Beispiel #1
  protected final void printCallInfo(
      final VariantContext vc,
      final double[] log10AlleleFrequencyPriors,
      final long runtimeNano,
      final AFCalcResult result) {
    printCallElement(vc, "type", "ignore", vc.getType());

    int allelei = 0;
    for (final Allele a : vc.getAlleles())
      printCallElement(vc, "allele", allelei++, a.getDisplayString());

    for (final Genotype g : vc.getGenotypes())
      printCallElement(vc, "PL", g.getSampleName(), g.getLikelihoodsString());

    for (int priorI = 0; priorI < log10AlleleFrequencyPriors.length; priorI++)
      printCallElement(vc, "priorI", priorI, log10AlleleFrequencyPriors[priorI]);

    printCallElement(vc, "runtime.nano", "ignore", runtimeNano);
    printCallElement(vc, "log10PosteriorOfAFEq0", "ignore", result.getLog10PosteriorOfAFEq0());
    printCallElement(vc, "log10PosteriorOfAFGt0", "ignore", result.getLog10PosteriorOfAFGT0());

    for (final Allele allele : result.getAllelesUsedInGenotyping()) {
      if (allele.isNonReference()) {
        printCallElement(vc, "MLE", allele, result.getAlleleCountAtMLE(allele));
            vc, "pNonRefByAllele", allele, result.getLog10PosteriorOfAFGt0ForAllele(allele));

Beispiel #2
  static boolean someSampleHasDoubleNonReferenceAllele(VariantContext vc1, VariantContext vc2) {
    for (final Genotype gt1 : vc1.getGenotypes()) {
      Genotype gt2 = vc2.getGenotype(gt1.getSampleName());

      List<Allele> site1Alleles = gt1.getAlleles();
      List<Allele> site2Alleles = gt2.getAlleles();

      Iterator<Allele> all2It = site2Alleles.iterator();
      for (Allele all1 : site1Alleles) {
        Allele all2 =; // this is OK, since allSamplesAreMergeable()

        if (all1.isNonReference() && all2.isNonReference()) // corresponding alleles are alternate
        return true;

    return false;
  public Allele getLikelihoods(
      RefMetaDataTracker tracker,
      ReferenceContext ref,
      Map<String, AlignmentContext> contexts,
      AlignmentContextUtils.ReadOrientation contextType,
      GenotypePriors priors,
      Map<String, MultiallelicGenotypeLikelihoods> GLs,
      Allele alternateAlleleToUse,
      boolean useBAQedPileup) {

    if (tracker == null) return null;

    GenomeLoc loc = ref.getLocus();
    Allele refAllele, altAllele;
    VariantContext vc = null;

    if (!ref.getLocus().equals(lastSiteVisited)) {
      // starting a new site: clear allele list
      lastSiteVisited = ref.getLocus();
      indelLikelihoodMap.set(new HashMap<PileupElement, LinkedHashMap<Allele, Double>>());

      if (getAlleleListFromVCF) {
        for (final VariantContext vc_input : tracker.getValues(UAC.alleles, loc)) {
          if (vc_input != null
              && allowableTypes.contains(vc_input.getType())
              && ref.getLocus().getStart() == vc_input.getStart()) {
            vc = vc_input;
        // ignore places where we don't have a variant
        if (vc == null) return null;

        if (ignoreSNPAllelesWhenGenotypingIndels) {
          // if there's an allele that has same length as the reference (i.e. a SNP or MNP), ignore
          // it and don't genotype it
          for (Allele a : vc.getAlleles())
            if (a.isNonReference() && a.getBases().length == vc.getReference().getBases().length)
            else alleleList.add(a);

        } else {
          for (Allele a : vc.getAlleles()) alleleList.add(a);

      } else {
        alleleList = computeConsensusAlleles(ref, contexts, contextType);
        if (alleleList.isEmpty()) return null;
    // protect against having an indel too close to the edge of a contig
    if (loc.getStart() <= HAPLOTYPE_SIZE) return null;

    // check if there is enough reference window to create haplotypes (can be an issue at end of
    // contigs)
    if (ref.getWindow().getStop() < loc.getStop() + HAPLOTYPE_SIZE) return null;
    if (!(priors instanceof DiploidIndelGenotypePriors))
      throw new StingException(
          "Only diploid-based Indel priors are supported in the DINDEL GL model");

    if (alleleList.isEmpty()) return null;

    refAllele = alleleList.get(0);
    altAllele = alleleList.get(1);

    // look for alt allele that has biggest length distance to ref allele
    int maxLenDiff = 0;
    for (Allele a : alleleList) {
      if (a.isNonReference()) {
        int lenDiff = Math.abs(a.getBaseString().length() - refAllele.getBaseString().length());
        if (lenDiff > maxLenDiff) {
          maxLenDiff = lenDiff;
          altAllele = a;

    final int eventLength = altAllele.getBaseString().length() - refAllele.getBaseString().length();
    final int hsize = (int) ref.getWindow().size() - Math.abs(eventLength) - 1;
    final int numPrefBases = ref.getLocus().getStart() - ref.getWindow().getStart() + 1;

    haplotypeMap =
            alleleList, loc.getStart(), ref, hsize, numPrefBases);

    // For each sample, get genotype likelihoods based on pileup
    // compute prior likelihoods on haplotypes, and initialize haplotype likelihood matrix with
    // them.
    // initialize the GenotypeLikelihoods

    for (Map.Entry<String, AlignmentContext> sample : contexts.entrySet()) {
      AlignmentContext context = AlignmentContextUtils.stratify(sample.getValue(), contextType);

      ReadBackedPileup pileup = null;
      if (context.hasExtendedEventPileup()) pileup = context.getExtendedEventPileup();
      else if (context.hasBasePileup()) pileup = context.getBasePileup();

      if (pileup != null) {
        final double[] genotypeLikelihoods =
                pileup, haplotypeMap, ref, eventLength, getIndelLikelihoodMap());

            new MultiallelicGenotypeLikelihoods(
                sample.getKey(), alleleList, genotypeLikelihoods, getFilteredDepth(pileup)));

        if (DEBUG) {
          System.out.format("Sample:%s Alleles:%s GL:", sample.getKey(), alleleList.toString());
          for (int k = 0; k < genotypeLikelihoods.length; k++)
            System.out.format("%1.4f ", genotypeLikelihoods[k]);

    return refAllele;