public void checkConstraints(Collection<ConstraintViolation> violations) {
   if (!this.linkOperationExpressionIsCreationDerivation()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("linkOperationExpressionIsCreationDerivation", this));
   if (!this.linkOperationExpressionIsClearDerivation()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("linkOperationExpressionIsClearDerivation", this));
   if (!this.linkOperationExpressionReferentDerivation()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("linkOperationExpressionReferentDerivation", this));
   if (!this.linkOperationExpressionFeatureDerivation()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("linkOperationExpressionFeatureDerivation", this));
   if (!this.linkOperationExpressionAssociationReference()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("linkOperationExpressionAssociationReference", this));
   if (!this.linkOperationExpressionArgumentCompatibility()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("linkOperationExpressionArgumentCompatibility", this));
   QualifiedName associationName = this.getAssociationName();
   if (associationName != null) {
 private Object substitute(Object arg) {
   if (arg instanceof Excerpt) {
     SourceStringBuilder excerptBuilder = new SourceStringBuilder(sourceLevel, shortener);
     ((Excerpt) arg).addTo(excerptBuilder);
     return excerptBuilder.toString();
   } else if (arg instanceof Package) {
     return ((Package) arg).getName();
   } else if (arg instanceof Element) {
     ElementKind kind = ((Element) arg).getKind();
     if (kind == ElementKind.PACKAGE) {
       return ((PackageElement) arg).getQualifiedName();
     } else if (kind.isClass() || kind.isInterface()) {
       return shortener.shorten(QualifiedName.of((TypeElement) arg));
     } else {
       return arg;
   } else if (arg instanceof Class<?>) {
     return shortener.shorten(QualifiedName.of((Class<?>) arg));
   } else if ((arg instanceof TypeMirror) && (((TypeMirror) arg).getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED)) {
     DeclaredType mirror = (DeclaredType) arg;
     checkArgument(isLegalType(mirror), "Cannot write unknown type %s", mirror);
     return shortener.shorten(mirror);
   } else if (arg instanceof QualifiedName) {
     return shortener.shorten((QualifiedName) arg);
   } else if (arg instanceof AnnotationMirror) {
     SourceStringBuilder excerptBuilder = new SourceStringBuilder(sourceLevel, shortener);
     addSource(excerptBuilder, (AnnotationMirror) arg);
     return excerptBuilder.toString();
   } else {
     return arg;
 public void checkConstraints(Collection<ConstraintViolation> violations) {
   if (!this.castExpressionTypeDerivation()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("castExpressionTypeDerivation", this));
   if (!this.castExpressionLowerDerivation()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("castExpressionLowerDerivation", this));
   if (!this.castExpressionUpperDerivation()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("castExpressionUpperDerivation", this));
   if (!this.castExpressionTypeResolution()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("castExpressionTypeResolution", this));
   if (!this.castExpressionAssignmentsBefore()) {
     violations.add(new ConstraintViolation("castExpressionAssignmentsBefore", this));
   Expression operand = this.getOperand();
   if (operand != null) {
   QualifiedName typeName = this.getTypeName();
   if (typeName != null) {
  * @see ASTVisitor#visit(QualifiedName)
 public boolean visit(QualifiedName node) {
   this.fBuffer.append("."); // $NON-NLS-1$
   return false;
Beispiel #5
  public ClassId getClassId(int index) {
    LinkedList<String> packageFqName = new LinkedList<String>();
    LinkedList<String> relativeClassName = new LinkedList<String>();
    boolean local = false;

    while (index != -1) {
      QualifiedName proto = qualifiedNames.getQualifiedName(index);
      String shortName = strings.getString(proto.getShortName());
      switch (proto.getKind()) {
        case CLASS:
        case PACKAGE:
        case LOCAL:
          local = true;

      index = proto.getParentQualifiedName();

    return new ClassId(
        FqName.fromSegments(packageFqName), FqName.fromSegments(relativeClassName), local);
 public void print(String prefix, boolean includeDerived) {
   super.print(prefix, includeDerived);
   QualifiedName associationName = this.getAssociationName();
   if (associationName != null) {
     System.out.println(prefix + " associationName:");
     associationName.print(prefix + "  ", includeDerived);
 public void _deriveAll() {
   QualifiedName associationName = this.getAssociationName();
   if (associationName != null) {
 public JSType getProp(QualifiedName qname) {
   Property p = getLeftmostProp(qname);
