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Quick Start Guide

1. Download the pre-packaged SDK ZIP file at
2. Unzip the SDK.
3. Open the read_me_first.html file located in the root of the ZIP.
4. Integrate Socialize.
5. Retire to a beach because your app is now so darn good.

Release Notes 

[bug] Error when selecting "other options" from share view
[bug] UI Lockup when error occurs during FB auth
[bug] Amazon app store url suffix missing from entity urls

[feature] Remove transparency on Action Bar loading view
[bug] Error when sharing (text not included) 
[bug] LaunchActivity missing from docs 

[feature] Add app store type to redirect URLS (e.g. Amazon App Store)
[bug] XHDPI missing location pin image
[bug] Share options (location and FB) are not enabled on first load of share slider
[feature] Facebook error should present a dialog
[bug] EntityLoader does not work from notification

[feature] Add proguard conf to docs
[bug] Notifications broken in SDK (NPE)

[bug] Like button does not gracefully handle sign out of fb after like
[bug] Like button does not update local cache for entity leading to stale data in the action bar

[bug] Multiple notifications do not always open the app correctly
[bug] Like button does not load if entity does not exist

[bug] Images on Galaxy Nexus do not render correctly
[feature] Add like button which can be easily customized with image and name
[bug] Failed FB auth does not clear session correctly
[bug] Oauth class fails to load (proguard conf)
[feature] Add documentation for like button
[feature] Add documentation for how to use the manual XML layout option (i.e. what does the source code look like)
[bug] ActionBar does not refresh when loaded using manual XML
[feature] add debug level warning that FB isn't configured.
[bug] Loading spinner on XDPI looks distorted
[bug] Dialog for comment auth does not render correctly on galaxy nexus

[feature] Entity Loader should know whether an entity can be loaded
[feature] Update entity loader documentation

[feature] re-added meta data to entity
[feature] Save/cancel buttons in settings are fixed at screen bottom (don't scroll)
[bug] ActionBar reload fails if entity does not exist
[bug] scroll view does not fill width when action bar is inserted
[bug] NPE on profile save when notifications not enabled

[bug] Comment, Share and Like from SDK should post to FB without ActionBar
[feature] Add redirect url for all share actions
[feature] Developer can add custom data in entity loader to allow for other information when loading an entity.
[feature] SDK can receive notifications from C2DM
[feature] User can access notification in Android notification area
[feature] Log the signature base string generated by the device
[feature] Add unsubscribe to comment list view
[feature] add user subscribe/unsubscribe for the SDK
[feature] User is taken to aciton detail view when clicking a notification
[feature] Add subscribe feature to createComment (SDK)
[bug] Action detail view does not render on Galaxy Nexus
[feature] ActionBar should load without READ_PHONE_STATE permission
[feature] User can change auto-posting of likes/comments in user settings
[feature] Notifications should optionally use app icon
[bug] Invalid notifications render as nullnull on device
[bug] Documentation still references old CommentDetailActivity
[bug] HIGH PRI - comments counter doesn't refresh on action bar after leaving a comment
[bug] HIGH PRI - make sure to strip blank space from key/secret before sending it to user
[bug] App icon not always called "icon"
[feature] HIGH PRI - add link in documentation to "check out dashboard" when they're done with the quickstart guide. [ documentation ]
[feature] HIGH PRI - add description of an "entity key" in documentation [ documentation ]
[feature] HIGH PRI - ambigous "they" in introduction for notifications. When a user leaves a comment they can "elect" to subscribe to that comment. [ documentation ]
[feature] HIGH PRI - Make introduction generic for actions and make subsection for live alerts in threads. [ documentation ]
[feature] HIGH PRI - line highlight position is wrong in XML for notifications [ documentation ]
[feature] entity loader section needs full load example [ documentation ]
[feature] HIGH PRI - on step 1 click notification settings. [ documentation ]
[feature] check in code to make sure that the device has the google API for sending notifications [ notifications ]

