public void testAddVirtualization() throws Exception { Org org1 = UserTestUtils.findNewOrg("testOrg" + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); org1.getEntitlements().add(OrgFactory.getEntitlementVirtualization()); TestUtils.saveAndFlush(org1); org1 = (Org) reload(org1); assertTrue(org1.hasEntitlement(OrgFactory.getEntitlementVirtualization())); }
/** * List an organization's allocation of a system entitlement. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param label System entitlement label. * @param includeUnentitled If true, the result will include both organizations that have the * entitlement as well as those that do not; otherwise, the result will only include * organizations that have the entitlement. * @return a list of Maps having the system entitlements info. * @since 10.4 * @xmlrpc.doc List each organization's allocation of a system entitlement. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "label") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("boolean", "includeUnentitled", "If true, the result will include * both organizations that have the entitlement as well as those that do not; otherwise, the * result will only include organizations that have the entitlement.") * @xmlrpc.returntype #array() #struct("entitlement usage") #prop("int", "org_id") #prop("string", * "org_name") #prop("int", "allocated") #prop("int", "unallocated") #prop("int", "used") * #prop("int", "free") #struct_end() #array_end() */ public List<Map> listSystemEntitlements( String sessionKey, String label, Boolean includeUnentitled) { getSatAdmin(sessionKey); verifyEntitlementExists(label); DataList<Map> result = null; if (includeUnentitled) { result = OrgManager.allOrgsSingleEntitlementWithEmptyOrgs(label); } else { result = OrgManager.allOrgsSingleEntitlement(label); } List<Map> details = new LinkedList<Map>(); for (Map row : result) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Org org = OrgFactory.lookupById((Long) row.get("orgid")); map.put(ORG_ID_KEY, new Integer(org.getId().intValue())); map.put(ORG_NAME_KEY, org.getName()); map.put(ALLOCATED_KEY, ((Long) row.get("total")).intValue()); map.put(USED_KEY, row.get("usage")); long free = (Long) row.get("total") - (Long) row.get("usage"); map.put(FREE_KEY, free); long unallocated = (Long) row.get("upper") - (Long) row.get("total"); map.put(UN_ALLOCATED_KEY, unallocated); details.add(map); } return details; }
/** * Get the status of SCAP detailed result file upload settings for the given organization. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param orgId ID of organization to query. * @return Returns the status of SCAP detailed result file upload settings. * @xmlrpc.doc Get the status of SCAP detailed result file upload settings for the given * organization. * @xmlrpc.param #session_key() * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.returntype #struct("scap_upload_info") #prop_desc("boolean", "enabled", "Aggregation of * detailed SCAP results is enabled.") #prop_desc("int", "size_limit", "Limit (in Bytes) for a * single SCAP file upload.") #struct_end() */ public Map<String, Object> getPolicyForScapFileUpload(String sessionKey, Integer orgId) { getSatAdmin(sessionKey); Org org = verifyOrgExists(orgId); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("enabled", org.getOrgConfig().isScapfileUploadEnabled()); result.put("size_limit", org.getOrgConfig().getScapFileSizelimit()); return result; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof Org)) { return false; } Org otherOrg = (Org) other; return new EqualsBuilder().append(getName(), otherOrg.getName()).isEquals(); }
/** * Get the status of SCAP result deletion settings for the given organization. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param orgId ID of organization to query. * @return Returns the status of SCAP result deletion settings. * @xmlrpc.doc Get the status of SCAP result deletion settings for the given organization. * @xmlrpc.param #session_key() * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.returntype #struct("scap_deletion_info") #prop_desc("boolean", "enabled", "Deletion of * SCAP results is enabled") #prop_desc("int", "retention_period", "Period (in days) after * which a scan can be deleted (if enabled).") #struct_end() */ public Map<String, Object> getPolicyForScapResultDeletion(String sessionKey, Integer orgId) { getSatAdmin(sessionKey); Org org = verifyOrgExists(orgId); Long retentionPeriod = org.getOrgConfig().getScapRetentionPeriodDays(); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("enabled", retentionPeriod != null); result.put("retention_period", (retentionPeriod != null) ? retentionPeriod : new Long(0)); return result; }
