Beispiel #1
  public void onClick(View v) {
    if (v == btn1) {
      showToast(this, "点击了1");
    } else if (v == btn2) {
      showToast(this, "点击了2");
      // DmHttpHelper helper = new DmHttpHelper(this, new ResultListener() {
      // @Override
      // public void onSuccess(int statusCode, String successContent) {
      // showToast(TextActivity.this, successContent);
      // Log.i("winbo", "onSuccess:" + successContent);
      // }
      // @Override
      // public void onFailure(int statusCode, String failContent) {
      // showToast(TextActivity.this, failContent);
      // Log.i("winbo", "onFail:" + failContent);
      // }
      // });
      // helper.setUrl(Constant.Server.ADDRESS);
      // helper.putParams("nickname", "davi");
      // helper.putParams("password", "123456");
      // helper.postRequest();

      // String filepath = "/storage/sdcard0/download/com.hh.tennets/text.html";
      // String path = "";
      // try {
      // URL url = new URL(path);
      // HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();// 从网络获得链接
      // connection.setRequestMethod("GET");// 获得
      // connection.setConnectTimeout(5000);// 设置超时时间为5s
      // if (connection.getResponseCode() == 200)// 检测是否正常返回数据请求 详情参照http协议
      // {
      // Log.i("winbo", "connection.getResponseCode():" + connection.getResponseCode());
      // InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();// 获得输入流
      // File file = new File(filepath);// 新建一个file文件
      // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);// 对应文件建立输出流
      // byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];// 新建缓存 用来存储 从网络读取数据 再写入文件
      // int len = 0;
      // while ((len = != -1) {// 当没有读到最后的时候
      // fos.write(buffer, 0, len);// 将缓存中的存储的文件流秀娥问file文件
      // }
      // fos.flush();// 将缓存中的写入file
      // fos.close();
      // is.close();// 将输入流 输出流关闭
      // }
      // } catch (Exception e) {
      // Log.e("winbo", e.getMessage()+"");
      // }//
      //            final String url = "";
      final String url = "";
      // File fileTemp = new File("/storage/sdcard0/download/com.hh.tennets/text.jpg");
      new Thread(
              new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                  String path = AbFileUtil.downloadFile(url, "");
                  Log.i("winbo", "path:" + path);

      // AbHttpUtil httpUtil = AbHttpUtil.getInstance(this);
      // // String url = "";
      // String url = "";
      // AbRequestParams params = new AbRequestParams();
      // params.put("name", "强哥好牛逼");
      // httpUtil.setTimeout(5000);
      // httpUtil.setEncode(HTTP.UTF_8);
      // final File fileTemp = new File("/storage/sdcard0/download/com.hh.tennets/text.jpg");
      // httpUtil.get(url, params, new AbFileHttpResponseListener() {
      // @Override
      // public void onStart() {}
      // @Override
      // public void onFinish() {}
      // @Override
      // public void onFailure(int arg0, String arg1, Throwable arg2) {}
      // @Override
      // public void onSuccess(int statusCode, File file) {
      // super.onSuccess(statusCode, file);
      // Log.i("winbo", file.getAbsolutePath());
      // file.renameTo(fileTemp);
      // }
      // });

      // AbHttpUtil httpUtil = AbHttpUtil.getInstance(this);
      // String url = Constant.Server.ADDRESS;
      // AbRequestParams params = new AbRequestParams();
      // params.put("name", "老大是个坑");
      // params.put("password", "123456");
      // httpUtil.setTimeout(5000);
      //, params, new AbStringHttpResponseListener() {
      // @Override
      // public void onSuccess(int arg0, String arg1) {
      // Log.i("winbo", "arg1:" + arg1);
      // }
      // @Override
      // public void onFailure(int arg0, String arg1, Throwable arg2) {
      // Log.i("winbo", "onFailure");
      // }
      // @Override
      // public void onFinish() {
      // Log.i("winbo", "onFinish");
      // }
      // @Override
      // public void onStart() {
      // Log.i("winbo", "onStart");
      // }
      // });
Beispiel #2
  * Gets the db download dir.
  * @param context the context
  * @return the db download dir
 public static String getDbDownloadDir(Context context) {
   if (downloadRootDir == null) {
   return dbDownloadDir;