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Welcome to the CODOC project


CODOC is an open file format and API for the lossless and lossy compression of depth-of-coverage (DOC) signals stemming from high-throughput sequencing (HTS) experiments. DOC data is a one-dimensional signal representing the number of reads covering each reference nucleotide in a HTS data set. DOC is highly-valuable information for interpreting (e.g., RNA-seq), filtering (e.g., SNP analysis) or detecting novel features (e.g., structural variants) in sequencing data sets.

CODOC exploits several characteristics of DOC data stemming from HTS data and uses a non-uniform quantization model that preserves DOC signals in low-coverage regions nearly perfectly while allowing more divergence in highly covered regions.

CODOC reduces required file sizes for DOC data up to 3500X when compared to raw representations and about 4-32X when compared to the other methods. The CODOC API supports efficient sequential and random access to compressed data sets.

Some usage scenarios for CODOC:

  • extract strand-specific coverage signal (export as WIG file)
  • query coverage values at given genomic positions
  • extract genomic regions with a given minimum/maximum coverage
  • filter single-nucleotide variations in cancer/normal pairs
  • pairwise combinations of coverage files (e.g., subtract one signal from another, calculate minimum signal, etc.)
  • cross-correlation of coverage signals
  • compression of DOC data (e.g, for archiving or transmission). Note that successive compression/decompression of DOC data with CODOC can be used for intentional data quantization.

CODOC Overview

Getting CODOC

CODOC source code and releases can be downloaded from GitHub. CODOC uses maven2 as a build tool. For development we recommend the Eclipse IDE for Java developers and the m2e Maven Integration for Eclipse.

The CODOC jars can be built with bin/ <VERSION> (version is, e.g., 0.0.1)

Usage Examples

Call the CODOC API w/o parameters to get short usage information for the individual commands:

$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar
$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar compress
$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar decompress
$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar tools

The following command compresses coverage data extracted from a SAM/BAM file using a regular grid of height 5 for quantization. Only reads that have the SAM flag for PCR or optical duplicates (1024) unset and reads with a mapping quality > 20 are included.

$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar compress -bam <BAM> -qmethod GRID -qparam 5 -filter "FLAGS^^1024" -filter "MAPQ>20" -o BAM.comp

The following command compresses coverage data extracted from all minus-strand reads in a BAM file losslessly. Only reads with a mapping quality > 20 are included.

$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar compress -bam <BAM> -qparam 0 -filter "STRAND=-" -filter "MAPQ>20" -o <BAM>.comp

The following command prints the header of a compressed file showing the metadata as well as the configuration used for compressing the file.

$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar decompress head -covFile <BAM>.comp

The following command starts an interactive query session for random accessing the compressed file.

$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar decompress query -covFile <BAM>.comp

The following command extracts all regions from the compressed file that have a coverage between MIN and MAX and stores them to a BED file. The given name/description are used for the BED track.

$ java -jar bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar decompress tobed -covFile <BAM>.comp -outFile <BED> -min <MIN> -max <MAX> -name <NAME> -description <DESCRIPTION>

The following command queries a file and scales the results by a linear factor.

$ java -jar codoc-0.0.1.jar decompress query -covFile <BAM>.comp -scale 2.0

The following commands convert a CODOC file to the Wig and then to the BigWig format.

$ java -jar codoc-0.0.1.jar decompress towig -covFile <BAM>.comp -o <BAM>.comp.wig
$ wigToBigWig <BAM>.comp.wig <chrSizes> <BAM>

NOTE: if you run into OutOfMemory errors, you can increase the available heap space of the java JVM (e.g., to 4 GByte) using the following switch: $ java -Xmx4g bin/codoc-0.0.1.jar ...

CODOC Filters

Filters can be used to restrict the coverage extraction from am SAM/BAM file to reads that match the given filter criteria. Multiple filters are combined by a logical AND. Filters are of the form <FIELD><OPERATOR><VALUE>.

Possible fields:

    MAPQ    	the mapping quality
    FLAGS   	the read flags
    STRAND  	the read strand (+/-)
    FOPSTRAND       the first-of-pair read strand (+/-)

Other names will be mapped directly to the optional field name in the SAM file. Use e.g., NM for the 'number of mismatches' field. Reads that do not have a field set will be included (See the SAM specification).

Possible operators: <, <=, =, >, >=, ^^ (flag unset), && (flag set)

Example: (do NOT use reads with mapping quality <= 20, or multiple perfect hits)

    -filter 'MAPQ&gt;20' -filter 'H0=1'


If you make use of CODOC, please cite:

Niko Popitsch, CODOC: efficient access, analysis and compression of depth of coverage signals., Bioinformatics, 2014, DOI