Beispiel #1
   * Adds the metadata of a new block into this storage dir or throws IOException.
   * @param tempBlockMeta the meta data of a temp block to add
   * @throws IOException if blockId already exists or not enough space
  public void addTempBlockMeta(TempBlockMeta tempBlockMeta) throws IOException {
    long userId = tempBlockMeta.getUserId();
    long blockId = tempBlockMeta.getBlockId();
    long blockSize = tempBlockMeta.getBlockSize();

    if (getAvailableBytes() < blockSize) {
      throw new IOException(
          "Failed to add TempBlockMeta: blockId "
              + blockId
              + " is "
              + blockSize
              + " bytes, but only "
              + getAvailableBytes()
              + " bytes available");
    if (hasTempBlockMeta(blockId)) {
      throw new IOException("Failed to add TempBlockMeta: blockId " + blockId + " exists");

    mBlockIdToTempBlockMap.put(blockId, tempBlockMeta);
    Set<Long> userTempBlocks = mUserIdToTempBlockIdsMap.get(userId);
    if (userTempBlocks == null) {
      mUserIdToTempBlockIdsMap.put(userId, Sets.newHashSet(blockId));
    } else {
    reserveSpace(blockSize, false);
Beispiel #2
  * Removes a temp block from this storage dir or throws IOException.
  * @param tempBlockMeta the meta data of the temp block to remove
  * @throws IOException if no temp block is found
 public void removeTempBlockMeta(TempBlockMeta tempBlockMeta) throws IOException {
   final long blockId = tempBlockMeta.getBlockId();
   final long userId = tempBlockMeta.getUserId();
   TempBlockMeta deletedTempBlockMeta = mBlockIdToTempBlockMap.remove(blockId);
   if (deletedTempBlockMeta == null) {
     throw new IOException("Failed to remove TempBlockMeta: blockId " + blockId + " not found");
   Set<Long> userBlocks = mUserIdToTempBlockIdsMap.get(userId);
   if (userBlocks == null) {
     throw new IOException(
         "Failed to remove TempBlockMeta: blockId "
             + blockId
             + " has userId "
             + userId
             + " not found");
   if (!userBlocks.contains(blockId)) {
     throw new IOException(
         "Failed to remove TempBlockMeta: blockId "
             + blockId
             + " not "
             + "associated with userId "
             + userId);
   if (userBlocks.isEmpty()) {
   reclaimSpace(tempBlockMeta.getBlockSize(), false);
  * Cleans up the temp block meta data for each block id passed in
  * @param userId the ID of the client associated with the temporary blocks
  * @param tempBlockIds the list of temporary blocks to clean up, non temporary blocks or
  *     nonexistent blocks will be ignored
 public void cleanupUserTempBlocks(long userId, List<Long> tempBlockIds) {
   Set<Long> userTempBlocks = mUserIdToTempBlockIdsMap.get(userId);
   // The user's temporary blocks have already been removed.
   if (userTempBlocks == null) {
   for (Long tempBlockId : tempBlockIds) {
     if (!mBlockIdToTempBlockMap.containsKey(tempBlockId)) {
       // This temp block does not exist in this dir, this is expected for some blocks since the
       // input list is across all dirs
     TempBlockMeta tempBlockMeta = mBlockIdToTempBlockMap.remove(tempBlockId);
     if (tempBlockMeta != null) {
       reclaimSpace(tempBlockMeta.getBlockSize(), false);
     } else {
       LOG.error("Cannot find blockId {} when cleanup userId {}", tempBlockId, userId);
   if (userTempBlocks.isEmpty()) {
   } else {
     // This may happen if the client comes back during clean up and creates more blocks or some
     // temporary blocks failed to be deleted
     LOG.warn("Blocks still owned by user " + userId + " after cleanup.");
Beispiel #4
  * Changes the size of a temp block or throws IOException.
  * @param tempBlockMeta the meta data of the temp block to resize
  * @param newSize the new size after change in bytes
  * @throws IOException
 public void resizeTempBlockMeta(TempBlockMeta tempBlockMeta, long newSize) throws IOException {
   long oldSize = tempBlockMeta.getBlockSize();
   if (newSize > oldSize) {
     reserveSpace(newSize - oldSize, false);
   } else if (newSize < oldSize) {
     throw new IOException("Shrinking block, not supported!");
Beispiel #5
  * Cleans up the temp block meta data of a specific user.
  * @param userId the ID of the user to cleanup
  * @return A list of temp blocks removed from this dir
 public List<TempBlockMeta> cleanupUser(long userId) {
   List<TempBlockMeta> blocksToRemove = new ArrayList<TempBlockMeta>();
   Set<Long> userTempBlocks = mUserIdToTempBlockIdsMap.get(userId);
   if (userTempBlocks != null) {
     for (long blockId : userTempBlocks) {
       TempBlockMeta tempBlock = mBlockIdToTempBlockMap.remove(blockId);
       if (tempBlock != null) {
         reclaimSpace(tempBlock.getBlockSize(), false);
       } else {
         LOG.error("Cannot find blockId {} when cleanup userId {}", blockId, userId);
   return blocksToRemove;