private void doRequest(
     final HttpServletRequest req,
     final HttpServletResponse resp,
     final AcceptAPIVersion acceptVersion,
     final Request request)
     throws ResourceException, Exception {
   final Context context = newRequestContext(req, acceptVersion);
   final ServletSynchronizer sync = syncFactory.createServletSynchronizer(req, resp);
   final RequestRunner runner = new RequestRunner(context, request, req, resp, sync);
   sync.awaitIfNeeded(); // Only blocks when async is not supported.
  * Creates a new servlet adapter with the provided connection factory and context factory.
  * @param servletContext The servlet context.
  * @param connectionFactory The connection factory.
  * @param contextFactory The context factory which will be used to obtain the parent context of
  *     each request context, or {@code null} if the {@link SecurityContextFactory} should be used.
  * @throws ServletException If the servlet container does not support Servlet 2.x or beyond.
 public HttpServletAdapter(
     final ServletContext servletContext,
     final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
     final HttpServletContextFactory contextFactory)
     throws ServletException {
    * The servletContext field was removed as part of fix for CREST-146.
    * The constructor parameter remains for API compatibility.
   this.contextFactory =
       contextFactory != null
           ? contextFactory
           : SecurityContextFactory.getHttpServletContextFactory();
   this.connectionFactory = checkNotNull(connectionFactory);
   this.syncFactory = ServletApiVersionAdapter.getInstance(servletContext);