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A poll generator. Use a very simple script to create a quick poll and send it to your users.

There are some rough edges still, like configurations are in code (please take a look at}), but stills pretty usable.


Before creating a war file using maven, you need to process the web client code, for this I use Grunt.js, but first you need to run npm install inside the webclient folder.

Once you ran the Grunt script, you can use maven to create the war file.

mvn package

You can deploy this war file in a Tomcat server. When the application is up and ready, you can access the admin interface with the path:


Assuming you deployed in a Tomcat in your localhost with the default configuration.

You'll be required to introduce a username/password, type yours o use the default one "admin/admin".

The Script

{Title} Declares the poll title

{Question} Begins a question declaration. After this line should go the response options. There are 4 types of response options:

  • () Radio Buttons. Can only choose one option.
  • [] Checkboxes. Can choose one or more options. (Check Config tag).
  • -> Combo Box. Can choose only one option.
  • ___ Textarea. Free text area.

{Config} Add a configuration to a question.:

  • choose => <n> Apply to checkboxes only. Add a validation where the user can only choose, at most, n options.
  • labels => true Tells application that takes the answers of this question to generate the classification legends in the answer graphic.
  • axis => <axis label> Create an axis label for this question in the answers graphic.
  • order => ascending|descending Create a value order for the options in this question. Default is ascending (the first option weight 0, the last option 100).

{SendTo} Declares the sender list. The emails should be separed by commas.

{EmailSubject} Declares the E-Mail subject to use when send the email to the users.

{EmailTitle} Declares the table title inside the E-Mail. The default is "In IT we appreciate your feedback"

{EmailContent} Declares the text inside the E-Mail's table. This content should include a special tag, that creates a button with the link to the poll, in any part of the content, as follows:

<<Text for the link>>

If not specified, the default is:

You are receiving this mail because we provided you service recently and as part 
of our efforts to improve our service, we would like you to help us answering a brief poll about it.

You can access the poll in the following link


We want to thank you in advance for your time.


{EmailSign} Declares the sign for the E-Mail. Its just a styled text in the bottom of the E-Mail body. The default is "LAC IT Department"


{Title} Encuesta de Satisfaccion sobre algun servicio

{Question} A que Direccion de Staff Reporta? 
{Config optional => true}
{Config labels => true}
-> ITD
-> P &amp; A
-> Ingenieria
-> FSC
-> HR
-> Marketing

{Question} Que intereses tienes de crecimiento
[] Informatica
[] Operaciones Aduana
[] Operaciones Domestico
[] Retails

{Question} Considera usted que los empleados de IT en este proyecto tienen buena disposicion ante sus requerimientos?
{Config axis => Disposicion}
() Totalmente en desacuerdo
() Parcialmente en desacuerdo
() Neutral
() Parcialmente de acuerdo
() Totalmente de acuerdo

{Question} Las solicitudes presentadas por usted son atendidas y solucionadas de forma oportuna?
{Config axis => Atencion}
() Totalmente en desacuerdo
() Parcialmente en desacuerdo
() Neutral
() Parcialmente de acuerdo
() Totalmente de acuerdo

{Question} En terminos de calidad sus requerimientos son atendidos satisfactoriamente?
{Config axis => Calidad}
() Totalmente en desacuerdo
() Parcialmente en desacuerdo
() Neutral
() Parcialmente de acuerdo
() Totalmente de acuerdo

{Question} Ve necesario incrementar los recursos del area que lo atendio?
{Config axis => Recursos}
() Totalmente en desacuerdo
() Parcialmente en desacuerdo
() Neutral
() Parcialmente de acuerdo
() Totalmente de acuerdo

{Question} Por que?

{Question} Como valoraria el area que esta evaluando?
{Config axis => General}
() Fuerte necesidad de mejora
() Alguna necesidad de mejora
() Neutral
() Cumplio con mis expectativas
() Excedio mis expectativas

{Question} Por favor escriba una sugerencia de como podemos mejorar para otros proyectos?

{Question} Cumplio su expectativa inicial?
() Si
() No
() Neutral

{EmailSubject} Encuenta de satisfaccion
{EmailTitle} Valoramos mucho tu opinion
{EmailContent} Estimado usuario

Recibes este correo porque recientemente te ayudamos a prender tu computadora y como parte de nuestro compromiso por ofrecer un mejor servicio, te pedimos que nos ayudes contestando una breve encuenta.

Puedes acceder a la encuestas desde este link:

<<Contestar Encuesta>>

Agradecemos mucho su tiempo.


{EmailSign} Cultome Corp.



Avery simple poll generator







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