Beispiel #1
    public void layoutContainer(Container target) {
       * Algorithm is as follows: - the "left-hand" components take 33% of
       * horizontal space - scrollPane takes the remaining space
      synchronized (target.getTreeLock()) {
        if (pane == null || spane == null) return;
        Dimension dim = target.getSize();
        if (dim.height < 20) return;

        spane.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height));
        // Dimension dim0 = new Dimension(dim.width-2, dim.height-2);
        // pane.setPreferredSize(dim0);
        // JViewport viewPort = spane.getViewport();
        // viewPort.setViewSize(dim0);
        // paramsLayout.setReferenceSize(dim0.width, dim0.height);
    public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
      Dimension size = parent.getSize();

      Dimension captionSize = caption.getPreferredSize();
      caption.setBounds(PADDING, PADDING, captionSize.width, captionSize.height);

      // make all buttons the same size
      Dimension buttonSize = cancelButton.getPreferredSize();
      buttonSize.width = Math.max(buttonSize.width, prevButton.getPreferredSize().width);
      buttonSize.width = Math.max(buttonSize.width, nextButton.getPreferredSize().width);

      // cancel button goes on far left
          PADDING, size.height - buttonSize.height - PADDING, buttonSize.width, buttonSize.height);

      // prev and next buttons are on the right
          size.width - buttonSize.width * 2 - 6 - PADDING,
          size.height - buttonSize.height - PADDING,

          size.width - buttonSize.width - PADDING,
          size.height - buttonSize.height - PADDING,

      // calculate size for current page
      Rectangle currentPageBounds = new Rectangle();
      currentPageBounds.x = PADDING;
      currentPageBounds.y = PADDING * 2 + captionSize.height;
      currentPageBounds.width = size.width - currentPageBounds.x - PADDING;
      currentPageBounds.height =
          size.height - buttonSize.height - currentPageBounds.y - PADDING * 2;

      for (int i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
        Component page = pages[i];
        page.setVisible(i == currentPage);
    public void layoutContainer(final Container parent) {
      assert parent.getComponentCount() == 2; // 1. info; 2. progress

      Component infoPanel = parent.getComponent(0);
      Component progressPanel = parent.getComponent(1);
      int progressPrefWidth = progressPanel.getPreferredSize().width;

      final Dimension size = parent.getSize();
      int maxProgressWidth = (int) (size.width * 0.8);
      int minProgressWidth = (int) (size.width * 0.5);
      if (progressPrefWidth > myProgressWidth) {
        myProgressWidth = progressPrefWidth;
      if (myProgressWidth > maxProgressWidth) {
        myProgressWidth = maxProgressWidth;
      if (myProgressWidth < minProgressWidth) {
        myProgressWidth = minProgressWidth;
      infoPanel.setBounds(0, 0, size.width - myProgressWidth, size.height);
      progressPanel.setBounds(size.width - myProgressWidth, 0, myProgressWidth, size.height);
Beispiel #4
  private void rotateLayout() {
    Dimension pSize = cont.getSize();
    int x, x1;
    int y, y1;
    int n, k, i;
    int pw = pSize.width - 12;
    int ph = pSize.height - 12;
    float fw, fh;
    float rx, ry, rd;
    boolean multiZone = false;
    SmsSample obj;
    Vector<SmsSample> oList;
    GrkZone zone;
    fw = 0;
    fh = 0;
    if (zList.size() == 1) {
      zone = zList.elementAt(0);
      x = 0;
      y = 0;
      fh = zone.newWidth;
      fw = zone.newHeight;
    } else {
      multiZone = true;
      ph = ph - 12;
      for (n = 0; n < zList.size(); n++) {
        zone = zList.elementAt(n);
        rx = zone.orgx + zone.newWidth;
        if (rx > fh) fh = rx;
        rx = zone.orgy + zone.newHeight;
        if (rx > fw) fw = rx;
    rx = (float) pw / fw;
    ry = (float) ph / fh;
    scaleDir = 0;
    rd = 0;
    if (rx > ry) {
      rd = (rx - ry) / rx;
      rx = ry;
      scaleDir = 1;
    } else if (rx < ry) {
      rd = (ry - rx) / ry;
      scaleDir = 2;
    if (rd < 0.1) scaleDir = 0;