   if (qname.isIdentifier()) {
     return p == null ? JSType.UNDEFINED : p.getType();
   } else {
     Preconditions.checkState(p != null);
     return p.getType().getProp(qname.getAllButLeftmost());
 public JSType getDeclaredProp(QualifiedName qname) {
   Property p = getLeftmostProp(qname);
   if (p == null) {
     return null;
   } else if (qname.isIdentifier()) {
     return p.isDeclared() ? p.getDeclaredType() : null;
   return p.getType().getDeclaredProp(qname.getAllButLeftmost());
 public void _deriveAll() {
   Expression operand = this.getOperand();
   if (operand != null) {
   QualifiedName typeName = this.getTypeName();
   if (typeName != null) {
 public void print(String prefix, boolean includeDerived) {
   super.print(prefix, includeDerived);
   Expression operand = this.getOperand();
   if (operand != null) {
     System.out.println(prefix + " operand:");
     operand.print(prefix + "  ", includeDerived);
   QualifiedName typeName = this.getTypeName();
   if (typeName != null) {
     System.out.println(prefix + " typeName:");
     typeName.print(prefix + "  ", includeDerived);
Beispiel #12
  * Replaces (in place) a QualifiedName node with an equivalent FieldAccess node. This is helpful
  * when a mutation needs to replace the qualifier with a node that has Expression type but not
  * Name type. CAUTION: It is strongly recommended that this method be used within a "visit", and
  * not a "endVisit" because it will rewrite all QualifiedNode ancestors.
 public static FieldAccess convertToFieldAccess(QualifiedName node) {
   TreeNode parent = node.getParent();
   if (parent instanceof QualifiedName) {
     FieldAccess newParent = convertToFieldAccess((QualifiedName) parent);
     Expression expr = newParent.getExpression();
     assert expr instanceof QualifiedName;
     node = (QualifiedName) expr;
   IVariableBinding variableBinding = getVariableBinding(node);
   assert variableBinding != null : "node must be a variable";
   FieldAccess newNode = new FieldAccess(variableBinding, remove(node.getQualifier()));
   return newNode;
 private JSType lookupTypeByName(
     String name, Node n, DeclaredTypeRegistry registry, ImmutableList<String> outerTypeParameters)
     throws UnknownTypeException {
   String tvar = UniqueNameGenerator.findGeneratedName(name, outerTypeParameters);
   if (tvar != null) {
     return JSType.fromTypeVar(tvar);
   Declaration decl = registry.getDeclaration(QualifiedName.fromQualifiedString(name), true);
   if (decl == null) {
     unknownTypeNames.put(n, name);
     throw new UnknownTypeException("Unhandled type: " + name);
   // It's either a typedef, an enum, a type variable or a nominal type
   if (decl.getTypedef() != null) {
     return getTypedefType(decl.getTypedef(), registry);
   if (decl.getEnum() != null) {
     return getEnumPropType(decl.getEnum(), registry);
   if (decl.isTypeVar()) {
     return decl.getTypeOfSimpleDecl();
   if (decl.getNominal() != null) {
     return getNominalTypeHelper(decl.getNominal(), n, registry, outerTypeParameters);
   return JSType.UNKNOWN;
 private Property getLeftmostProp(QualifiedName qname) {
   String objName = qname.getLeftmostName();
   Property p = props.get(objName);
   if (p != null) {
     return p;
   if (nominalType != null) {
     return nominalType.getProp(objName);
   return builtinObject == null ? null : builtinObject.getProp(objName);
Beispiel #15
 public boolean hasConstantProp(QualifiedName pname) {
   if (objs == null) {
     return false;
   for (ObjectType obj : objs) {
     if (obj.hasConstantProp(pname)) {
       return true;
   return false;
 private Modifier getWrappersFromStub() {
   final StubElement parentStub = getStub().getParentStub();
   final List childrenStubs = parentStub.getChildrenStubs();
   int index = childrenStubs.indexOf(getStub());
   if (index >= 0 && index < childrenStubs.size() - 1) {
     StubElement nextStub = (StubElement) childrenStubs.get(index + 1);
     if (nextStub instanceof PyTargetExpressionStub) {
       final PyTargetExpressionStub targetExpressionStub = (PyTargetExpressionStub) nextStub;
       if (targetExpressionStub.getInitializerType()
           == PyTargetExpressionStub.InitializerType.CallExpression) {
         final QualifiedName qualifiedName = targetExpressionStub.getInitializer();
         if (QualifiedName.fromComponents(PyNames.CLASSMETHOD).equals(qualifiedName)) {
           return CLASSMETHOD;
         if (QualifiedName.fromComponents(PyNames.STATICMETHOD).equals(qualifiedName)) {
           return STATICMETHOD;
   return null;
 public Void visitAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation, AnnotationValue unused) {
   // By explicitly adding annotations rather than relying on AnnotationMirror.toString(),
   // we can import the types and make the code (hopefully) more readable.
