Beispiel #1
  * Searches the closest <code>n</code> objects to position <code>pos</code> in {@link RoadModel}
  * <code>rm</code>.
  * @param pos The {@link Point} which is used as a reference point.
  * @param rm The {@link RoadModel} instance in which the closest objects are searched.
  * @param type The type of objects which are included in the search.
  * @param n The maximum number of objects to return where n must be &ge; 0.
  * @param <T> The type of the objects in the returned collection.
  * @return A list of objects that are closest to <code>pos</code>. The list is ordered such that
  *     the closest object appears first. An empty list is returned when <code>objects</code> is
  *     empty.
 public static <T extends RoadUser> List<T> findClosestObjects(
     Point pos, RoadModel rm, Class<T> type, int n) {
   return RoadModels.findClosestObjects(pos, rm, rm.getObjectsOfType(type), n);
Beispiel #2
  * Searches the closest <code>n</code> objects to position <code>pos</code> in {@link RoadModel}
  * <code>rm</code>.
  * @param pos The {@link Point} which is used as a reference point.
  * @param rm The {@link RoadModel} instance in which the closest objects are searched.
  * @param n The maximum number of objects to return where n must be &ge; 0.
  * @return A list of objects that are closest to <code>pos</code>. The list is ordered such that
  *     the closest object appears first. An empty list is returned when <code>objects</code> is
  *     empty.
 public static List<RoadUser> findClosestObjects(Point pos, RoadModel rm, int n) {
   return RoadModels.findClosestObjects(pos, rm, RoadUser.class, n);
Beispiel #3
  * Searches the closest <code>n</code> objects to position <code>pos</code> in {@link RoadModel}
  * <code>rm</code>. Only the objects that satisfy <code>predicate</code> are included in the
  * search.
  * @param pos The {@link Point} which is used as a reference point.
  * @param rm The {@link RoadModel} instance in which the closest objects are searched.
  * @param predicate Only objects that satisfy this predicate will be returned.
  * @param n The maximum number of objects to return where n must be &ge; 0.
  * @return A list of objects that are closest to <code>pos</code>. The list is ordered such that
  *     the closest object appears first. An empty list is returned when <code>objects</code> is
  *     empty.
 public static List<RoadUser> findClosestObjects(
     Point pos, RoadModel rm, Predicate<RoadUser> predicate, int n) {
   final Collection<RoadUser> filtered = Collections2.filter(rm.getObjects(), predicate);
   return RoadModels.findClosestObjects(pos, rm, filtered, n);
Beispiel #4
  * Returns a list of objects from {@link RoadModel} <code>rm</code> ordered by its distance to
  * position <code>pos</code>.
  * @param pos The {@link Point} which is used as a reference point.
  * @param rm The {@link RoadModel} instance in which the closest objects are searched.
  * @return A list of objects that are closest to <code>pos</code>. The list is ordered such that
  *     the closest object appears first. An empty list is returned when <code>objects</code> is
  *     empty.
 public static List<RoadUser> findClosestObjects(Point pos, RoadModel rm) {
   return RoadModels.findClosestObjects(pos, rm, RoadUser.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE);