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                                  ORIENT DATABASE

1 Pre-requirements

Before to download, compile and install the latest version of Orient please
assure to have the following tools installed:

1.1 Java5
Java SDK 5.0+. Previous releases don't works since Orient needs Java5 features
such as Annotation and Typed Collection. But if you don't have constraints we
suggest you to download the last update of Java6.
You can download Java5 from here:

Note: Please assure to download the JDK and not JRE.

1.1 Apache Ant
Apache Ant version 1.6.5 (previous version should works too).

You can download from here:

2 Build the last version of Orient

Follow the instruction below:

a) Open a shell and go in the path where you want to download the
b) Type:
   svn checkout orient
c) Move to the directory *trunk* and execute *ant*
d) Wait for building and when finished
e) Enjoy ;-)

If you want help start from here:

3 Launch the tests

Follow the instruction below:

a) Open a shell and go in the path where you have installed the OrientDB sources.
b) Type: ant test
c) Wait for the completition.
d) Once finished you can close the OrientDB Server instance started for the tests 

Orient Database staff