  * Register a RecyclerView to the current MaterialViewPagerAnimator Listen to
  * RecyclerView.OnScrollListener so give to $[onScrollListener] your RecyclerView.OnScrollListener
  * if you already use one For loadmore or anything else
  * @param activity current context
  * @param recyclerView the scrollable
  * @param onScrollListener use it if you want to get a callback of the RecyclerView
 public static void registerRecyclerView(
     Activity activity,
     RecyclerView recyclerView,
     RecyclerView.OnScrollListener onScrollListener) {
   if (activity != null && hashMap.containsKey(activity)) {
     MaterialViewPagerAnimator animator = hashMap.get(activity);
     if (animator != null) {
       animator.registerRecyclerView(recyclerView, onScrollListener);
  * Register a ScrollView to the current MaterialViewPagerAnimator Listen to
  * ObservableScrollViewCallbacks so give to $[observableScrollViewCallbacks] your
  * ObservableScrollViewCallbacks if you already use one For loadmore or anything else
  * @param activity current context
  * @param mScrollView the scrollable
  * @param observableScrollViewCallbacks use it if you want to get a callback of the RecyclerView
 public static void registerScrollView(
     Activity activity,
     ObservableScrollView mScrollView,
     ObservableScrollViewCallbacks observableScrollViewCallbacks) {
   if (activity != null && hashMap.containsKey(activity)) {
     MaterialViewPagerAnimator animator = hashMap.get(activity);
     if (animator != null) {
       animator.registerScrollView(mScrollView, observableScrollViewCallbacks);
   * Have to be called from WebView.WebViewClient.onPageFinished ex : mWebView.setWebViewClient(new
   * WebViewClient() { onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { [HERE] }}); Inject a header to a
   * webview : add a margin-top="**dpx" Had to have a transparent background with a placeholder on
   * top So inject js for placeholder and setLayerType(WebView.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null); for
   * transparency TODO : inject JavaScript for Pre-Lolipop with loadUrl("js:...")
   * @param webView
   * @param withAnimation if true, disapear with a fadein
  public static void injectHeader(final WebView webView, boolean withAnimation) {
    if (webView != null) {

      MaterialViewPagerAnimator animator =
      if (animator != null) {

        WebSettings webSettings = webView.getSettings();

        // transparent background
        webView.setLayerType(WebView.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);

        { // inject margin top
          final int marginTop = animator.getHeaderHeight() + 10;
          final String js = String.format("document.body.style.marginTop= \"%dpx\"", marginTop);
          webView.evaluateJavascript(js, null);

          final String js = "document.body.style.backround-color= white";
          webView.evaluateJavascript(js, null);

        if (withAnimation)
              new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                  ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(webView, "alpha", 0, 1).start();