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junit-quickcheck: Property-based testing, JUnit-style

junit-quickcheck is a library that supplies JUnit theories with random values with which to test the validity of the theories.

    import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.ForAll;
    import org.junit.contrib.theories.Theories;
    import org.junit.contrib.theories.Theory;
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

    import static org.junit.Assert.*;

    public class StringTheories {
        @Theory public void concatenationLength(
            @ForAll String s1,
            @ForAll String s2) {

            assertEquals(s1.length() + s2.length(), (s1 + s2).length());

As of version 0.5, junit-quickcheck is built with JDK 8, and source/target-compatible with 1.8 and beyond.

PLEASE NOTE: junit-quickcheck uses a [version of the JUnit theories runner] ( that has been modified to respect generics on theory parameter types, as described here. The classes that comprise this rendition of the JUnit theories runner are packaged as org.junit.contrib.theories.*, rather than org.junit.experimental.theories.*. Be sure to use the contrib version of the runner, annotations, etc. with junit-quickcheck.


junit-quickcheck's framework is contained in the JAR file for the module junit-quickcheck-core. You will want to start out also with the JAR file for the module junit-quickcheck-generators, which consists of generators for theory parameters of basic Java types, such as primitives, arrays, and collections.

There is also a module junit-quickcheck-guava, containing generators for Guava types.

Releases are synced to the central Maven repository. Declare <dependency> elements in your POM like so:



There is [a Google group for junit-quickcheck] (


The Haskell library [QuickCheck] ( allows programmers to specify properties of a function that should hold true for some large (potentially infinite) set of possible arguments to the function, then executes the function using lots of random arguments to see whether the property holds up against them.


JUnit's answer to function properties is the notion of theories. Programmers write parameterized tests marked as theories, run using a special test runner.

    import org.junit.contrib.theories.*;
    import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
    import static org.junit.Assert.*;
    import static org.junit.Assume.*;

    // Imagining the existence of classes Money and Account...
    public class Accounts {
        @Theory public void withdrawingReducesBalance(
            Money originalBalance,
            Money withdrawalAmount) {

            assumeThat(originalBalance, greaterThan(Money.NONE));
                allOf(greaterThan(Money.NONE), lessThan(originalBalance)));

            Account account = new Account(originalBalance);




TDD/BDD builds up designs example by example. The resulting test suites give programmers confidence that their code works for the examples they thought of. Theories offer a means to express statements about code that should hold for an entire domain of inputs, not just a handful of examples, and to validate those statements against lots of randomly generated inputs.

Using junit-quickcheck

Create theories as you normally would with JUnit. To exercise the theory with lots of randomly generated values for a theory parameter, mark the theory parameter with @ForAll:

    import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.ForAll;

    // Imagining the existence of class Crypto...
    public class SymmetricKeyCryptography {
        @Theory public void decryptReversesEncrypt(
            @ForAll String plaintext,
            @ForAll Key key) throws Exception {

            Crypto crypto = new Crypto();

            byte[] ciphertext =
                crypto.encrypt(plaintext.getBytes("US-ASCII"), key);

                new String(crypto.decrypt(ciphertext, key)));

Supported types

Out of the box (core + generators), junit-quickcheck recognizes theory parameters of the following types:

  • all Java primitives and primitive wrappers
  • java.math.Big(Decimal|Integer)
  • java.util.Date
  • any enum
  • String
  • "functional interfaces" (interfaces with a single method that does not override a method from java.lang.Object)
  • java.util.ArrayList and java.util.LinkedList of supported types
  • java.util.HashSet and java.util.LinkedHashSet of supported types
  • java.util.HashMap and java.util.LinkedHashMap of supported types
  • arrays of supported types
  • others...

When many generators can satisfy a given theory parameter based on its type (for example,, on a given generation junit-quickcheck will choose one of the multiple generators at random with (roughly) equal probability.

