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These are my Project Euler submissions, not all of them are completed. I have subsequently also put solutions for CodeEval problems as well as algorithms that I wrote based upon Pseudocode in Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al. This just acts as a repository for personal use, by all means have a look.

There are three folders:

1 R Files: This contains my solutions written in R, all are stand alone, although I may get round to organising them into a package (which would make some sense).

2 Java Files: This contains my solutions written in Java, each of them are standalone classes.

3 Project Euler Java Program: The name is moderately facile as it is only really a Java package, but it is designed in such a way that I won’t have to continually reuse code, so I have done things such as a Java prime sieve which is needed for many of the problems. There are three key packages, basicTools where I have put things like primeSieve and fibb ect. Solutions, which are individial solutions to problesm. Algorithms from Introduction to Algorithms. Utilities is where I have started to build a .csv reader but this is realtively low priority.


My solutions to ProjectEuler problems






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