/** * Set organization wide crash file size limit. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param orgId Organization ID to set the limit for. * @param limit The limit to set. * @return 1 on success. * @xmlrpc.doc Set the organization wide crash file size limit. The limit value must be * non-negative, zero means no limit. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("int", "limit", "The limit to set (non-negative value).") * @xmlrpc.returntype #return_int_success() */ public int setCrashFileSizeLimit(String sessionKey, Integer orgId, Integer limit) { getSatAdmin(sessionKey); Org org = verifyOrgExists(orgId); if (limit < 0) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Limit value must be non-negative."); } org.getOrgConfig().setCrashFileSizelimit(new Long(limit.longValue())); return 1; }
public void testCommitOrg() throws Exception { Org org1 = UserTestUtils.findNewOrg("testOrg" + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); String changedName = "OrgFactoryTest testCommitOrg " + TestUtils.randomString(); org1.setName(changedName); org1 =; Long id = org1.getId(); flushAndEvict(org1); Org org2 = OrgFactory.lookupById(id); assertEquals(changedName, org2.getName()); }
/** * Set the status of crash file upload settings for the given organization. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param orgId Organization ID to set the limit for. * @param enable Boolean to indicate desired settings. * @return Returns 1 for successfull change, 0 if the change failed. * @xmlrpc.doc Set the status of crash file upload settings for the given organization. Modifying * the settings is possible as long as crash reporting is enabled. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("boolean", "enable", "Use true/false to enable/disable") * @xmlrpc.returntype #return_int_success() */ public Integer setCrashfileUpload(String sessionKey, Integer orgId, Boolean enable) { getSatAdmin(sessionKey); Org org = verifyOrgExists(orgId); if (org.getOrgConfig().isCrashReportingEnabled()) { org.getOrgConfig().setCrashfileUploadEnabled(enable); } else { return 0; } return 1; }
private void grant(DynaActionForm form, ActionErrors errors, RequestContext ctx) { Channel c = edit(form, errors, ctx); // if there was no exception during the above edit // add all of the orgs to the "rhnchanneltrust" if (c != null) { Org org = ctx.getCurrentUser().getOrg(); Set<Org> trustedorgs = org.getTrustedOrgs(); c.setTrustedOrgs(trustedorgs);; } }
private Org createTestOrg() throws Exception { Org org1 = OrgFactory.createOrg(); org1.setName("org created by OrgFactory test: " + TestUtils.randomString()); org1 =; // build the channels set Channel channel1 = ChannelFactoryTest.createTestChannel(org1); flushAndEvict(channel1); org1.addOwnedChannel(channel1); assertTrue(org1.getId().longValue() > 0); return org1; }
public void testIllegalEntitlement() throws Exception { try { Org org1 = UserTestUtils.findNewOrg("testOrg" + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); OrgEntitlementType invalid = new OrgEntitlementType("invalid"); invalid.setLabel("ILLEGAL ENTITLEMENT"); invalid.setName("ILLEGAL ENTITLEMENT NAME"); org1.hasEntitlement(invalid); fail("Checked for illegal entitlement, should have received an exception"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Expected exception } }
/** * Migrate systems from one organization to another. If executed by a Satellite administrator, the * systems will be migrated from their current organization to the organization specified by the * toOrgId. If executed by an organization administrator, the systems must exist in the same * organization as that administrator and the systems will be migrated to the organization * specified by the toOrgId. In any scenario, the origination and destination organizations must * be defined in a trust. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param toOrgId destination organization ID. * @param sids System IDs. * @return list of systems migrated. * @throws FaultException A FaultException is thrown if: - The user performing the request is not * an organization administrator - The user performing the request is not a satellite * administrator, but the from org id is different than the user's org id. - The from and to * org id provided are the same. - One or more of the servers provides do not exist - The * origination or destination organization does not exist - The user is not defined in the * destination organization's trust * @xmlrpc.doc Migrate systems from one organization to another. If executed by a Satellite * administrator, the systems will be migrated from their current organization to the * organization specified by the toOrgId. If executed by an organization administrator, the * systems must exist in the same organization as that administrator and the systems will be * migrated to the organization specified by the toOrgId. In any scenario, the origination and * destination organizations must be defined in a trust. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("int", "toOrgId", "ID of the organization where the system(s) will be * migrated to.") * @xmlrpc.param #array_single("int", "systemId") * @xmlrpc.returntype #array_single("int", "serverIdMigrated") */ public Object[] migrateSystems(String sessionKey, Integer toOrgId, List<Integer> sids) throws FaultException { // the user executing the request must at least be an org admin to perform // a system migration User admin = getOrgAdmin(sessionKey); Org toOrg = verifyOrgExists(toOrgId); List<Server> servers = new LinkedList<Server>(); for (Integer sid : sids) { Long serverId = new Long(sid.longValue()); Server server = null; try { server = ServerFactory.lookupById(serverId); // throw a no_such_system exception if the server was not found. if (server == null) { throw new NoSuchSystemException("No such system - sid[" + sid + "]"); } } catch (LookupException e) { throw new NoSuchSystemException("No such system - sid[" + sid + "]"); } servers.add(server); // As a pre-requisite to performing the actual migration, verify that each // server that is planned for migration passes the criteria that follows. // If any of the servers fails that criteria, none will be migrated. // unless the user is a satellite admin, they are not permitted to migrate // systems from an org that they do not belong to if ((!admin.hasRole(RoleFactory.SAT_ADMIN)) && (!admin.getOrg().equals(server.getOrg()))) { throw new PermissionCheckFailureException(server); } // do not allow the user to migrate systems to/from the same org. doing so // would essentially remove entitlements, channels...etc from the systems // being migrated. if (toOrg.equals(server.getOrg())) { throw new MigrationToSameOrgException(server); } // if the originating org is not defined within the destination org's trust // the migration should not be permitted. if (!toOrg.getTrustedOrgs().contains(server.getOrg())) { throw new OrgNotInTrustException(server); } } List<Long> serversMigrated = MigrationManager.migrateServers(admin, toOrg, servers); return serversMigrated.toArray(); }
/** * @param sessionKey Caller's session key. * @param orgId the orgId of the organization to set name on * @param name the new name for the org. * @return the updated org. * @xmlrpc.doc Updates the name of an organization * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("string", "name", "Organization name. Must meet same criteria as in * the web UI.") * @xmlrpc.returntype $OrgDtoSerializer */ public OrgDto updateName(String sessionKey, Integer orgId, String name) { getSatAdmin(sessionKey); Org org = verifyOrgExists(orgId); if (!org.getName().equals(name)) { try { OrgManager.checkOrgName(name); org.setName(name); } catch (ValidatorException ve) { throw new ValidationException(ve.getMessage()); } } return OrgManager.toDetailsDto(org); }
public void testCustomDataKeys() { User user = UserTestUtils.findNewUser("testuser", "testorg"); Org org = user.getOrg(); Set keys = org.getCustomDataKeys(); int sizeBefore = keys.size(); CustomDataKey key = CustomDataKeyTest.createTestCustomDataKey(user); assertFalse(keys.contains(key)); assertFalse(org.hasCustomDataKey(key.getLabel())); assertFalse(org.hasCustomDataKey("foo" + System.currentTimeMillis())); assertFalse(org.hasCustomDataKey(null)); org.addCustomDataKey(key); keys = org.getCustomDataKeys(); int sizeAfter = keys.size(); assertTrue(keys.contains(key)); assertTrue(sizeBefore < sizeAfter); assertTrue(org.hasCustomDataKey(key.getLabel())); CustomDataKey key2 = OrgFactory.lookupKeyByLabelAndOrg(key.getLabel(), org); assertNotNull(key2); key2 = OrgFactory.lookupKeyByLabelAndOrg(null, org); assertNull(key2); }
/** * Delete an organization. * * @param sessionKey User's session key. * @param orgId ID of organization to delete. * @return 1 on success, exception thrown otherwise. * @xmlrpc.doc Delete an organization. The default organization (i.e. orgId=1) cannot be deleted. * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.returntype #return_int_success() */ public int delete(String sessionKey, Integer orgId) { User user = getSatAdmin(sessionKey); Org org = verifyOrgExists(orgId); // Verify we're not trying to delete the default org (id 1): Org defaultOrg = OrgFactory.getSatelliteOrg(); if (orgId.longValue() == defaultOrg.getId().longValue()) { throw new SatelliteOrgException(); } OrgFactory.deleteOrg(org.getId(), user); return 1; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public List<OrgTrust> getResult(RequestContext ctx) { Org org = ctx.getCurrentUser().getOrg(); Set<Org> trustedorgs = org.getTrustedOrgs(); List<OrgTrust> trusts = new ArrayList<OrgTrust>(); for (Org o : trustedorgs) { DataResult<Map<String, Object>> dr = SystemManager.sidsInOrgTrust(org.getId(), o.getId()); OrgTrust trust = new OrgTrust(o); if (!dr.isEmpty()) { for (Map<String, Object> m : dr) { Long sid = (Long) m.get("id"); trust.getSubscribed().add(sid); } } trusts.add(trust); } return trusts; }
