Beispiel #1
  void onKnown(URI uri, long[] ticks) {
    boolean all = false;
    long[] list = null;
    int count = 0;

    synchronized (this) {
      if (_ticks == null || _ticks.length == 0) all = true;
      else {
        for (int i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) {
          if (!Tick.isNull(ticks[i])) {
            if (!Tick.contains(_ticks, ticks[i])) {
              if (list == null) list = new long[ticks.length];

              list[count++] = ticks[i];

    if (all) {
      for (int i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++)
        if (!Tick.isNull(ticks[i])) uri.getBlock(this, ticks[i]);
    } else if (list != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) uri.getBlock(this, list[i]);
Beispiel #2
  * Returns the base url of the provided CachedUrl, checking to see if it's the result of a
  * redirect.
 public static String getBaseUrl(CachedUrl cu) {
   // See the comments in LockssResourceHandler.handleLockssRedirect();
   // this is the same logic.
   CIProperties props = cu.getProperties();
   if (props != null) {
     String redir = props.getProperty(CachedUrl.PROPERTY_CONTENT_URL);
     if (redir != null) {
       return redir;
     } else {
       String url = cu.getUrl();
       String nodeUrl = props.getProperty(CachedUrl.PROPERTY_NODE_URL);
       if (nodeUrl != null && !nodeUrl.equals(url)) {
         log.debug("getBaseUrl(" + url + "), nodeUrl: " + nodeUrl);
         if (dirNodeCheckSlash) {
           URI uri = new URI(url);
           if (!uri.getPath().endsWith("/")) {
             URI nodeUri = new URI(nodeUrl);
             if (nodeUri.getPath().endsWith("/")) {
               return nodeUrl;
         } else {
           return nodeUrl;
   return cu.getUrl();
   * Resolves an external entity. If the entity cannot be resolved, this method should return <code>
   * null</code>. This method returns an input source if an entry was found in the catalog for the
   * given external identifier. It should be overrided if other behaviour is required.
   * @param name the identifier of the external entity
   * @param publicId the public identifier, or <code>null</code> if none was supplied
   * @param baseURI the URI with respect to which relative systemIDs are interpreted.
   * @param systemId the system identifier
   * @throws SAXException any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception
   * @throws IOException thrown if some i/o error occurs
  public InputSource resolveEntity(String name, String publicId, String baseURI, String systemId)
      throws SAXException, IOException {

    String resolvedId = null;

    if (!getUseLiteralSystemId() && baseURI != null) {
      // Attempt to resolve the system identifier against the base URI.
      try {
        URI uri = new URI(new URI(baseURI), systemId);
        systemId = uri.toString();
      // Ignore the exception. Fallback to the literal system identifier.
      catch (URI.MalformedURIException ex) {

    if (publicId != null && systemId != null) {
      resolvedId = resolvePublic(publicId, systemId);
    } else if (systemId != null) {
      resolvedId = resolveSystem(systemId);

    if (resolvedId != null) {
      InputSource source = new InputSource(resolvedId);
      return source;
    return null;
  /** @see genSchemaURI */
  private URI genSchemaURI(String bezeichnung, int anhang) {
    URI waere = URI.genSchemaURI(this.lnkThesaurus.getBaseDomain(), bezeichnung + anhang);

    for (Konzept k : this.lnkThesaurus.getKonzepte()) {
      if (k.getURI().equals(waere)) {
        return this.genSchemaURI(bezeichnung, anhang + 1);
    return URI.genSchemaURI(this.lnkThesaurus.getBaseDomain(), bezeichnung + anhang);
Beispiel #5
   * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
   * @param urlString SystemID string
   * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
   * @return The resolved absolute URI
   * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
  public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base) throws TransformerException {
    if (base == null) return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);

    String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
    URI uri = null;
    try {
      URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
      uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
    } catch (MalformedURIException mue) {
      throw new TransformerException(mue);

    return replaceChars(uri.toString());
Beispiel #6
   * Checks for certain params existence in the value, and replace them with real values obtained
   * from <tt>request</tt>.
   * @param value the value of the header param
   * @param request the request we are processing
   * @return the value with replaced params
  private static String processParams(String value, Request request) {
    if (value.indexOf("${from.address}") != -1) {
      FromHeader fromHeader = (FromHeader) request.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME);

      if (fromHeader != null) {
        value = value.replace("${from.address}", fromHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());

    if (value.indexOf("${from.userID}") != -1) {
      FromHeader fromHeader = (FromHeader) request.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME);

      if (fromHeader != null) {
        URI fromURI = fromHeader.getAddress().getURI();
        String fromAddr = fromURI.toString();