Generating values of other types

To generate random values for theory parameters of other types, or to override the default means of generation for a supported type, mark the theory parameter already marked as @ForAll with @From and supply the class(es) of the Generator to be used. If you give multiple @From annotations, junit-quickcheck will choose one on every generation with probability in proportion to its frequency attribute (default is 1).

    public class IdentificationTheories {
        @Theory public void shouldHold(@ForAll @From(Version5.class) UUID u) {
            // ...

To add a generator for a type without having to use @From, you can package your Generator in a [ServiceLoader] ( JAR file and place the JAR on the class path. junit-quickcheck will make those generators available for use. The generators in the module junit-quickcheck-generators are loaded via this mechanism also; any generators you supply and make available to the ServiceLoader complement these generators rather than override them.

Functional interfaces

Custom generators for types that are functional interfaces override the built-in means of generation for such types. This is usually necessary for functional interfaces that involve generics.

Configuring generators

Over the period of generating values for a single theory parameter, you can feed specific configurations to the generator(s) for that parameter. If you mark a theory parameter already marked as @ForAll with an annotation that is itself marked as @GeneratorConfiguration, then if the Generator for that parameter's type has a public method named configure that accepts a single parameter of the annotation type, junit-quickcheck will call the configure method reflectively, passing it the annotation:

    public @interface Stuff {
        // ...

    public class FooGenerator extends Generator<Foo> {
        // ...

        public void configure(@Stuff stuff) {
            // ...

    public class FooTheories {
        @Theory public void holds(@ForAll @Stuff Foo f) {
            // ...

A Generator can have many such configure methods.

Constraining generated values


Theories often use assumptions to declare conditions under which they hold:

    public class PrimeFactorsTheories {
        @Theory public void factorsPassPrimalityTest(@ForAll BigInteger n) {
            assumeThat(n, greaterThan(ZERO));

            for (BigInteger each : PrimeFactors.of(n))

        @Theory public void factorsMultiplyToOriginal(@ForAll BigInteger n) {
            assumeThat(n, greaterThan(ZERO));

            BigInteger product = ONE;
            for (BigInteger each : PrimeFactors.of(n))
                product = product.multiply(each);

            assertEquals(n, product);

        @Theory public void factorizationsAreUnique(
            @ForAll BigInteger m,
            @ForAll BigInteger n) {

            assumeThat(m, greaterThan(ZERO));
            assumeThat(n, greaterThan(ZERO));
            assumeThat(m, not(equalTo(n)));

            assertThat(PrimeFactors.of(m), not(equalTo(PrimeFactors.of(n))));

Sometimes, using assumptions with junit-quickcheck can yield too few values that meet the desired criteria:

    public class SingleDigitTheories {
        @Theory public void hold(@ForAll int digit) {
            // hope we get enough single digits
            assumeThat(digit, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0));
            assumeThat(digit, lessThanOrEqualTo(9));

            // ...
Generator configuration methods

Generator configuration methods and annotations can constrain the values that a generator emits. For example, the @InRange annotation on theory parameters of integral, floating-point, and Date types causes the generators for those types to emit values that fall within a configured minimum/maximum:

    public class SingleDigitTheories {
        @Theory public void hold(
            @ForAll @InRange(min = "0", max = "9") int digit) {

            // ...

Now, the generator will be configured to ensure that every value generated meets the desired criteria -- no need to express the desired range of values as an assumption.

Configuration on type uses

Configuration annotations that can target type uses will be honored:

    public class ListsOfSingleDigitTheories {
        @Theory public void hold(
            @ForAll List<@InRange(min = "0", max = "9") Integer> digits) {
                // ...
Configuration on types in a hierarchy

Recall that for a given theory parameter, many generators can potentially satisfy a given theory parameter based on its type:

    public class Serialization {
        @Theory public void hold(
            @ForAll @InRange(min = "0", max = "10") Serializable s) {

Any available generators that can produce something that is might be called on to generate a value for parameter s above. Because of this, any configuration annotations on a parameter or type use are ignored by a generator that cannot support the annotation. This may or may not matter depending on the nature of the theory you're writing.

Also, if you have a family of generators that can produce members of a hierarchy, you may want to ensure that all the generators respect the same attributes of a given configuration annotation. Not doing so could lead to surprising results.