public void testAddServerGroup() throws Exception { Org org1 = UserTestUtils.findNewOrg("testOrg" + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); assertTrue(org1.getEntitledServerGroups().size() > 0); boolean contains = false; for (Iterator itr = org1.getEntitledServerGroups().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { ServerGroup group = (ServerGroup); assertNotNull(group); if (ServerConstants.getServerGroupTypeUpdateEntitled().equals(group.getGroupType())) { contains = true; } } assertTrue(contains); // in hosted, the hibernate mapping files were broken so that adding a // second // server group would break a database constraint. This line ensures // that that // problem will not exist again. ServerGroupTest.createTestServerGroup( org1, ServerConstants.getServerGroupTypeEnterpriseEntitled()); }
/** * List the organizations associated with the given channel that may be trusted. * * @param loggedInUser The current user * @param channelLabel The label for the channel * @return List of map entries indicating the orgs available and if access is enabled. * @throws FaultException A FaultException is thrown if: - The sessionKey is invalid - The * channelLabel is invalid - The user doesn't have channel admin permissions * @xmlrpc.doc List the organizations associated with the given channel that may be trusted. * @xmlrpc.param #session_key() * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("string", "channelLabel", "label of the channel") * @xmlrpc.returntype #array() #struct("org") #prop("int", "org_id") #prop("string", "org_name") * #prop("boolean", "access_enabled") #struct_end() #array_end() */ public List list(User loggedInUser, String channelLabel) throws FaultException { Channel channel = lookupChannelByLabel(loggedInUser, channelLabel); verifyChannelAdmin(loggedInUser, channel); if (!loggedInUser.getOrg().equals(channel.getOrg())) { // users are not allowed to access properties for a channel that is in a // different org throw new NotPermittedByOrgException( loggedInUser.getOrg().getId().toString(), channel.getLabel(), channel.getOrg().getId().toString()); } // retrieve the orgs available to be "trusted" for this channel List<OrgChannelDto> orgs = OrgManager.orgChannelTrusts(channel.getId(), loggedInUser.getOrg()); // retrieve the orgs that are trusted for this channel Set<Org> trustedOrgs = channel.getTrustedOrgs(); // populate a result that includes all orgs that could be trusted with a boolean // that indicates if the orgs is indeed trusted. List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (OrgChannelDto orgDto : orgs) { Org org = OrgFactory.lookupById(orgDto.getId()); if (org != null) { Map<String, Object> entry = new HashMap<String, Object>(); entry.put("org_id", org.getId().intValue()); entry.put("org_name", org.getName()); if (trustedOrgs.contains(org)) { entry.put("access_enabled", Boolean.TRUE); } else { entry.put("access_enabled", Boolean.FALSE); } result.add(entry); } } return result; }
public void testStagingContent() throws Exception { Org org1 = createTestOrg(); boolean staging = org1.getOrgConfig().isStagingContentEnabled(); Long id = org1.getId(); org1.getOrgConfig().setStagingContentEnabled(!staging);; assertEquals(!staging, org1.getOrgConfig().isStagingContentEnabled()); flushAndEvict(org1); Org org2 = OrgFactory.lookupById(id); assertEquals(!staging, org2.getOrgConfig().isStagingContentEnabled()); }
/** * Constructor * * @param channelFamilyLabel label of entitlement to update * @param orgIn to update totals for * @param newTotalIn This is the *proposed* new total for the org you are passing in. * @param newFlexTotalIn This is the *proposed* new flex total for the org you are passing in. */ public UpdateOrgSoftwareEntitlementsCommand( String channelFamilyLabel, Org orgIn, Long newTotalIn, Long newFlexTotalIn) { if (orgIn.getId().equals(OrgFactory.getSatelliteOrg().getId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cant update the default org"); } = orgIn; this.newTotal = newTotalIn; this.newFlexTotal = newFlexTotalIn; this.channelFamily = ChannelFamilyFactory.lookupByLabel(channelFamilyLabel, OrgFactory.getSatelliteOrg()); if (this.channelFamily == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChannelFamily not found: [" + channelFamilyLabel + "]"); } }