        // strips sip: or sips:
        if (fromURI.isSipURI()) {
          fromAddr = fromAddr.replaceFirst(fromURI.getScheme() + ":", "");

        // take the userID part
        int index = fromAddr.indexOf('@');
        if (index > -1) fromAddr = fromAddr.substring(0, index);

        value = value.replace("${from.userID}", fromAddr);

    if (value.indexOf("${to.address}") != -1) {
      ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) request.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);

      if (toHeader != null) {
        value = value.replace("${to.address}", toHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());

    if (value.indexOf("${to.userID}") != -1) {
      ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) request.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);

      if (toHeader != null) {
        URI toURI = toHeader.getAddress().getURI();
        String toAddr = toURI.toString();

        // strips sip: or sips:
        if (toURI.isSipURI()) {
          toAddr = toAddr.replaceFirst(toURI.getScheme() + ":", "");

        // take the userID part
        int index = toAddr.indexOf('@');
        if (index > -1) toAddr = toAddr.substring(0, index);

        value = value.replace("${to.userID}", toAddr);

    return value;
    public boolean process(final SimpleRequest request, final SimpleResponse response)
        throws IOException {
      HttpVersion httpversion = request.getRequestLine().getHttpVersion();
      response.setStatusLine(httpversion, HttpStatus.SC_OK);
      response.addHeader(new Header("Content-Type", "text/plain"));

      URI uri = new URI(request.getRequestLine().getUri(), true);

      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
      return true;
Beispiel #8
  private URI buildViewPath() {
    assertHasText(dbPath, "dbPath");
    assertHasText(viewName, "viewName");

    URI uri = URI.of(dbPath);
    if (isNotEmpty(listName)) {
    } else if (ALL_DOCS_VIEW_NAME.equals(viewName)) {
    } else {
      assertHasText(designDocId, "designDocId");
    return uri;
Beispiel #9
 private static Value parseTypedReference(URIString pUriStr) throws IllegalArgumentException {
   Value strVal;
   int pos = pUriStr.getPos();
   try {
     strVal = StringValue.parse(pUriStr);
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
     String msg =
         "Failed to retrieve typed reference string!\n"
             + pUriStr.markPosition()
             + "Nested message is:\n"
             + e.getMessage();
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
   URIString refUriStr = new URIString(strVal.toString());
   try {
     URI ref = URI.parseRef(refUriStr, true);
     return new ReferenceValue(ref);
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
     String msg =
         "Failed to parse typed reference value!\n"
             + pUriStr.markPosition(pos)
             + "Nested message is:\n"
             + e.getMessage();
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
Beispiel #10
   * Factory method which tries to parse an untyped value.
   * @param pTyped
   * @param pUriStr
   * @return <code>Value</code> instance
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parsing failed.
  public static Value parse(boolean pTyped, URIString pUriStr) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    // TODO: tracing TRC.debug(uriStr.toString());
    if (pTyped) return parseTypedValue(pUriStr);
    URIString uriStr = pUriStr.deepCopy();
    Value value;
    try {
      StringValue strVal = (StringValue) StringValue.parse(uriStr);

      // string like value
      // is this string an instance reference?
      try {
        URI ref = URI.parseRef(new URIString(strVal.toString()), false);
        value = new ReferenceValue(ref);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if ((value = DateTimeValue.parse(strVal.toString())) == null) {
          // if not dateTimeValue, it is stringvalue
          value = strVal;
      return value;
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      // non string like value
      if ((value = IntegerValue.parse(uriStr)) != null
          || (value = RealValue.parse(uriStr)) != null
          || (value = BooleanValue.parse(uriStr)) != null
          || (value = CharValue.parse(uriStr)) != null) {
        return value;
      String msg = "Failed to parse untyped value!\n" + uriStr.markPosition();
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
   * Resolves a resource using the catalog. This method interprets that the namespace URI
   * corresponds to uri entries in the catalog. Where both a namespace and an external identifier
   * exist, the namespace takes precedence.
   * @param type the type of the resource being resolved
   * @param namespaceURI the namespace of the resource being resolved, or <code>null</code> if none
   *     was supplied
   * @param publicId the public identifier of the resource being resolved, or <code>null</code> if
   *     none was supplied
   * @param systemId the system identifier of the resource being resolved, or <code>null</code> if
   *     none was supplied
   * @param baseURI the absolute base URI of the resource being parsed, or <code>null</code> if
   *     there is no base URI
  public LSInput resolveResource(
      String type, String namespaceURI, String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI) {

