  * Verifies, whether value exists in row..
  * @param row The row of the cell.
  * @param rowOperator the row header operator
  * @param value The cell text to verify.
  * @param operator The operation used to verify
  * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute")
  * @param exists true if value exists, false otherwise
  * @throws StepExecutionException If the row or the column is invalid, or if the rendered text
  *     cannot be extracted.
 public void rcVerifyValueInRow(
     final String row,
     final String rowOperator,
     final String value,
     final String operator,
     final String searchType,
     boolean exists)
     throws StepExecutionException {
   final TreeTableOperationContext adapter = getContext();
   final int implRow = adapter.getRowFromString(row, rowOperator);
   boolean valueIsExisting = false;
   // if row is header
   if (implRow == -1) {
     for (int i = getStartingColIndex(searchType); i < adapter.getColumnCount(); ++i) {
       if (MatchUtil.getInstance().match(adapter.getColumnHeaderText(i), value, operator)) {
         valueIsExisting = true;
   } else {
     for (int i = getStartingColIndex(searchType); i < adapter.getColumnCount(); ++i) {
       if (MatchUtil.getInstance().match(getCellText(implRow, i), value, operator)) {
         valueIsExisting = true;
   Verifier.equals(exists, valueIsExisting);
   * Verifies, whether value exists in column.
   * @param col The column of the cell.
   * @param colOperator the column header operator
   * @param value The cell text to verify.
   * @param operator The operation used to verify
   * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute")
   * @param exists true if value exists, false otherwise
   * @throws StepExecutionException If the row or the column is invalid, or if the rendered text
   *     cannot be extracted.
  public void rcVerifyValueInColumn(
      final String col,
      final String colOperator,
      final String value,
      final String operator,
      final String searchType,
      boolean exists)
      throws StepExecutionException {
    TreeTableOperationContext adapter = getContext();
    final int implCol = adapter.getColumnFromString(col, colOperator, true);

    boolean valueExists = isValueExisting(adapter, implCol, value, operator, searchType);

    Verifier.equals(exists, valueExists);
  * Verifies the editable property of the cell under the mouse.
  * @param editable The editable property to verify.
 public void rcVerifyEditableAtMousePosition(boolean editable) {
   TreeTableCell<?, ?> cell = (TreeTableCell<?, ?>) getNodeAtMousePosition();
   Verifier.equals(editable, getContext().isCellEditable(cell));
   * Verifies the editable property of the current selected cell.
   * @param editable The editable property to verify.
  public void rcVerifySelectedEditable(boolean editable) {
    Cell cell = getContext().getSelectedCell();

    Verifier.equals(editable, getContext().isCellEditable(cell.getRow(), cell.getCol()));