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Virtual Slide Viewer

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**Virtual Slide Viewer** is an application which allows you to view a virtual slide saved in one of more than 100 supported file formats.


  • Cross platform (Windows, Linux)
  • Viewing of huge virtual slides even on a computer with only 1GB RAM
  • Conversion of a virtual slide saved in a closed format to a open format OME-TIFF
  • More than 100 file formats supported. The application was tested with VSI, SVS, SCN and OME-TIFF formats.
  • Support for virtual slides with multiple channels, Z planes and time points
  • Easy to use and intuitive interface with customizable panels
  • Arbitrary zoom level support
  • Fast - the application uses multiple techniques for reducing the delay of loading the visible part of the image, such as the cache system, prefetching of invisible part and parallel, multi-core loading


To run the application you need:

  • Microsoft Windows or any modern distribution of Linux (the application probably will also run on a Mac OS X but it was not tested)
  • Any version (except OpenJDK 8u40) of Java JRE 8
  • At least 1GB RAM

Also a multicore CPU is recommended but not strictly required.

Additionally, if you want to compile the application you need:


The binary releases and their corresponding source code snapshots can be downloaded at the releases page.

If you would like to retrieve the most up to date source code and compile the application yourself, install git and clone the repository by executing the command: git clone or alternatively, click the "Download ZIP" button at the side panel of this page.

How to use

See User Guide


The application uses the following libraries:

  • Swing for the creation of graphical user interface
  • Bioformats 5.1.1 to enable support for more than 100 file formats and allow for saving to a OME-TIFF.
  • Ehcache as a cache memory system.
  • JUnit as a unit test framework
  • Mockito 1.9.5 for the creation of stubs and mocks in unit tests


During the creation of the application the following tools were used:

  • Eclipse Luna with the following extensions:
  • Git
  • Subversion (before the migration to GitHub)
  • VisualVM to detect the bottleneck in the application's performance
  • VirtualBox for testing the application on multiple operating system and testing the application in low memory conditions

How to compile

  1. Install a Java SE Development Kit 8
  2. Install Eclipse
  3. Import the project to a eclipse:
  4. Right click in the area of "Package Explorer" panel
  5. Select "Import..."
  6. Select "General->Existing Projects into Workspace" and click the "Next" button
  7. Click the "Browse..." button at the side of "Select root directory:" and point to a directory where you have cloned the application
  8. Press the "Finish" button
  9. The application will be built automatically, you can now run it by right-clicking the project's name and choosing "Run As" and then selecting "Main"

To build a JAR file:

  1. Install an Apache Ant
  2. Open a command line
  3. Execute (but first substitute the values in {} for correct path):
cd "{path_where_you_have_cloned_Virtual_Slide_Viewer}"
  1. The resulting files will be in {path_where_you_have_cloned_Virtual_Slide_Viewer}\build directory


Virtual Slide Viewer is a free software distributed under the GNU GPL 3 or later license.

See LICENSE.txt and LICENSE_THIRD_PARTY.txt for more information.


Virtual Slide Viewer is an application which allows you to view a virtual slide saved in one of more than 100 supported file formats.







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