    String resolvedId = null;

    try {
      // The namespace is useful for resolving namespace aware
      // grammars such as XML schema. Let it take precedence over
      // the external identifier if one exists.
      if (namespaceURI != null) {
        resolvedId = resolveURI(namespaceURI);

      if (!getUseLiteralSystemId() && baseURI != null) {
        // Attempt to resolve the system identifier against the base URI.
        try {
          URI uri = new URI(new URI(baseURI), systemId);
          systemId = uri.toString();
        // Ignore the exception. Fallback to the literal system identifier.
        catch (URI.MalformedURIException ex) {

      // Resolve against an external identifier if one exists. This
      // is useful for resolving DTD external subsets and other
      // external entities. For XML schemas if there was no namespace
      // mapping we might be able to resolve a system identifier
      // specified as a location hint.
      if (resolvedId == null) {
        if (publicId != null && systemId != null) {
          resolvedId = resolvePublic(publicId, systemId);
        } else if (systemId != null) {
          resolvedId = resolveSystem(systemId);
    // Ignore IOException. It cannot be thrown from this method.
    catch (IOException ex) {

    if (resolvedId != null) {
      return new DOMInputImpl(publicId, resolvedId, baseURI);
    return null;
Beispiel #12
  protected boolean dispatch() throws IOException {
    UrlParser up = new UrlParser(uri.getPath());
    String apps =;
    String application;
    if (apps.equalsIgnoreCase("apps")) application =;
    else application = apps;

    String model =;

    if (model.length() == 0) return false;

    if (checkRhoExtensions(application, model)) return true;

    Properties reqHash = new Properties();

    String actionid =;
    String actionnext =;
    if (actionid.length() > 0) {
      if (actionid.length() > 2
          && actionid.charAt(0) == '{'
          && actionid.charAt(actionid.length() - 1) == '}') {
        reqHash.setProperty("id", actionid);
        reqHash.setProperty("action", actionnext);
      } else {
        reqHash.setProperty("id", actionnext);
        reqHash.setProperty("action", actionid);
    reqHash.setProperty("application", application);
    reqHash.setProperty("model", model);

    reqHash.setProperty("request-method", this.method);
    reqHash.setProperty("request-uri", uri.getPath());
    reqHash.setProperty("request-query", uri.getQueryString());

    if (postData != null && postData.size() > 0) {
      reqHash.setProperty("request-body", postData.toString());

    RubyValue res = RhoRuby.processRequest(reqHash, reqHeaders, resHeaders);

    return true;
Beispiel #13
   * Update the permanent redirection list.
   * @param the original request
   * @param the new location
  private static void update_perm_redir_list(RoRequest req, URI new_loc) {
    HTTPConnection con = req.getConnection();
    URI cur_loc = null;
    try {
      cur_loc =
          new URI(
              new URI(con.getProtocol(), con.getHost(), con.getPort(), null), req.getRequestURI());
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace("An exception occurred: " + pe.getMessage());