[bug] Comments should be HTML encoded when rendering
[feature] User activity scrolls entire view
[feature] New ActionView to replace comment view
[feature] New edit settings view for users
[feature] End user edits settings from a separate view
[bug] Comment list does not stop scrolling after loading new items
[feature] Style of items in comment list matches activity list
[bug] postShare event on ActionBar doesn't fire on listener

[feature] List Comments By User (SDK)
[bug] Session does not persist user auth data correctly
[feature] List activity for User
[feature] Add share location option when posting comments
[feature] Add location icon to comments with location shared
[feature] User can select and copy text from a comment
[feature] User activity in profile view
[feature] Comment list and entry view renders in landscape
[feature] SDK user can add entity loader
[feature] Remove requirement for URL from code and docs

[bug] After signing in or out of FB for the first time, the "edit profile" menu option takes you to the wrong user (the old one)
[bug] Share features should detect when device does not have capability (e.g. SMS)

[feature] Add list likes by user (SDK)

[bug] Comment list displays cached (incorrect) results when loading a different entity from ActionBar 

Internal release


[feature] Add simple sample app to SDK download
[feature] Camera icon on profile image edit is too small
[bug] Crash if user attempts to edit profile before profile picture has loaded
[bug] Share in landscape does not have enough room to display buttons
[bug] Posting app link to FB doesn't include image icon
[bug] After signing in or out of FB for the first time, the "edit profile" menu option takes you to the wrong user (the old one)


[bug] Images  are not scaled correctly for MDPI
[feature] Socialize action bar (view,comment,like)
[bug] Images don't always load on MDPI comment view
[bug] FB Sign in button doesn't work after hitting back from the first time
[feature] Developer can allow end users to Share entity using Facebook
[feature] Add spinner to like
[feature] Posting comments should auto post to FB
[feature] Likes should auto post to FB wall
[feature] Add share to ActionBar
[feature] Developer can create a share (SDK)
[bug] Comment list enters infinite loop when accessed from Action Bar
[bug] User Agent is missing trailing semi colon
[bug] Like button keeps spinning after a few successive hits
[bug] Share is broken in action bar
[feature] Add comment to share
[bug] Facebook button should not appear in share window if FB not available
[feature] User can change auto-post preferences
[feature] Add comment screen
[feature] SDK User can learn about new action bar features in documentation


[feature] Prompt for auth on comment
[bug] Location is sending lon instead of lng
[feature] Package name included in user agent string
[bug] can't see access api button after auth , display issue
[bug] User should see Lat/Long if it exists in Sample App when get comment.
[feature] Update docs to add instructions for using FB auth
[feature] Add profile images to comments
[feature] Add user display name to comments
[feature] User profile view
[feature] User profile edit
[bug] canceling FB auth auto-posts as anonymous
[feature] Add comment view as distinct from profile view
[feature] Access profile from comment view
[bug] Posting comments doesn't work if FB id not provided
[feature] Add support for disabling SSO in FB auth
[bug] Edit profile buttons should not appear for anon. user
[feature] Add approved text to auth dialog popups
[feature] Update doco for new UI features
[feature] Rename getting started guide to "read_me_first"
[feature] Add GetSatisfaction widget to documentation
[feature] Developer can Get a Socialize User (Profile)


[feature] Create entity
[feature] Add country and/or language to User Agent
[feature] Developer can Create a "view"
[feature] Developer can Authenticate their socialize users using Facebook Auth


[feature] User can read a quick start Installation guide in the readme.txt file in the repo
[feature] User can access/read the repo's readme.txt file in GitHub
[bug] SDK throws NPE when no results returned from POST


[bug] Making multiple 'like' requests to the same entity results in new entity objects being created
[bug] Getting Started Guide missing ');' 
[feature] Get entity
[feature] Developer gets paginated results
[bug] Multiple operations as anonymous user creates a new user each time
[feature] List comments for entity
[feature] Get like for entity
[feature] Get comment
[feature] Create comment on entity 
[feature] List likes for entity

[bug] API url is incorrect in config 

[feature] Like an entity
[feature] Unlike an entity
[feature] Authenticate user 
[feature] Device will send agent in request 


Socialize SDK for Android






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