/** * @param user User that owns parent channel * @param channelIn base channel to unsubscribe from. */ private void unsubscribeOrgsFromChannel(User user, Channel channelIn, String accessIn) { Org org = channelIn.getOrg(); // find trusted orgs Set<Org> trustedOrgs = org.getTrustedOrgs(); for (Org o : trustedOrgs) { // find systems subscribed in org Trust DataResult<Map<String, Object>> dr = SystemManager.sidsInOrgTrust(org.getId(), o.getId()); for (Map<String, Object> item : dr) { Long sid = (Long) item.get("id"); Server s = ServerFactory.lookupById(sid); if (s.isSubscribed(channelIn)) { // check if this is a base custom channel if (channelIn.getParentChannel() == null) { // unsubscribe children first if subscribed List<Channel> children = channelIn.getAccessibleChildrenFor(user); Iterator<Channel> i = children.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Channel child =; if (s.isSubscribed(child)) { // unsubscribe server from child channel child.getTrustedOrgs().remove(o); child.setAccess(accessIn);; s = SystemManager.unsubscribeServerFromChannel(s, child); } } } // unsubscribe server from channel; s = SystemManager.unsubscribeServerFromChannel(s, channelIn); } } } }
/** @param orgIn */ private void publishUpdateErrataCacheEvent(Org orgIn) { StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updating errata cache"); sw.start(); } UpdateErrataCacheEvent uece = new UpdateErrataCacheEvent(UpdateErrataCacheEvent.TYPE_ORG); uece.setOrgId(orgIn.getId()); MessageQueue.publish(uece); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { sw.stop(); log.debug("Finished Updating errata cache. Took [" + sw.getTime() + "]"); } }
/** * Test the addition of an entitlement to an org This code should be refactored into a business * method of some sort if it becomes necessary to actually add entitlements progmatically from * within the Java code. For now we need this test because new Orgs don't have any entitlements. */ public void testAddEntitlement() throws Exception { // Create a new Org and add an Entitlement Org org1 = UserTestUtils.findNewOrg("testOrg" + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); Set entitlements = org1.getEntitlements(); OrgEntitlementType oet = OrgFactory.lookupEntitlementByLabel("sw_mgr_enterprise"); entitlements.add(oet); org1.setEntitlements(entitlements); org1 =; Long orgId = org1.getId(); // Re-lookup the object and test it flushAndEvict(org1); Org org2 = OrgFactory.lookupById(orgId); assertTrue(org2.hasEntitlement(oet)); }
public void testImpliedEntitlement() throws Exception { Org org1 = createTestOrg(); assertTrue(org1.hasEntitlement(OrgFactory.getEntitlementSwMgrPersonal())); }
public void testCreateOrg() throws Exception { Org org1 = createTestOrg(); Org org2 = OrgFactory.lookupById(org1.getId()); assertEquals(org2.getName(), org1.getName()); assertNotNull(org2.getOwnedChannels()); }
public void testOrgDefautRegistrationToken() throws Exception { User user = UserTestUtils.findNewUser("testUser", "testOrg", true); Org orig = user.getOrg(); orig.setName("org created by OrgFactory test: " + TestUtils.randomString()); // build the channels set Channel channel1 = ChannelFactoryTest.createTestChannel(orig); flushAndEvict(channel1); orig.addOwnedChannel(channel1); orig =; assertTrue(orig.getId().longValue() > 0); assertNull(orig.getToken()); ActivationKey key = ActivationKeyTest.createTestActivationKey(user); // Token is hidden behind activation key so we have to look it up // manually: Token token = TokenFactory.lookupById(key.getId()); orig.setToken(token); orig =; Long origId = orig.getId(); flushAndEvict(orig); Org lookup = OrgFactory.lookupById(origId); assertEquals(token.getId(), lookup.getToken().getId()); lookup.setToken(null); flushAndEvict(lookup); lookup = OrgFactory.lookupById(origId); assertNull(lookup.getToken()); }
public void testHasEntitlementFalse() throws Exception { Org org1 = createTestOrg(); OrgEntitlementType oet = OrgFactory.lookupEntitlementByLabel("sw_mgr_enterprise"); assertFalse(org1.hasEntitlement(oet)); }
public void testLookupById() throws Exception { Org org1 = UserTestUtils.findNewOrg("testOrg" + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); assertNotNull(org1); assertTrue(org1.getId().longValue() > 0); }
public void testOrgTrust() throws Exception { Org org = createTestOrg(); Org trusted = createTestOrg(); org.getTrustedOrgs().add(trusted);; flushAndEvict(org); org = OrgFactory.lookupById(org.getId()); trusted = OrgFactory.lookupById(trusted.getId()); assertContains(org.getTrustedOrgs(), trusted); assertContains(trusted.getTrustedOrgs(), org); org.getTrustedOrgs().remove(trusted);; flushAndEvict(org); org = OrgFactory.lookupById(org.getId()); trusted = OrgFactory.lookupById(trusted.getId()); assertFalse(org.getTrustedOrgs().contains(trusted)); assertFalse(trusted.getTrustedOrgs().contains(org)); }
/** Test to see if the Org returns list of UserGroup IDs */ public void testGetRoles() throws Exception { Org org1 = UserTestUtils.findNewOrg("testOrg" + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); assertNotNull(org1.getRoles()); assertTrue(org1.hasRole(RoleFactory.ORG_ADMIN)); }