    if (cur_loc != null && !cur_loc.equals(new_loc)) {
      Hashtable perm_redir_list = Util.getList(perm_redir_cntxt_list, con.getContext());
      perm_redir_list.put(cur_loc, new_loc);
 private Item intern(Item item) {
   if (item.sameSymbol(ANY.getSymbol())) return ANY;
   if (item.sameSymbol(VAR.getSymbol())) return VAR;
   if (item.sameSymbol(TERM.getSymbol())) return TERM;
   if (item.sameSymbol(URI.getSymbol())) return URI;
   if (item.sameSymbol(LITERAL.getSymbol())) return LITERAL;
   if (item.sameSymbol(BNODE.getSymbol())) return BNODE;
   return item;
Beispiel #15
  * The Location header field must be an absolute URI, but too many broken servers use relative
  * URIs. So, we always resolve relative to the full request URI.
  * @param loc the Location header field
  * @param req the Request to resolve relative URI's relative to
  * @return an absolute URI corresponding to the Location header field
  * @exception ProtocolException if the Location header field is completely unparseable
 private URI resLocHdr(String loc, RoRequest req) throws ProtocolException {
   try {
     URI base =
         new URI(
     base = new URI(base, req.getRequestURI());
     URI res = new URI(base, loc);
     if (res.getHost() == null)
       throw new ProtocolException(
           "Malformed URL in Location header: `" + loc + "' - missing host field");
     return res;
   } catch (ParseException pe) {
     throw new ProtocolException(
         "Malformed URL in Location header: `" + loc + "' - exception was: " + pe.getMessage());
Beispiel #16
  void getKnown(URI uri) {
    long[] ticks;

    synchronized (this) {
      ticks = _ticks != null ? Platform.get().clone(_ticks) : null;

    if (ticks == null && !location().isCache()) ticks = Tick.EMPTY;

    if (ticks != null) uri.onKnown(this, ticks);
Beispiel #17
  protected boolean httpGetFile() throws IOException {

    String strContType = getContentType();
    if (strContType.length() == 0) {
      String strTemp = uri.getPath();
      if (strTemp.length() == 0 || strTemp.charAt(strTemp.length() - 1) != '/') strTemp += '/';

      if (RhoSupport.findClass(strTemp + "controller") != null) return false;

      int nPos = findIndex(uri.getPath());
      if (nPos >= 0) {
        String url = uri.getPath(); // + (nPos == 0 ? ".iseq" : "");
        RubyValue res = RhoRuby.processIndexRequest(url); // erb-compiled should load from class
        return true;

      if (httpGetIndexFile()) return true;

    return httpServeFile(strContType);
Beispiel #18
  protected boolean httpGetIndexFile() {
    String strIndex = null;
    String slash = "";
    if (uri.getPath() != null && uri.getPath().length() > 0)
      slash = uri.getPath().charAt(uri.getPath().length() - 1) == '/' ? "" : "/";

    for (int i = 0; i < m_arIndexes.length; i++) {
      String name = uri.getPath() + slash + m_arIndexes[i];
      String nameClass = name;
      if (nameClass.endsWith(".iseq")) nameClass = nameClass.substring(0, nameClass.length() - 5);

      if (RhoSupport.findClass(nameClass) != null || RhoRuby.loadFile(name) != null) {
        strIndex = name;

    if (strIndex == null) return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #19
  void respondMoved(String location) {
    responseCode = HTTP_MOVED_PERM;
    responseMsg = "Moved Permanently";

    String strLoc = location;
    if (strLoc.startsWith("/apps")) strLoc = strLoc.substring(5);

    String strQuery = uri.getQueryString();
    if (strQuery != null && strQuery.length() > 0) strLoc += "?" + strQuery;

    resHeaders.addProperty("Location", strLoc);
    contentLength = 0;
Beispiel #20
 public String getFile() {
   if (uri != null) {
     String path = uri.getPath();
     if (path != null) {
       int s0 = path.lastIndexOf('/');
       int s1 = path.lastIndexOf('\\');
       if (s1 > s0) s0 = s1;
       if (s0 < 0) s0 = 0;
       return path.substring(s0);
   return null;
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  public void sendRedirect(String url) throws IOException {
    if (url == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    if (!URI.hasScheme(url)) {
      StringBuffer buf = _servletHttpRequest.getHttpRequest().getRootURL();
      if (url.startsWith("/")) buf.append(URI.canonicalPath(url));
      else {
        String path = _servletHttpRequest.getRequestURI();
        String parent = (path.endsWith("/")) ? path : URI.parentPath(path);
        url = URI.canonicalPath(URI.addPaths(parent, url));
        if (!url.startsWith("/")) buf.append('/');

      url = buf.toString();