   code.add("@%s", QualifiedName.of(asElement(annotation.getAnnotationType())));
   if (annotation.getElementValues().isEmpty()) {
     return null;
   if (hasSingleValueWithDefaultKey(annotation)) {
     AnnotationValue value = getOnlyElement(annotation.getElementValues().values());
     visit(value, value);
   } else {
     String separator = "";
     for (Entry<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> entry :
         annotation.getElementValues().entrySet()) {
       code.add("%s%s = ", separator, entry.getKey().getSimpleName());
       visit(entry.getValue(), entry.getValue());
       separator = ", ";
   return null;
  // When type is null, this method removes the property.
  // If the property is already declared, but isDeclared is false, be careful
  // to not un-declare it.
  // If the property is already constant, but isConstant is false, be careful
  // to not un-const it.
  private ObjectType withPropertyHelper(
      QualifiedName qname, JSType type, boolean isDeclared, boolean isConstant) {
    // TODO(blickly): If the prop exists with right type, short circuit here.
    PersistentMap<String, Property> newProps = this.props;
    if (qname.isIdentifier()) {
      String pname = qname.getLeftmostName();
      JSType declType = getDeclaredProp(qname);
      if (type == null) {
        type = declType;
      if (declType != null) {
        isDeclared = true;
        if (hasConstantProp(qname)) {
          isConstant = true;
        if (type != null && !type.isSubtypeOf(declType)) {
          // Can happen in inheritance-related type errors.
          // Not sure what the best approach is.
          // For now, just forget the inferred type.
          type = declType;
      } else if (isDeclared) {
        declType = type;

      if (type == null && declType == null) {
        newProps = newProps.without(pname);
      } else {
        newProps =
                    ? Property.makeConstant(null, type, declType)
                    : Property.make(type, isDeclared ? declType : null));
    } else { // This has a nested object
      String objName = qname.getLeftmostName();
      QualifiedName objQname = new QualifiedName(objName);
      if (!mayHaveProp(objQname)) {
            type == null,
            "Trying to update property %s on type %s, but sub-property %s does" + " not exist",
        return this;
      QualifiedName innerProps = qname.getAllButLeftmost();
      Property objProp = getLeftmostProp(objQname);
      JSType inferred =
          type == null
              ? objProp.getType().withoutProperty(innerProps)
              : objProp.getType().withProperty(innerProps, type);
      JSType declared = objProp.getDeclaredType();
      newProps =
                  ? Property.makeOptional(null, inferred, declared)
                  : Property.make(inferred, declared));
    return ObjectType.makeObjectType(nominalType, newProps, fn, isLoose, objectKind);
 public boolean hasConstantProp(QualifiedName qname) {
   Property p = getLeftmostProp(qname);
   return p != null && p.isConstant();
 public boolean mayHaveProp(QualifiedName qname) {
   Property p = getLeftmostProp(qname);
   return p != null
       && (qname.isIdentifier() || p.getType().mayHaveProp(qname.getAllButLeftmost()));
Beispiel #21
 boolean isPropDefinedOnSubtype(QualifiedName pname) {
   return this.rawType.isPropDefinedOnSubtype(pname.getLeftmostName());