private static void checkErrors() { int errors = ErrorUtil.errorCount(); if (Options.treatWarningsAsErrors()) { errors += ErrorUtil.warningCount(); } if (errors > 0) { System.exit(errors); } }
/** * Runs the entire J2Swift pipeline. * * @param fileArgs the files to process, same format as command-line args to {@link #main}. */ public static void run(List<String> fileArgs) { File preProcessorTempDir = null; File strippedSourcesDir = null; try { JdtParser parser = createParser(); List<ProcessingContext> inputs = Lists.newArrayList(); GenerationBatch batch = new GenerationBatch(); batch.processFileArgs(fileArgs); inputs.addAll(batch.getInputs()); if (ErrorUtil.errorCount() > 0) { return; } InputFilePreprocessor inputFilePreprocessor = new InputFilePreprocessor(parser); inputFilePreprocessor.processInputs(inputs); if (ErrorUtil.errorCount() > 0) { return; } strippedSourcesDir = inputFilePreprocessor.getStrippedSourcesDir(); if (strippedSourcesDir != null) { parser.prependSourcepathEntry(strippedSourcesDir.getPath()); } Options.getHeaderMap().loadMappings(); TranslationProcessor translationProcessor = new TranslationProcessor(parser, loadDeadCodeMap()); translationProcessor.processInputs(inputs); translationProcessor.processBuildClosureDependencies(); if (ErrorUtil.errorCount() > 0) { return; } translationProcessor.postProcess(); Options.getHeaderMap().printMappings(); } finally { FileUtil.deleteTempDir(preProcessorTempDir); FileUtil.deleteTempDir(strippedSourcesDir); } }
public static void translate(String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) {; } String[] files = null; try { files = Options.load(args); if (files.length == 0) { Options.usage("no source files"); } } catch (IOException e) { ErrorUtil.error(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } run(Arrays.asList(files)); checkErrors(); }