public ActionForward execute(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {
    //		response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); //Forces caches to obtain a new copy of the
    // page from the origin server
    //		response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-store"); //Directs caches not to store the page under
    // any circumstance
    //		response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); //Causes the proxy cache to see the page as "stale"
    //		response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache"); //HTTP 1.0 backward compatibility

    /*		if (this.userIsLoggedIn(request)) {
    			//ActionMessages errors_mesg = new ActionMessages();
    			 //errors_mesg.add("submitError", new ActionMessage("errors.login.sessionended"));
    	         //this.saveErrors(request, errors_mesg);
    	         //return mapping.findForward("sessionEnded");
    // request.getSession().invalidate();

    boolean action_perform = false;
    String action_target;
    UserLogin u = new UserLogin();
    ActionMessages errors_mesg = new ActionMessages();
    UserForm uf = (UserForm) form;
    if (form != null) {
      action_perform = u.doLogin();
    if (action_perform == false) {
      errors_mesg.add("submitError", new ActionMessage(""));
      saveErrors(request, errors_mesg);
      action_target = "failure";
    } else {
      System.out.println("userDetails :: " + uf);
      request.getSession().setAttribute("userDetails", uf);
      HttpSession session = request.getSession();
      session.setAttribute("logined", "true");
      session.setAttribute("context", new java.util.Date());
      action_target = "success";
    return mapping.findForward(action_target);
   * This is the action called from the Struts framework.
   * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance.
   * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request.
   * @param request The HTTP Request we are processing.
   * @param response The HTTP Response we are processing.
   * @throws java.lang.Exception
   * @return
  public ActionForward execute(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {
    UserForm registerationForm = (UserForm) form;
    ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();

    String username = registerationForm.getUsername();
    String password = registerationForm.getPassword();
    String confirmPasswod = registerationForm.getConfirmPassword();
    String email = registerationForm.getEmail();
    if (!password.equals(confirmPasswod)) {
      errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.password.mismatch"));
      saveErrors(request, errors);
      return mapping.getInputForward();

    UserManager mgr = new DummyUserManagerImpl();
    User user = new User();
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.register.failed"));
      saveErrors(request, errors);
      return mapping.getInputForward();

    request.setAttribute("username", username);
    request.setAttribute("password", password);
    return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);