Beispiel #1
    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] inArgs) throws Throwable {

      // Intercept Object methods
      if (OBJECT_TOSTRING.equals(method)) {
        return "Proxy interface to " + nativeLibrary;
      } else if (OBJECT_HASHCODE.equals(method)) {
        return new Integer(hashCode());
      } else if (OBJECT_EQUALS.equals(method)) {
        Object o = inArgs[0];
        if (o != null && Proxy.isProxyClass(o.getClass())) {
          return Function.valueOf(Proxy.getInvocationHandler(o) == this);
        return Boolean.FALSE;

      FunctionInfo f = null;
      synchronized (functions) {
        f = (FunctionInfo) functions.get(method);
        if (f == null) {
          f = new FunctionInfo();
          f.isVarArgs = Function.isVarArgs(method);
          if (invocationMapper != null) {
            f.handler = invocationMapper.getInvocationHandler(nativeLibrary, method);
          if (f.handler == null) {
            // Find the function to invoke
            String methodName = functionMapper.getFunctionName(nativeLibrary, method);
            if (methodName == null) {
              // Just in case the function mapper screwed up
              methodName = method.getName();
            f.function = nativeLibrary.getFunction(methodName, method);
            f.options = new HashMap(this.options);
            f.options.put(Function.OPTION_INVOKING_METHOD, method);
          functions.put(method, f);
      if (f.isVarArgs) {
        inArgs = Function.concatenateVarArgs(inArgs);
      if (f.handler != null) {
        return f.handler.invoke(proxy, method, inArgs);
      return f.function.invoke(method.getReturnType(), inArgs, f.options);