Aggregating configuration

Configuration annotations that are directly on a parameter, and any configuration annotations on annotations that are directly on a parameter (and so on...) are collected to configure the generator(s) for the parameter:

    @InRange(min = "0", max = "20")
    @Precision(scale = 2)
    public @interface SmallChange {

    public class Monies {
        @Theory public void hold(@ForAll @SmallChange BigDecimal m) {
            assertEquals(2, m.scale());
                    lessThanOrEqualTo(new BigDecimal("20"))));
Configuration methods vs. assumptions

When using assumptions with junit-quickcheck, every value fed to a @ForAll theory parameter counts against the sample size, even if it doesn't pass any assumptions made against it in the theory. You could end up with no values passing the assumption.

Using generator configurations, assumptions aren't very important, if needed at all -- every value fed to a @ForAll theory parameter counts against the sample size, but will meet some conditions that assumptions would otherwise have tested.


You can boolean and enum theory parameters with @ValuesOf to force the generation to run through every value in the type's domain, instead of choosing an element from the domain at random every time. This also effectively dictates the sample size for the parameter.

    enum Ternary { YES, NO, MAYBE }

    public class TheoriesOfSmallDomains {
        @Theory public void hold(
            @ForAll @ValuesOf boolean b,
            @ForAll @ValuesOf Ternary t) {

            // Sample sizes of 2 and 3, respectively.
            // Each combination of potential values will be generated.
Constraint expressions

Constraint expressions allow you to filter the values that reach a theory parameter. Supply the suchThat attribute of @ForAll an OGNL expression that will be used to decide whether a generated value will be given to the theory method.

    public class SingleDigitTheories {
        @Theory public void hold(@ForAll(suchThat = "#_ >= 0 && #_ <= 9") int digit) {
            // ...

A theory parameter is referred to as "_" in the constraint expression. Constraint expressions cannot refer to other theory parameters.

junit-quickcheck generates values for a theory parameter with a constraint expression until sampleSize values pass the constraint, or until the ratio of constraint passes to constraint failures is greater than the discardRatio specified by @ForAll, if any. Exceeding the discard ratio raises an exception and thus fails the theory.

Sample size

By default, junit-quickcheck generates 100 random values for a parameter marked @ForAll.

NOTE: junit-quickcheck uses the Theories runner, which executes a theory method for every combination of values for theory parameters. This means that for a two-parameter theory method, where each parameter is marked with @ForAll, the Theories runner instantiates the theory class and executes the theory method 10,000 times (100 * 100).

    public class GeographyTheories {
        @Theory public void northernHemisphere(
            @ForAll @InRange(min = "-90", max = "90") BigDecimal latitude,
            @ForAll @InRange(min = "-180", max = "180") BigDecimal longitude) {

            assumeThat(latitude, greaterThan(BigDecimal.ZERO));

            assertTrue(Earth.isInNorthernHemisphere(latitude, longitude));

If you don't want to take on that many invocations, here are some mitigation strategies you can use:

  • Use the sampleSize attribute of @ForAll to change the number of generated values for a given theory parameter:
    public class GeographyTheories {
        @Theory public void northernHemisphere(
            @ForAll(sampleSize = 20) @InRange(min = "-90", max = "90")
                BigDecimal latitude,
            @ForAll(sampleSize = 20) @InRange(min = "-180", max = "180")
                BigDecimal longitude) {

            assumeThat(latitude, greaterThan(BigDecimal.ZERO));

            assertTrue(Earth.isInNorthernHemisphere(latitude, longitude));
  • Collapse the theory parameters into a class, and use a generator for the class. This approach can exert positive pressure on your designs:
    public class Coordinate {
        private final BigDecimal latitude;
        private final BigDecimal longitude;

        public Coordinate(BigDecimal latitude, BigDecimal longitude) {
            // argument checks here...

