 public void setRacialStat(final int abilityCode, final int racialMax) {
   if ((!CharStats.CODES.isBASE(abilityCode)) || (getStat(abilityCode) == VALUE_ALLSTATS_DEFAULT))
     setPermanentStat(abilityCode, racialMax);
   else {
     final int baseMax = CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.BASEMAXSTAT);
     int currMax = getStat(CharStats.CODES.toMAXBASE(abilityCode)) + baseMax;
     if (currMax <= 0) currMax = 1;
     int curStat = getStat(abilityCode);
     if (curStat > currMax * 7) {
       final String errorMsg =
           "Detected mob with "
               + curStat
               + "/"
               + currMax
               + " "
               + CharStats.CODES.ABBR(abilityCode);
       @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
       Set<String> errs = (Set) Resources.getResource("SYSTEM_DEFCHARSTATS_ERRORS");
       if (errs == null) {
         errs = new TreeSet<String>();
         Resources.submitResource("SYSTEM_DEFCHARSTATS_ERRORS", errs);
       if (!errs.contains(errorMsg)) {
         final StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(errorMsg);
         // ByteArrayOutputStream stream=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         // new Exception().printStackTrace(new PrintStream(stream));
         // str.append("\n\r"+new String(stream.toByteArray()));
         Log.errOut("DefCharStats", str.toString());
       curStat = currMax * 7;
     final int pctOfMax = Math.round(((float) curStat / (float) currMax) * racialMax);
     final int stdMaxAdj =
         Math.round((((float) (currMax - VALUE_ALLSTATS_DEFAULT)) / (float) currMax) * racialMax);
     final int racialStat = pctOfMax + stdMaxAdj;
     setStat(abilityCode, ((racialStat < 1) && (racialMax > 0)) ? 1 : racialStat);
     setStat(CharStats.CODES.toMAXBASE(abilityCode), racialMax - baseMax);
 public static boolean doRentalProperty(Area A, String ID, String owner, int rent) {
   if (!CMProps.getBoolVar(CMProps.Bool.MUDSTARTED)) return false;
   final int month = A.getTimeObj().getMonth();
   final int day = A.getTimeObj().getDayOfMonth();
   final int year = A.getTimeObj().getYear();
   final Object O = Resources.getResource("RENTAL INFO/" + owner);
   List<PlayerData> pDataV = null;
   if (O instanceof List) pDataV = (List<PlayerData>) O;
   else pDataV = CMLib.database().DBReadData(owner, "RENTAL INFO");
   if (pDataV == null) pDataV = new Vector();
   DatabaseEngine.PlayerData pData = null;
   if (pDataV.size() == 0) {
     pData = new DatabaseEngine.PlayerData();
     pData.who = owner;
     pData.section = "RENTAL INFO";
     pData.key = "RENTAL INFO/" + owner;
     pData.xml = ID + "|~>|" + day + " " + month + " " + year + "|~;|";
     CMLib.database().DBCreateData(owner, "RENTAL INFO", "RENTAL INFO/" + owner, pData.xml);
     Resources.submitResource("RENTAL INFO/" + owner, pDataV);
     return false;
   } else if (pDataV.get(0) != null) {
     pData = pDataV.get(0);
     String parse = pData.xml;
     int x = parse.indexOf("|~;|");
     final StringBuffer reparse = new StringBuffer("");
     boolean changesMade = false;
     boolean needsToPay = false;
     while (x >= 0) {
       String thisOne = parse.substring(0, x);
       if (thisOne.startsWith(ID + "|~>|")) {
         thisOne = thisOne.substring((ID + "|~>|").length());
         final Vector dateV = CMParms.parse(thisOne);
         if (dateV.size() == 3) {
           int lastYear = CMath.s_int((String) dateV.lastElement());
           int lastMonth = CMath.s_int((String) dateV.elementAt(1));
           final int lastDay = CMath.s_int((String) dateV.firstElement());
           while (!needsToPay) {
             if (lastYear < year) needsToPay = true;
             else if ((lastYear == year) && (lastMonth < month) && (day >= lastDay))
               needsToPay = true;
             if (needsToPay) {
               if (CMLib.beanCounter()
                           + ":Withdrawal of "
                           + rent
                           + ": Rent for "
                           + ID,
                       (-rent))) {
                 if (lastMonth > A.getTimeObj().getMonthsInYear()) {
                   lastMonth = 1;
                 changesMade = true;
                 needsToPay = false;
             } else break;
           if (changesMade)
             reparse.append(ID + "|~>|" + lastDay + " " + lastMonth + " " + lastYear + "|~;|");
           if (needsToPay && (!changesMade)) return true;
       } else reparse.append(thisOne + "|~;|");
       parse = parse.substring(x + 4);
       x = parse.indexOf("|~;|");
     if (changesMade) {
           .DBReCreateData(owner, "RENTAL INFO", "RENTAL INFO/" + owner, reparse.toString());
       pData = new DatabaseEngine.PlayerData();
       pData.who = owner;
       pData.section = "RENTAL INFO";
       pData.key = "RENTAL INFO/" + owner;
       pData.xml = reparse.toString();
       pDataV.set(0, pData);
       Resources.removeResource("RENTAL INFO/" + owner);
       Resources.submitResource("RENTAL INFO/" + owner, pDataV);
     return needsToPay;
   return false;