    x1 = (int) (fw * rx);
    x1 = (pw - x1) / 2 + 6;
    y1 = (int) (fh * rx);
    y1 = (ph - y1) / 2;
    y1 = ph - y1 + 6;
    if (multiZone) y1 += 12;
    for (n = 0; n < zList.size(); n++) {
      zone = zList.elementAt(n);
      oList = zone.getSampleList();
      if (multiZone) {
        x = x1 + (int) (zone.orgy * rx);
        y = y1 - (int) (zone.orgx * rx);
      } else {
        x = x1;
        y = y1;
      zone.locX = x;
      zone.locX2 = x + (int) (zone.newHeight * rx);
      zone.locY = y - (int) (zone.newWidth * rx);
      zone.locY2 = y;
      i = (int) (zone.newDiam * rx);
      if (i < 4) i = 4;
      zone.minWidth = i;
      k = oList.size();
      for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        obj = oList.elementAt(i);
        obj.locX = x + (int) (obj.orgy * rx);
        // obj.locY = y - (int) (obj.orgx * rx);
        obj.width = (int) (obj.newDiam * rx);
        obj.locY = y - (int) (obj.orgx * rx) - obj.width;
Beispiel #5
 public void layoutContainer(Container target) {
   synchronized (target.getTreeLock()) {
     cont = target;
     if (zList == null) return;
     if (zList.size() < 1) return;
     if (rotated) {
     Dimension pSize = target.getSize();
     int x, x1;
     int y, y1;
     int n, k, i;
     int ox, oy, ow;
     int pw = pSize.width - 12;
     int ph = pSize.height - 12;
     float fw, fh;
     float rx, ry, rd;
     boolean multiZone = false;
     boolean marvin = false;
     SmsSample obj;
     Vector<SmsSample> oList;
     GrkZone zone;
     fw = 0;
     fh = 0;
     zone = zList.elementAt(0);
     if (zone.trayType == GRK49 || zone.trayType == GRK97) marvin = true;
     if (zList.size() == 1) { // one zone only
       // zone = (GrkZone) zList.elementAt(0);
       x = 0;
       y = 0;
       fw = zone.newWidth;
       fh = zone.newHeight;
       if (marvin) {
         ph = ph - 34;
         pw = pw - 20;
     } else {
       multiZone = true;
       ph = ph - 14;
       if (marvin) {
         ph = ph - 14;
         pw = pw - 14;
       for (n = 0; n < zList.size(); n++) {
         zone = zList.elementAt(n);
         rx = zone.orgx + zone.newWidth;
         if (rx > fw) fw = rx;
         rx = zone.orgy + zone.newHeight;
         if (rx > fh) fh = rx;
     rx = (float) pw / fw;
     ry = (float) ph / fh;
     scaleDir = 0;
     rd = 0;
     if (rx > ry) {
       rd = (rx - ry) / rx;
       rx = ry;
       scaleDir = 1;
     } else if (rx < ry) {
       rd = (ry - rx) / ry;
       scaleDir = 2;
     if (rd < 0.1) scaleDir = 0;
     x1 = (int) (fw * rx);
     x1 = (pw - x1) / 2 + 6;
     y1 = (int) (fh * rx);
     y1 = (ph - y1) / 2 + 6;
     if (multiZone || marvin) {
       y1 += 14;
       if (marvin) x1 += 14;
     for (n = 0; n < zList.size(); n++) {
       zone = zList.elementAt(n);
       oList = zone.getSampleList();
       if (multiZone) {
         x = x1 + (int) (zone.orgx * rx);
         y = y1 + (int) (zone.orgy * rx);
       } else {
         x = x1;
         y = y1;
       zone.locX = x;
       zone.locY = y;
       zone.locX2 = x + (int) (zone.newWidth * rx);
       zone.locY2 = y + (int) (zone.newHeight * rx);
       i = (int) (zone.newDiam * rx);
       if (i < 4) i = 4;
       zone.minWidth = i;
       zone.ratio = rx;
       k = oList.size();
       for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
         obj = oList.elementAt(i);
         // obj.locX = x + (int) (obj.orgx * rx);
         // obj.locY = y + (int) (obj.orgy * rx);
         // obj.width = (int) (obj.newDiam * rx);
         ox = x + (int) (obj.orgx * rx);
         oy = y + (int) (obj.orgy * rx);
         ow = (int) (obj.newDiam * rx);
         obj.setBounds(ox, oy, ow, ow);