Beispiel #1
 private String getWebUrl(String containerPath) throws Exception {
   if (curator.get().checkExists().forPath(containerPath) != null) {
     byte[] bytes = ZkPath.loadURL(curator.get(), containerPath);
     String text = new String(bytes);
     // NOTE this is a bit naughty, we should probably be doing
     // Jackson parsing here; but we only need 1 String and
     // this avoids the jackson runtime dependency - its just a bit brittle
     // only finding http endpoints and all
     String prefix = "\"services\":[\"";
     int idx = text.indexOf(prefix);
     String answer = text;
     if (idx > 0) {
       int startIndex = idx + prefix.length();
       int endIdx = text.indexOf("\"]", startIndex);
       if (endIdx > 0) {
         answer = text.substring(startIndex, endIdx);
         if (answer.length() > 0) {
           // lets expand any variables
           answer = ZooKeeperUtils.getSubstitutedData(curator.get(), answer);
           return answer;
   return null;
 protected void expandPropertyResolvers(ServiceDTO dto) throws URISyntaxException {
   List<String> services = dto.getServices();
   List<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>(services.size());
   for (String service : services) {
     String expanded = ZooKeeperUtils.getSubstitutedData(curator, service);