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junc - Functional Java


In functional programming, developers generally adhere to the practice of immutability. The languages tend to be very expressive, with even flow control elements of the languages returning values as if they were functions. As a rule, any time your program stops processing your code in a sequential order, functional programming and imperitive programming offer different solutions. Java's if, switch, while, and for elements create void (no return value) blocks where mutability is legal. In Erlang and Scala, you would use pattern matching in place of switch, and all pattern matching blocks return a value. Rather than loops, you would use list comprehensions (map/reduce operations) and recursion. Erlang optimizes for tail recursion, allowing functions that end in a call to themselves to avoid stack overflow.

The language elements and techniques used in functional programming tend to make the code concise, but the syntax and semantics take time to learn. The rewards for functional programming are many. Immutability reduces complexity and eliminates side effects. It makes it safe to share data between threads in parallel processing. It gives you new types of flow control that reduce your code's verbosity, and to the functional veteran, it increases your code's readability.

Java 1.8 introduced a number of functional features to the language. The Stream interface makes it possible to do map/reduce operations. It is now possible to generate sequences rather than allocating finite collections to hold them. As an illustration, Fibonacci is a sequence, and it doesn't really belong in a collection. It should be generated and iterated over simultaneously. This is possible in Java 1.8!

Sadly, Java leaves out many of the things that would make it fully functional. It lacks pattern matching, list comprehensions, and immutability. The implementation of Optional does not implement the class as a 0..1 length stream, a necessity in order to use it idiomatically inside list comprehensions (see *getDinner example here:

This library attempts to build upon 1.8, adding support for immutability, pattern matching, list comprehensions, and a Maybe class to make Optional support streaming. It also implements TailCall, basically the next best thing to real tail recursion. Down deep, it implements an Erlang-style linked list as an immutable collection type.

##Control of Flow in Traditional Vs. Functional Languages

Functional languages aim to treat all code as an expression. Expressions always evaluate to a result. In common languages such as Java, control of flow elements such as if and for create boolean branches and loops, but the blocks of code are essentially void. They don't evaluate to or return a value; rather, they only control the sequence of instructions. This has some interesting consequences. Let's illustrate with examples:

%% Erlang
%% Map a string to a constant

Operation = case S of
  '+' -> addition;
  '-' -> subtraction;
  '*' -> multiplication;
  '/' -> division;
  _ -> unknown

And in Java:

int operation = UNKNOWN;
case '+':
    operation = ADDITION;
case '-':
    operation = SUBTRACTION;
case '*':
    operation = MULTIPLICATION;
case '/':
    operation = DIVISION;

Erlang fits the familiar mathematical pattern

Operation = f(S)

... resembling the ever more familiar

y = f(x)

Java's approach does not neatly fit into a mathematical expression. Expressed as pseudocode:

declare variable operation
    calculate and set value of operation
variable operation now has a new value

When decomposing these chunks of code, Erlang's approach unveils a function inside of a function. The Java code block decomposes into a pattern that has a resemblance to the use of global variables! Another issue emerges in the switch block -- mutability. Many would consider this a code smell. You can make switch functional with little effort and without this library. Here's how:

int calculateOperation(String opText){
    case '+':
        return ADDITION;
    case '-':
        return SUBTRACTION;
    case '*':
        return MULTIPLICATION;
    case '/':
        return DIVISION;
        return UNKNOWN;

Very clean! There are limitations, though. You must declare a function or a block lambda to implement this code. It introduces a redundancy, with the return reserved word repeating in every ladder rung. Also, the switch block does not support powerful pattern matching - just straight equality comparisons.

Void control of flow idioms are a bit of a missed opportunity. Note that the terniary ? operation is often used in return statements, but this is not possible with switch or if (except when implemented like the last example!). Thankfully, the introduction of map/fold operations on Stream allows replacement of loops with functional transformations. The junc library implements ways to code logical control of flow in a more functional manner. The junc pattern matching API Case.caseMatch(...) enables expressive Boolean logic resulting in a return value. It's a superhero version of switch !


When I went to start coding examples, I went straight to the unit tests for this library. I had a thought: "How do I illustrate what values are expected from the code?" That was easy to answer - use the unit tests as the examples! This complemented a tendency toward laziness when it comes to documentation! It's a win/win situation.

The unit tests' source code can be found in test/org/junq.



Idiomatic programming does not always lead to optimal performance. Immutability can be expensive, for example, but it leads to reliable and readable code. I tend to err on the side of idiomatic code. The longterm view is that eventually, compilers will optimize away performance penalties in your clean code. Compilers can never fix complex code when it proves itself to be technical debt.


Functional Library for Java






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