgr = BufferManager.getInstance();
  // IndexManager indexMgr;
  private List<DeweyID> Deweylist;
  private static int num = 0;
  private Connection con = null;

  public PostgreDB() {}

  public PostgreDB(String docName) throws IOException {
    dbdocMgr = PostgreDBManager.Instance;

    try {
      String dbURL = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/XMLDB";
      String userName = "******";
      String password = "******";
      con = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, userName, password);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      System.out.println("JDBC Driver is not Configured Correctly !");


  public List getDeweyList() {
    return Deweylist;

  public HashMap checkBufPool() {
    logManager.LogManager.log(0, "Checking bufPool status");
    return bufMgr.getPoolStatus();

  public void addElement(DeweyID deweyID, String qName, int parentCID, boolean qNameFound)
      throws IOException, Exception, SQLException {
    try {
      if (con != null) {
        String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO \"OrderedByCID\" (\"CID\", \"DeweyID\") VALUES (?, ?);";
        PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
        pst.setInt(1, deweyID.getCID());
        pst.setString(2, deweyID.toString());
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      System.out.println("JDBC Driver is not Configured Correctly !");

  public void addAttribute(DeweyID deweyID, String qName, int parentCID, boolean qNameFound)
      throws IOException, Exception {
    // parentCID is curNode's CID
    //        logManager.LogManager.log(6,qName);
    //        logManager.LogManager.log(6,"Attrib: "+deweyID.toString());
    //        logManager.LogManager.log(6,String.valueOf(deweyID.getCID()));
    //        }
    //         elemIndex.insert(deweyID.getCID(),deweyID);
    //         bTreeIndex.insert(deweyID,deweyID.getCID(),qName);
    if (!qNameFound) {
      // structSumIndex.add(deweyID.getCID(),qName,parentCID);
      try {
        if (con != null) {
          String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO \"OrderedByCID\" (\"CID\", \"DeweyID\") VALUES (?, ?);";
          PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
          pst.setInt(1, deweyID.getCID());
          pst.setString(2, deweyID.toString());
          //                    pst.setString(3, String.v);
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        System.out.println("JDBC Driver is not Configured Correctly !");
    // checkBufPool();

  public void addValue(DeweyID deweyID, String value, int parentCID) throws IOException, Exception {
    // we may have problem here
    // maybe we should update previously inserted attributes instead of insert new one

    // FOR ATTrib Values (Actually they are behaved the same as text contents)
    // text contents are not added to element index,thier CID shouldn be Zero
    // elemIndex.insert(0,deweyID);
    // bTreeIndex.insert(deweyID,-1,value);
    logManager.LogManager.log(6, value);
    logManager.LogManager.log(6, "Value: " + deweyID.toString());
    try {
      if (con != null) {
        String sqlQuery =
            "INSERT INTO \"OrderedByCID\" (\"CID\", \"DeweyID\" , \"Value\") VALUES (?, ? ,?);";
        PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
        pst.setInt(1, deweyID.getCID());
        pst.setString(2, deweyID.toString());
        pst.setString(3, value);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      System.out.println("JDBC Driver is not Configured Correctly !");

    // structSumIndex.add(-1,value,parentCID);THIS IS NOT NEEDED!
    // checkBufPool();

  public void addContent(DeweyID deweyID, StringBuilder contentBuilder, int parentCID)
      throws IOException, Exception {
    String content = new String(contentBuilder);
    try {
      if (con != null) {
        String sqlQuery =
            "INSERT INTO \"OrderedByCID\" (\"CID\", \"DeweyID\" , \"Value\") VALUES (?, ? ,?);";
        PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
        pst.setInt(1, deweyID.getCID());
        pst.setString(2, deweyID.toString());
        pst.setString(3, content);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      System.out.println("JDBC Driver is not Configured Correctly !");
    // text contents are not added to element index,thier CID shouldn be Zero
    // elemIndex.insert(0,deweyID);
    //         bTreeIndex.insert(deweyID,-2,content);
    //         System.out.println("CID: -2");
    // structSumIndex.add(-2,content,parentCID);THIS IS NOT NEEDED
    // checkBufPool();

  public void endOfDocSignal() throws IOException, DBException, SQLException {
    //         docMgr.closeDoc(this.docName);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public BufferManager getBufferManager() {
   return BufferManager.getInstance();