  * Generate a KB SBHL caching policy proposal for sticky SBHL caching that for all passed link
  * predicates.
  * @param WITH-PREFETCH-P determines whether the prefetch will be all or none
  * @return the policies
 @SubL(source = "cycl/builder-utilities.lisp", position = 38500)
 public static final SubLObject propose_all_sticky_kb_sbhl_caching_policies(
     SubLObject link_predicates, SubLObject with_prefetch_p) {
   if ((NIL == link_predicates)) {
     link_predicates = get_all_sbhl_module_link_predicates();
     SubLObject prefetch = ((NIL != with_prefetch_p) ? ((SubLObject) $kw58$ALL) : NIL);
     SubLObject policies = NIL;
     SubLObject cdolist_list_var = link_predicates;
     SubLObject link_predicate = NIL;
     for (link_predicate = cdolist_list_var.first();
         (NIL != cdolist_list_var);
         cdolist_list_var = cdolist_list_var.rest(), link_predicate = cdolist_list_var.first()) {
         SubLObject legacy_policy =
                 link_predicate, $kw56$STICKY, $kw57$UNDEFINED, NIL, $kw58$ALL, prefetch);
         policies = cons(legacy_policy, policies);
     return Sequences.nreverse(policies);