            this.latitude = latitude;
            this.longitude = longitude;

        public BigDecimal latitude() { return latitude; }
        public BigDecimal longitude() { return longitude; }
        public boolean inNorthernHemisphere() {
            return latitude.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0;

    public class Coordinates extends Generator<Coordinate> {
        @Override public Coordinate generate(
            SourceOfRandomness random,
            GenerationStatus status) {

            return new Coordinate(
                BigDecimal.valueOf(random.nextDouble(-90, 90))
                    .setScale(6, RoundingMode.CEILING),
                BigDecimal.valueOf(random.nextDouble(-180, 180))
                    .setScale(6, RoundingMode.CEILING));

    public class GeographyTheories {
        @Theory public void northernHemisphere(
            @ForAll @From(Coordinates.class) Coordinate c) {

            assumeThat(c.latitude(), greaterThan(BigDecimal.ZERO));

  • If you opt for artificially collapsing theory parameters into a class (that is, not introducing a new concept into your domain), you can use either the Fields or the Ctor generator to avoid writing a custom generator:
    public class ThreeDimensionalSpaceTheories {
        public static class Point {
            public double x;
            public double y;
            public double z;

        @Theory public void originDistance(
            @ForAll @From(Fields.class) Point p) {

                Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + p.z * p.z),
                Space.distanceFromOrigin(p.x, p.y, p.z));
    public class GeographyTheories {
        public static class Coordinate {
            private final BigDecimal latitude;
            private final BigDecimal longitude;

            public Coordinate(
                @InRange(min = "-90", max = "90") BigDecimal latitude,
                @InRange(min = "-180", max = "180") BigDecimal longitude) {

                this.latitude = latitude;
                this.longitude = longitude;

            public BigDecimal latitude() { return latitude; }
            public BigDecimal longitude() { return longitude; }
            public boolean inNorthernHemisphere() {
                return latitude.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0;

        @Theory public void northernHemisphere(
            @ForAll @From(Ctor.class) Coordinate c) {

            assumeThat(c.latitude(), greaterThan(BigDecimal.ZERO));


junit-quickcheck will honor any generation-influencing annotations applied to either fields (when using the Fields generator) or constructor parameters (when using the Ctor generator) when the respective generators create values for the fields or constructor parameters.


For each theory parameter, junit-quickcheck uses a unique value as a seed for the source of randomness used to generate the parameter's values. To fix the seed value for a theory parameter, use the seed attribute of the @ForAll annotation:

    public class SameValues {
        @Theory public void holds(@ForAll(seed = -1L) int i) {
            // ...

You may want to fix the seed when a theory fails, so that you can execute the theory again with the same set of generated values.

junit-quickcheck reports the seed used for a given theory parameter by logging it to a SLF4J logger named junit-quickcheck.seed-reporting, at DEBUG level:

Seed for parameter com.your.TheoryClass.theoryMethod:parameterName is 8007238959251963394

Add an SLF4J binding JAR file to your test class path and configuration for your logger of choice to see the seed log messages.

How it works

junit-quickcheck leverages the ParameterSupplier feature of the JUnit theories machinery.

By default, when the Theories runner executes a theory, it attempts to scrape data points off the theory class to feed to the theories. Data points come from static fields or methods annotated with @DataPoint (single value) or @DataPoints (array/iterable of values). The Theories runner feeds all combinations of data points of types matching a theory's parameters to the theory for execution.

Marking a theory parameter with an annotation that is itself annotated with @ParametersSuppliedBy tells the Theories runner to ask a ParameterSupplier for values for the theory parameter instead. This is how junit-quickcheck interacts with the Theories runner -- @ForAll tells the runner to use junit-quickcheck's ParameterSupplier rather than the DataPoint-oriented one.

Similar projects

  • JCheck. This uses its own test runner, whereas junit-quickcheck leverages the existing Theories runner and ParameterSuppliers.
  • QuickCheck. This appears to be test framework-agnostic, focusing instead on generators of random values.
  • [fj.test package of FunctionalJava (formerly Reductio)] (
  • ScalaCheck, if you wish to test Java or Scala code using Scala.

About junit-quickcheck

junit-quickcheck was written by Paul Holser, and is distributed under the MIT License.

The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Paul R. Holser, Jr.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



QuickCheck-style parameter suppliers for JUnit Theories






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