    _httpResponse.setField(HttpFields.__Location, url);
 public static PropertyDataTypes getTypeByTypeNum(int typeNum) {
   if (STRING.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return STRING;
   else if (BINARY.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return BINARY;
   else if (LONG.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return LONG;
   else if (DOUBLE.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return DOUBLE;
   else if (DATE.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return DATE;
   else if (BOOLEAN.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return BOOLEAN;
   else if (NAME.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return NAME;
   else if (PATH.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return PATH;
   else if (REFERENCE.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return REFERENCE;
   else if (WEAKREFERENCE.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return WEAKREFERENCE;
   else if (URI.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return URI;
   else if (DECIMAL.getTypeNum() == typeNum) return DECIMAL;
   else return UNDEFINED;
Beispiel #23
  void callLoginCallback(SyncNotification oNotify, int nErrCode, String strMessage) {
    try {
      if (getSync().isStoppedByUser()) return;

      String strBody = "error_code=" + nErrCode;
      strBody += "&error_message=" + URI.urlEncode(strMessage != null ? strMessage : "");
      strBody += "&rho_callback=1";

      LOG.INFO("Login callback: " + oNotify.toString() + ". Body: " + strBody);

      callNotify(oNotify, strBody);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      LOG.ERROR("Call Login callback failed.", exc);
Beispiel #24
  protected boolean httpServeFile(String strContType) throws IOException {

    String strPath = uri.getPath();
    // if ( !strPath.startsWith("/apps") )
    //	strPath = "/apps" + strPath;

    if (strContType.equals("application/javascript")) {
      responseData = RhoRuby.loadFile(strPath);
      if (responseData == null) {
        String str = "";
        responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes());
    } else responseData = RhoRuby.loadFile(strPath);

    if (responseData == null) {
      Jsr75File file = new Jsr75File();
      String strFileName = strPath;
      if (strFileName.startsWith("/apps")) strFileName = strPath.substring(5);

      try {, true, true);
        responseData = file.getInputStream();
        if (responseData != null) {
          contentLength = (int) file.length();
        m_file = file;
      } catch (StorageError exc) {
      } catch (IOException exc) {
    } else {
      if (responseData != null) {
        contentLength = responseData.available();

    if (responseData == null) return false;

    if (strContType.length() > 0) resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Type", strContType);

    resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(contentLength));

    return true;
Beispiel #25
  private static String makeClientCookie(Hashtable headers) throws IOException {
    if (headers == null) return "";

    // ParsedCookie cookie = new ParsedCookie();
    String strRes = "";
    Enumeration valsHeaders = headers.elements();
    Enumeration keysHeaders = headers.keys();
    while (valsHeaders.hasMoreElements()) {
      String strName = (String) keysHeaders.nextElement();
      String strValue = (String) valsHeaders.nextElement();

      if (strName.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) {
        LOG.INFO("Set-Cookie: " + strValue);

        strRes += URI.parseCookie(strValue);

    return strRes;
Beispiel #26
     * Returns an HTTPConnection. A cache of connections is kept and first
     * consulted; only when the cache lookup fails is a new one created
     * and added to the cache.
     * @param url the url
     * @return an HTTPConnection
     * @exception ProtocolNotSuppException if the protocol is not supported
    protected HTTPConnection getConnection(URL url)
	    throws ProtocolNotSuppException
	// try the cache, using the host name

	String php = url.getProtocol() + ":" + url.getHost() + ":" +
		     ((url.getPort() != -1) ? url.getPort() :
	php = php.toLowerCase();

	HTTPConnection con = (HTTPConnection) connections.get(php);
	if (con != null)  return con;

	// Not in cache, so create new one and cache it

	con = new HTTPConnection(url);
	connections.put(php, con);

	return con;
Beispiel #27
  String getContentType() {
    String contType = reqHeaders.getProperty("Content-Type");
    if (contType == null || contType.length() == 0)
      contType = reqHeaders.getProperty("content-type");

    if (contType != null && contType.length() > 0) return contType;

