// Tests that cancelling a block will remove the temporary file
  public void cancelBlockTest() throws Exception {
    mFileSystem.createFile(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"));
    URIStatus file = mFileSystem.getStatus(new AlluxioURI("/testFile"));

    final int blockSize = (int) WORKER_CAPACITY_BYTES / 2;
    final long blockId = BlockId.createBlockId(BlockId.getContainerId(file.getFileId()), 0);

    String filename =
        mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.requestBlockLocation(SESSION_ID, blockId, blockSize);
    createBlockFile(filename, blockSize);
    mBlockWorkerServiceHandler.cancelBlock(SESSION_ID, blockId);

    // The block should not exist after being cancelled
    Assert.assertFalse(new File(filename).exists());

    // The master should not have recorded any used space after the block is cancelled
    Assert.assertEquals(0, mBlockMasterClient.getUsedBytes());