    String path = uri.getPath();
    int nPoint = path.lastIndexOf('.');
    String strExt = "";
    if (nPoint > 0) strExt = path.substring(nPoint + 1);

    if (strExt.equals("png")) return "image/png";
    else if (strExt.equals("jpeg")) return "image/jpeg";
    else if (strExt.equals("jpg")) return "image/jpg";
    else if (strExt.equals("js")) return "application/javascript";
    else if (strExt.equals("css")) return "text/css";
    else if (strExt.equals("gif")) return "image/gif";
    else if (strExt.equals("html") || strExt.equals("htm")) return "text/html";

    return "";
Beispiel #28
  void getBlock(URI uri, long tick) {
    Buff duplicate = null;

    synchronized (this) {
      if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.resume(this, false);

      int index = Tick.indexOf(_ticks, tick);

      if (index >= 0) {
        Buff buff = _buffs[index];

        if (buff != null) {
          duplicate = buff.duplicate();

          if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.exchangeGive(duplicate, duplicate);

      if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.suspend(this);

    if (duplicate != null) {
      Buff[] duplicates = new Buff[] {duplicate};

      if (Debug.THREADS) {
        ThreadAssert.exchangeGive(duplicates, duplicate);

      uri.onBlock(this, tick, duplicates, null, true, null, false, null);

      if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.exchangeTake(duplicates);

  public static SyntacticModelElement buildSyntacticContents(
      final EObject root, final Set<Diagnostic> errors) {
    if (!(root instanceof Model)) {
      return null;
    ModelImpl m = (ModelImpl) root;
    Object[] imps;
    if (m.eIsSet(GamlPackage.MODEL__IMPORTS)) {
      List<Import> imports = m.getImports();
      imps = new Object[imports.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < imps.length; i++) {
        URI uri = URI.createURI(imports.get(i).getImportURI(), false);
        imps[i] = uri;
    } else {
      imps = null;

    SyntacticModelElement model =
        (SyntacticModelElement) SyntacticFactory.create(MODEL, m, EGaml.hasChildren(m), imps);
    model.setFacet(NAME, convertToLabel(null, m.getName()));
    convStatements(model, EGaml.getStatementsOf(m), errors);
    return model;
Beispiel #30
  /** Invoked by the HTTPClient. */
  public int requestHandler(Request req, Response[] resp) {
    HTTPConnection con = req.getConnection();
    URI new_loc, cur_loc;

    // check for retries

    HttpOutputStream out = req.getStream();
    if (out != null && deferred_redir_list.get(out) != null) {
      copyFrom((RedirectionModule) deferred_redir_list.remove(out));

      if (new_con) return REQ_NEWCON_RST;
      else return REQ_RESTART;

    // handle permanent redirections

    try {
      cur_loc =
          new URI(
              new URI(con.getProtocol(), con.getHost(), con.getPort(), null), req.getRequestURI());
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
      throw new Error("HTTPClient Internal Error: unexpected exception '" + pe + "'", pe);

    // handle permanent redirections

    Hashtable perm_redir_list =
        Util.getList(perm_redir_cntxt_list, req.getConnection().getContext());
    if ((new_loc = (URI) perm_redir_list.get(cur_loc)) != null) {
       * copy query if present in old url but not in new url. This isn't
       * strictly conforming, but some scripts fail to properly propagate the
       * query string to the Location header. Unfortunately it looks like we're
       * f****d either way: some scripts fail if you don't propagate the query
       * string, some fail if you do... God, don't you just love it when people
       * can't read a spec? Anway, since we can't get it right for all scripts
       * we opt to follow the spec. String nres = new_loc.getPathAndQuery(),
       * oquery = Util.getQuery(req.getRequestURI()), nquery =
       * Util.getQuery(nres); if (nquery == null && oquery != null) nres += "?"
       * + oquery;
      String nres = new_loc.getPathAndQuery();

      try {
        lastURI = new URI(new_loc, nres);
      } catch (ParseException pe) {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
          LOG.trace("An exception occurred: " + pe.getMessage());

      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            "Matched request in permanent redirection list - redoing request to "
                + lastURI.toExternalForm());

      if (!con.isCompatibleWith(new_loc)) {
        try {
          con = new HTTPConnection(new_loc);
        } catch (ProtocolNotSuppException e) {
          throw new Error("HTTPClient Internal Error: unexpected " + "exception '" + e + "'", e);

        return REQ_NEWCON_RST;
      } else {
        return REQ_RESTART;

    return REQ_CONTINUE;